Friday, February 17, 2012

Easy Steps to Natural Skin Care from Natural Skin Care Institute

Many Americans purchase products with a false sense of security and are unaware that personal care product manufactures are not required to complete health studies or perform pre-marketing testing before releasing new products. In a billion dollar a year industry skin care companies work to stay ahead of the competition by releasing new products each year. The European Union (EU) has banned more than 1,000 ingredients from being used in personal care products. The U.S. Federal and Drug Administration (FDA) responsible for the oversight of cosmetics and personal care products has banned less than 10. The fact is, in the rush to catch the attention of consumers and their pocket books many companies are using ingredients that are poorly studied and even worse some are using ingredients known to pose potential health risks. A product containing carcinogens, pesticides, reproductive toxins, endocrine disruptors, or degreasers could be lurking in your bathroom!
In an effort to provide the public with reliable information they can trust the National Skin Care Institute was founded. Their website contains information on skin care and features dermatologist written articles. The institute would like encourage all consumers to become more educated before purchasing personal care products so that they can make healthier decisions for themselves and their families. Making healthier choices when purchasing personal care products doesn’t need to be complicated following the recommended steps below can help you make the switch to natural, eliminating toxic products from your bathroom shelves in the process.
1. Read and Research - Don’t be fooled into purchasing a new product by a flashy marketing campaign. Be an educated consumer by researching new products before purchasing. Take the time to read the ingredients label and make a list of any ingredients you are unfamiliar with. Take your list to the internet and research each ingredient you are unfamiliar with to make sure it is non toxic and safe for your family.
2. The Clean Up -Take a basket and go through out your house collecting all of your personal care products. Read and research each ingredient list and throw away any products that contain toxic ingredients. It can be hard parting with your favorite skin care products but in the end your skin will thank you.
3. The Replacement Products - After completing the clean up phase your bathroom may be looking a little bit sparse and need restocking. When shopping for new products look for ones that feature mostly natural ingredients and avoid ones that contain fragrances, dyes, or harsh preservatives.
4. Use a Shielding Lotion - A shielding lotion is a new break through in skin care that strengthens the skin barrier your bodies natural defense against toxin and irritants. The National Skin Care Institute and a number of dermatologists recommend Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion. To learn more about how Skin MD Natural can help protect your skin visit the manufactures website

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New Skin Care Lotion Offers Relief for Dry Cracked Hands

bottles_stethoscopeR.jpgBeverly Hills CA - For the millions of Americans suffering from dry, cracked, and even painful skin on their hands there is good news. A new type of skin care product Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion, ( recommended by doctors and dermatologists to handle even the toughest of dry skin, is now available for purchase from many fine retailers.

The skin shield technology contained in Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion is one of the biggest innovations to hit the skin care market. Skin MD Natural is more than your average moisturizer. It is designed to strengthen the skin’s own natural barrier creating a shielding effect that helps protect against toxins and irritants. Research shows that your skin is constantly attacked by the elements, household products, chemicals, and pollution that rob your skin of it’s natural beauty and moisture leaving it dry and cracked.
As a result, thousands of people have found relief from their dry cracked skin with Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion. Here is what just a few women had to share about their successful experience:

"Living in a dry climate, I've tried various lotions and creams to keep my hands soft, but they often left a greasy residue and would wash off, exposing my skin to further damage. Then I tried Skin MD Natural and was truly amazed! My hands were soft, yet not greasy. And after just one application, they felt hydrated... just like pouring water into (not onto) my skin. The softness lasted through dish washing and several hand washings, and my skin is noticeably smoother. Skin MD Natural has significantly improved my skin health.
"In my line of work, I'm exposed to many types of fabrics and threads that dry skin and cracked hands can easily snag. Lotions and creams have been temporary solutions, but leave a greasy residue on fabric and equipment. Skin MD Natural is truly a lifesaver! After just one application, my hands were smooth and soft and there was no residue. Even more amazing was that Skin MD Natural remained effective through several hand washings. Thank you for a great product! I'll definitely endorse this product!" - Gena Bloemendaal
  "I have also been using the Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion on my hands and elbows. I do a lot of cooking and cleaning, and I am constantly washing my hands with anti-bacterial soap, which really causes my hands to become dry and cracked, especially around my knuckles. I've always used "bath and body" scented lotions, but they can sting and leave my hands feeling very greasy. Within a few uses of the lotion, my hands felt so soft and healthy again!" - Shelly Langmead

21st Century Formulations stands behind their product and offer a 100% money back guarantee if you don’t notice softer skin.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Big Trees Inc. Featured On TV Gardening Show

The “Gardening With Ciscoe” Film Crew Visits The Big Trees Inc. Nursery

CiscoeSEATTLE, WA: Big Trees Inc. (, a tree nursery and transplant company in the Seattle area, recently received a few unique guests to their nursery, the film crew of “Gardening With Ciscoe” and Mr. Ciscoe Morris himself and Ms. Meghan Black, the co-host of the show. The tour of the Big Trees Inc. nursery was featured on King 5.

The owner, Ross Latham, toured the crew through the Big Trees Inc. nursery. Although they shot much of the show in the nursery, many other topics and locations were also covered on the season’s most prominent specimens during the 30 minute episode.

Ross Latham stated “Big Trees, Inc. has enjoyed a long-time working relationship with Seattle University, Ciscoe’s old stomping grounds. Many of the older specimen trees recently transplanted by Big Trees were under Ciscoe’s care for many years. The SU campus landscape includes numerous historic specimens, many due to Ciscoe’s influence while working there. Some even came to the campus via Kubota Gardens ( One of these projects is highlighted on “Featured Projects” under the “Galleries” tab on our homepage. It was really great working with him, I very much look forward to doing so even more in the future.”

Ross Latham is the owner of Big Trees Inc. (, located in Snohomish, WA, in the Seattle area. The company is one of the largest tree nurseries in the Seattle area with over 120,000 trees available in over 300 varieties. They not only can deliver young trees but also mature trees in a wide range of sizes. Some types of trees available include spring flowering, deciduous, evergreen, and privacy trees. The company also does tree transplanting including up to large trees. Their blog can be seen at


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Latest Arrivals To Big Trees Inc. Tree Supply Nursery

Big Trees Inc. Prepares For Spring With New Arrivals To Its Tree Inventory

Atlas-Cedar-6-9-caliper21-225x300SEATTLE, WA: Big Trees Inc. (, professional tree supplier and transplant specialists company in the Seattle area, has received a few new arrivals to its nursery in preparation for the 2012 planting season. The company maintains a full list of the nursery’s inventory of trees available for transplanting off-site on their website:

Here are a few of the new trees to arrive:

Liquidamber styraciflua ‘ Worplesdon Sweetgum’

This is a broadly conical, deciduous tree. Star-shaped leaves are reminiscent of some maples. They have 5-7 narrow lobes and appear either alternate or palmate and medium green and glossy, turning to striking apricot-oranges. Leaves are followed by mace-like fruit clusters. Plant in full sun for best fall colors.


Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Lace Lady’

This black locust cultivar is a deciduous, multi-stemmed shrub or small tree which is perhaps most noted for its shrubby growth habit, zigzag branching (more pronounced on new growth) and curling of some of the mature leaflets. It can be expected to grow to 10'-18′ tall with a spread of 12'-15′ over 30 years.


Cedrus atlantica ‘Glauca’

A distinctive evergreen with silvery blue to bluish-green needles. Pyramidal in its youth, it becomes massive with horizontal, spreading branches and is quite a sight. The Atlas Cedar lives long and requires a lot of space to develop freely. 2″-3" male cones form on lower part of tree, with larger purple female cones developing on top branches.


Ross Latham, founder of Big Trees Inc., stated: “Traditionally, the best time to plant trees is either prior to late Spring, after the coldest portion of these Winter months we’re in now, or later in the year when Fall comes around. With our Seattle weather, we can plant trees anytime with the use of drip-type irrigation. We’ll be letting everyone know our arrivals as we get closer to that time and as our seasonal Spring Sale gets into full swing.”

Ross Latham is the owner of Big Trees Inc. located in Snohomish, WA, in the Seattle area. The company is one of the largest tree nurseries in the Seattle area with over 120,000 trees available in over 300 varieties. They not only can deliver young trees but also mature trees in a wide range of sizes. Some types of trees available include spring flowering, deciduous, evergreen, and privacy trees. The company also does tree transplanting including up to large trees. Their blog can be seen at

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Editor Notes Key Issues Found In Writing Spiritually Based Books

A Note From An Experienced Editor To New Authors Writing For The Spiritual Market

Susan-mary-maloneDALLAS, TX: Susan Mary Malone (, editor of thirty-five published works by authors around the world, penned an article detailing the need for experienced editorial work in the spiritually based book market. She has helped authors publish many books in the genre, and has been a developmental editor for 18 years.

In her article, Ms. Malone notes a trend in the direction of the spiritual literature market: “The last decade or so, we’ve seen a huge surge in spiritually based books. They’ve sold so well (both fiction and non) that most of the big houses have some sort of spiritual imprint, running the gamut from Christian Fiction to Buddhist texts to New-Age works a la Hay House, etc. I’ve seen a host of such manuscripts.”

She further stressed the importance of the editing process in this field, “Writing a spiritually based book is not terribly different from writing any great book—from a novel to a manual on child care. All of them need inspiration at the core. All require good writing. And all must have the elements that make up a good book—theme, focus, organization and structure, pacing, flow, vivid characters, showing/creating versus telling, substance, voice, etc. The process is still about writing, editing, revising, rewriting—where, of course, as in everything, the devil is in the details.”

The full text of the article can be viewed at her editorial blog:

Susan Mary Malone has worked as a freelance editor since 1993, with a BS in Political Science and minors in English and Journalism. Her client list includes NY Times Bestsellers, Essence Bestsellers and books featured in Publishers Weekly. She is also an award-winning author of fiction and non-fiction herself. She participates as a speaker in literary conferences such as the Harriett Austin Writer's Conference (at the University of Georgia), the Blue Ridge Writer's Conference, the SouthWest Writer's Conference, and the East Texas Writer’s Guild, among others. Her full biography and featured list of published authors can be viewed at

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