Thursday, June 28, 2012

Jerri Simpson “The Debt Lady” Releases 5 Steps to a Better Financial Life

Financial Strategist Gives Tips on Handling Debt

LOS ANGELES, CA: Jerri Simpson, AKA “The Debt Lady” (, has released a list of five steps to a better financial life, to help people overcome the burdens of debt.

The list consists of:

“1. Sit down with your credit card statements and look at them. I mean really look at them. What is the interest rate you’re being charged, what is the balance owed, the minimum payments and the amount of years its going to take to pay them off? Look at them.
“2. Now write it all down in columns on a piece of paper, excel spreadsheet, kitchen wall, dresser, cabinet or any other useful place that you have around the house that you can use. Write with anything, a pencil, crayons, pen, eyebrow pencil, lipstick, shaving cream, or finger paints. Write down how much you pay in minimums, your total interest rate, how long its going to take you and how much you spend per month.
“3. Once your mouth is closed and the drool is wiped from your chin, from the information, start writing down all of the other things that you spend money on every month. I’m talking everything, from coffee to diapers, shaving cream to ice cream, rent to chimney sweeps. Keep writing and writing and writing. Once you have put everything down look at it, are you crying, yelling or laughing hysterically? I thought so, you should be. This is the hardest part and you did it! Well done!
“4. Now, find every source of income that you have, from newspaper routes to payroll, from tips to child support, from garage sales to selling lemonade, everything - and write that down.
“5. The final step is to compare and see where you’re at in the whole scheme of things. How much do you spend and how much do you make and what are the differences. Confront it, look at it in essence, be it! You will find that you are more in control of your finances and your life.”

The full article can be seen at:

Ms. Simpson stated “We as Americans are hundreds of millions of dollars in debt and still climbing. When does the climbing stop? When is somebody going to do something about it? When are we going to get off our asses and confront this thing head on? When?, I ask. Today!, I say. Here are 5 steps that you can take right now to start taking control of your finances and your life.”

Jerri Simpson, “The Debt Lady”, has over 30 years experience in the financial industry, from starting with hands on experience at a bill collection agency to opening her own debt settlement company with over 2,500 clients throughout the US. She sees clients every day, helping them solve their financial problems, manage debt and work with the ever-changing lending industry. “Paper or Plastic: A Guide To Financial Health And Prosperity” is her first book, teaching financial management solutions to the average consumer. Her articles on finance can be viewed here:


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Jerri Simpson “The Debt Lady” Releases New Book On Handling Financial Stress

Financial Strategist Re-Examines The American Dream And Where It Is Going

LOS ANGELES, CA: Jerri Simpson, AKA “The Debt Lady” (, has written book on financial stress, solvency and The American Dream: “Paper or Plastic: A Guide To Financial Health And Prosperity.” The book was written and published in Los Angeles where she works as a financial consultant. It is now available on the market at This is the first book by Ms. Simpson.

The book examines the ideal that’s been known as the American Dream for what it really is, and then advises the reader on how they can achieve it for themselves and have real financial health and prosperity. Readers have received the book enthusiastically thus far, and the book has only been out for two weeks.

Ms. Simpson stated “This book is a gem because it gives you basics and fundamentals to better handle your finances and your life. It gives you useful tools that you can use to help you achieve your dreams and goals, and ultimately improve your quality of life. There will be exercises and things to do, so warm up by doing a couple jumping jacks, and touch your toes three times so that your back doesn’t go out. Money is a problem to most people, don’t you agree? I thought so. This book teaches you how to take the problem out of money so that you can make more money and reach for your dreams in the process. Would you like that? Great! Come with me on this journey; you won’t regret it.”

Jerri Simpson, “The Debt Lady”, has over 30 years experience in the financial industry, from starting with hands on experience at a bill collection agency to opening her own debt settlement company with over 2,500 clients throughout the US. She sees clients every day, helping them solve their financial problems, manage debt and work with the ever-changing lending industry. “Paper or Plastic: A Guide To Financial Health And Prosperity” is her first book, teaching financial management solutions to the average consumer. Her articles on finance can be viewed here:

The book “Paper or Plastic: A Guide To Financial Health And Prosperity” can be found on Amazon here:

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Jerri Simpson “The Debt Lady” Tells How to Deal with Screaming Kids in the Toy Store

Financial Strategist Gives Tips on Rewarding Kids for Actual Work Done

LOS ANGELES, CA: Jerri Simpson, AKA “The Debt Lady” (, has released a list of tips for parents on how to better deal with their kids when they start screaming in the toy store, and how to prevent those embarassing scenes in the first place.

The list consists of:

1. “Don’t go to the store and buy something new for your child as a reward if they haven’t done anything for it. And DON’T buy the reward before they DO that thing. This is an important point, if you buy them something that they want and tell them when they get home that they have to DO something for it, they will inevitably take advantage of you and not do it because they already got rewarded. I don’t know about you but I’ve never been paid before I did the work!

2. “Have a point system, or money system worked out for your household where a child can do certain things to gain money, like chores etc.  It’s better to give them the option on what they want to do for their money then you making them do something that they don’t want to do.  Once the money is earned, go out and have them buy something they want, they will be more appreciative of it.

3. “Acknowledge them!  How good a job they did or thank them for their help.  Ask them to help you with things around the house and smile at them for their accomplishment.  Even if the child is one, they can help.  If they make a mess, let them help you clean it up, if they want to help around the house or in the garage, let them, they want to do things for you.  If you don’t let them because you are afraid they are going to make a mess or screw something up, find something that they can do and let them do it.  The more you tell them not to help you the more resentful they are going to be and the more they will NOT DO anything.

4. “Encourage them to work, allow them to work and be supportive of them and soon you will have children or spouses that are happy and winning in life because they are doing things for themselves that contribute to what they want in life.”

The full article can be seen at:

Ms. Simpson stated “As a parent it makes you feel good to give your kids stuff when they’re little.  But as they grow up, it changes to be unbearable and expensive and your kids end up being spoiled and expecting those things that you used to give them.  So how do you handle this with your kids so that it’s their piggy banks that you’re taking the money from and not yours?  Well first of all, have your kids do something for the money or things that you give them, don’t give them things without them doing something for it.  Even Christmas and birthdays, make sure that they are saving their money and getting something for you as well so that they do something for you and you do something for them.  Do you see?  So here are some tips to help you as a parent and as an adult that will help you in the future with people that get a little grumpy when money’s involved.”

Jerri Simpson, “The Debt Lady”, has over 30 years experience in the financial industry, from starting with hands on experience at a bill collection agency to opening her own debt settlement company with over 2,500 clients throughout the US. She sees clients every day, helping them solve their financial problems, manage debt and work with the ever-changing lending industry. “Paper or Plastic: A Guide To Financial Health And Prosperity” is her first book, teaching financial management solutions to the average consumer. Her articles on finance can be viewed here:

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Friday, June 8, 2012

Rescue Chief Gives Safety Tips On Surviving An Earthquake

Traditional Methods Of Surviving An Earthquake May Or May Not Be Correct

LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction is a construction company which specializes in foundation repair and foundation construction. They recently spoke with the Rescue Chief and Disaster Manager of the American Rescue Team International, Doug Copp, regarding safety during an Earthquake.

Doug Copp has crawled inside 875 collapsed buildings and homes, and has worked on rescue teams in over 60 countries. He gave the following 10 safety points to follow in the event of an earthquake:

1. “Most everyone who simply ‘ducks and covers’ when buildings collapse are crushed to death” and “people who get under objects, like desks or cars, are crushed.”
2. Animals and babies, when in danger crawl into the fetal position. It is a natural instinct and by doing so during a disaster, you are more likely to survive in a smaller “void.” In the fetal position one should, “Get next to an object, next to a sofa, next to a large bulky object that will compress slightly but leave a void next to it”.
3. Wooden buildings have proved to be the safest during an earthquake because the wooden structures are flexible and can move with the force of the earthquake.
4. “If you are in bed during the night and an earthquake occurs, simply roll off the bed. A safe void will exist around the bed”.
5. If during an earthquake you cannot escape out of the structure lie in fetal position near a large object.
6. Standing under a doorway is not a safe place and “Most everyone who gets under a doorway when buildings collapse is killed”.
7. Never seek safety in a stairwell because, “people who get on stairs before they fail are chopped up by the stair treads and horribly mutilated”.
8. During an earthquake one should stand near the outer walls of a building or outside the building itself. “The further inside you are from the outside perimeter of the building the greater probability that your escape route will be blocked”.
9. During an earthquake get out of your vehicle and lie near its side, most people whom remain in their cars are crushed.
10. “Larger voids are found surrounding stacks of paper”.

Julian De La Torre, founder of Julian Construction, stated: “Safety during an earthquake is very important, it is something we take very seriously. Securing the foundations of homes and buildings through retrofitting gives those who reside there have a much greater chance of survival during a large earthquake. So we are happy to do our part to ensure safety for homes.”

Julian Construction owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323 733-3377, by fax at 323 733-4477 or via their website, You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at

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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Roof Maintenance Vital To Safety, Warns Construction Company

Julian Construction Taking Stance On Safety In Home Regarding Roof Maintenance

LOS ANGELS, CA: Julian Construction, a general construction company in Southern California with specialization in foundation repair as well as general construction, recently turned their eye on roof safety and the impact of this on safety in a home. They listed primary concerns of roof maintenance and what can be done about it in a home.

Julian De La Torre, founder of the company, stated “Roofs are designed to protect a structure from the elements, especially water. They can be built using various types of materials such as slate, rubber slate, wood shake, asphalt and metal. Whatever materials are used, a roof will eventually wear out over time and need repair or replacing. Evidence of roof problems can include missing, loose, warped or buckled shingles and tiles, which leave the underlying roofing materials unprotected. Roof leaks are especially serious and should be immediately addressed to prevent dry rot and mold.”

Julian went on to enumerate several factors which could hasten the breaking down of roof safety and their indications. He also stated the method of addressing these safety concerns. The full text can be found at

Julian De La Torre continued “The procedure for fixing a roof is very easy if you are trained in it. What is hard is living with a problem that threatens the safety of your home. If we can get people to realize the importance of this and make their homes a safer place then we’ve done our job.”

Julian Construction owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323 733-3377, by fax at 323 733-4477 or via their website, You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at

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Aero & Marine Tax Professionals Secure Another Tax Exemption For A Client

Aero & Marine Tax Professionals Helps San Francisco Business Get Sales Tax Exemption on Plane

SACRAMENTO, CA: Aero & Marine Tax Professionals (, a professional tax firm specializing in sales tax exemption for aircraft and vessels in California, has just assisted a business in obtaining a sales tax exemption on the purchase of a Thunder Mustang airplane, from the California Board of Equalization.

An executive from the company stated “We needed the plane for travel to Reno, Oregon and throughout California. I have to travel for business, and it’s just not feasible to fly to Fresno, Clovis, Chico, Sacramento, Napa, Steadman, Reno and Idaho on commercial. We were looking for someone to help with the sales tax on the plane, and we found Aero & Marine Tax Professionals. They provided us with the information, and all we had to do was remain in contact throughout and it all worked out and we got the exemption. I would definitely recommend them to others, and in fact I already have done so.”

Tom Alston, founder of Aero & Marine Tax Pros, was available for comment, “We’ve dedicated ourselves to assisting taxpayers in legally avoiding sales tax on the purchase of aircraft and marine vessels. It is not a sin to legally avoid paying a tax. Even the Supreme Court has stated that it is the taxpayer’s right to avoid taxes when he can. Our great familiarity with the tax codes of California allows us to assist our clients, so they can obtain a legal sales tax exemption.”

Aero & Marine Tax Professionals shows purchasers how to avoid sales tax, specifically how to avoid aircraft tax and vessel tax in California and to make certain the full value of their next aircraft, vehicle or vessel goes into their pocket--not the government's. They have successfully filed hundreds of tax returns with the California State Board of Equalization. Mr. Alston has also published many articles on sales and use tax. Their blog can be seen at

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Friday, June 1, 2012

Building Cleaning Services Takes Worry Out of Mold Removal

Company Offers Mold Growth Prevention Tips on New Web Site

LOS ANGELES: Building Cleaning Services, Inc. (BCS) (, a company providing mold removal services for the Greater Los Angeles area, launched a brand new website this week with information providing tips on how to prevent mold growth. The list of tips can be seen at

The company’s new web site also provides a glossary of terms to help people understand mold and, thereby help dispel concerns. []

Jeff Valliere, BCS Vice President and Chief Operations Manager, stated “Hot, humid summer can create thriving conditions for mold growth, but not all mold requires remediation-removal. Homeowners can address minor problems themselves, but for black mold, also known as Stachybotrys Chartarum, it’s best to call in professionals to have this checked. This type of mold is black or greenish-black, usually slimy, and is associated with prolonged water damage. Stachybotrys mold produces mycotoxins. (Myco means fungus and toxins are poisons). When faced with this, use a company that puts the health and welfare of their clients above cutting corners to win a contract to remove the mold.”

Building Cleaning Services is a highly respected company with more than a decade of experience and is known for fast service and taking the worry out of mold removal. As one client said, “They carefully analyze the situation and only recommend work that absolutely needs to be done. They make what can be a threatening situation easy to address. In the midst of the demolition, we were joking and laughing with their crew, but they also listened to me gripe endlessly about the ‘joys’ of home ownership -- the problems that can occur with poor construction or even inadvertent water damage.”

Valliere added that BCS takes mold removal seriously, knowing its potential risks, “but we don’t want to add to the client’s concerns or already existing health problems from exposure to mold.”

Forty million Americans suffer from allergic rhinitis (also known as hay fever), and mold is one of several triggers, especially in summertime. According to one mold specialist, mold allergy symptoms peak in July and late summer; as humidity rises, the fungi, which flourish in damp, warm conditions, grow on dead grass and leaves, straw and other plants. Mold has been blamed for headaches, respiratory problems, lung disease, skin rashes and memory loss.

Valliere advises people to ensure their houses are properly ventilated, especially areas such as basements, attics, crawl spaces and bathrooms.

BCS is certified by the Institute of Inspection and Cleaning and Restoration Environmental Testing & Technology. The company meticulously sets up containment around the damaged area to ensure no contamination.

Building Cleaning services was established in 1997. The company offers free estimates for mold removal as well as:
• Emergency water damage clean-up & flood water extraction – residential & commercial
• Post-construction cleaning – residential & commercial
• Deodorization after smoke damage.
• Commercial office cleaning http
BCS serves Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, Santa Clarita. To learn more, visit, or call 818-953-7100 or e-mail


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