Saturday, July 28, 2012

Big Trees Inc. Has New Arrivals Of Redspire Pear And Cleveland Select Pear Trees

Big Trees Inc. Nursery Happy With New Specimens Of Trees For Upcoming Planting Season

SEATTLE, WA: Big Trees Inc. (, a large tree nursery in Snohomish, WA, has recently received new arrivals including the Redspire Pear tree and Cleveland Select Pear tree. The trees are located in the company’s nursery just north of downtown Seattle, where they can be moved for on-site installation. Big Trees Inc. services the greater Puget Sound area.

The Redspire and Cleveland Select, are trees from the pear family – they are an ornamental tree, not fruiting. They join many other varieties in Big Trees’ nursery for the upcoming planting season in the Fall.

Ross Latham of Big Trees, recently wrote an article on the planting and care of these two trees, with additional notes on their placement and effect in a yard. He stated: “The task of finding an excellent tree for a yard, one that will look great and thrive for years to come, can be a bit daunting. You have to find the right tree, and research how it will survive in the environment you're about to put it in. Then you have to get it transplanted into the yard, which depending on the tree can be a huge undertaking itself. Then the worst of it should be over, providing it isn't a tree that requires a lot of maintenance. A lot to ask for a tree. I want to spotlight a couple trees that can take a lot of the stress out of the project. There are two trees that, while they may not be the perfect tree for every yard, are very good at simplifying the process. The Redspire Pear and Cleveland Select Pear.”

Big Trees Inc. (, is located in Snohomish, WA, in the Seattle area. The company is one of the largest tree nurseries in the Seattle area with over 120,000 trees available in over 300 varieties. They not only can deliver young trees but also mature trees in a wide range of sizes. Some types of trees available include spring flowering, deciduous, evergreen, and privacy trees. The company also does transplanting of trees of all sizes. Their blog can be seen at

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Transplanted Trees At University Of Washington Thriving

Representative Of University Thanks Big Trees Inc. For Planting Trees On The Campus

SEATTLE, WA: Big Trees Inc., ( has learned that the previously planted trees at the University of Washington are doing very well in their new environment. The representative who contacted Big Trees Inc. thanked them for the installation of the trees in their new home.

The University and Big Trees Inc. collaborated on a project to move several trees on site and plant them in two new areas of the campus. Styrax (also known as Japanese Snowbell) trees were transplanted by the Fisheries Building at the University, and several Japanese White Pines were transplanted near George Washington Boulevard. A representative who contacted Big Trees Inc. stated the trees were doing very well in their homes, no trauma from the move had affected the trees, and the trees were adapting well in their new locations.

Ross Latham, head of sales and marketing at Big Trees Inc., stated “We’ve worked with the University of Washington in the past, on more projects than just this one, and we’re very glad that the trees planted are doing well and fit the University’s vision of the landscape they desired. And that the trees themselves continue to thrive is always a welcome sign of a successful transplant. We’re very pleased with the result. We definitely look forward to working with the University of Washington in the future.”

Big Trees Inc. (, is located in Snohomish, WA, in the Seattle area. The company is one of the largest tree nurseries in the Seattle area with over 120,000 trees available in over 300 varieties. They not only can deliver young trees but also mature trees in a wide range of sizes. Some types of trees available include spring flowering, deciduous, evergreen, and privacy trees. The company also does transplanting of trees of all sizes. Their blog can be seen at


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Big Trees Inc. Cautions Public To Irrigate Transplanted Trees

Tree Transplant Specialists Speak On Needs For Maintaining Trees Over The Summer

SEATTLE, WA: Big Trees Inc., ( recently issued a public statement on the importance of irrigation in recently transplanted trees, as well as some advice on how to maintain them with a number of options of different irrigation systems. Big Trees Inc. has over 30 years experience in tree transplanting - servicing the greater Puget Sound area.

The statement says “Summer means hotter and longer days and comparatively low rainfall, which is one of the harder things for a tree to survive. A newly transplanted tree even more so (the first year is the hardest.) Moreover, what little rain does fall during the Summer is usually deflected away from the place it most needs to go (the rootball) by the branches and leaves of the tree. So a newly transplanted tree definitely needs a lot of help from the homeowner to help it healthfully survive the season.”

Head of Sales and Marketing at Big Trees Inc., Ross Latham, stated “There are definitely some things a homeowner needs to know if they’re going to transplant a tree into their yard. And one of those things is that a newly transplanted tree needs regular watering, especially during the summer. We aim to provide that information in a useable format so that anyone can have and maintain a thriving, beautiful yard.”

Big Trees Inc. (, is located in Snohomish, WA, in the Seattle area. The company is one of the largest tree nurseries in the Seattle area with over 120,000 trees available in over 300 varieties. They not only can deliver young trees but also mature trees in a wide range of sizes. Some types of trees available include spring flowering, deciduous, evergreen, and privacy trees. The company also does transplanting of trees of all sizes. Their blog can be seen at

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Susan Mary Malone Speaks At Lexicon Writers Conference

Developmental Editor Susan Mary Malone Concludes Successful Presentation at Writers Conference in Dallas

DALLAS, TX: Susan Mary Malone, ( developmental editor and published author, has concluded a successful speaking engagement at the Lexicon Writers Conference in Denton, Texas, north of Dallas. The conference was July 21-22 at the Best Western Premier and the Hilton Garden Inn.

The Lexicon Writers Conference was established to assist, promote and educate writers in all genres and fields, including fiction, non-fiction, screenplay writing, graphic novels and others. Published and unpublished writers attend, and one and all meet with established authors, literary agents, publishers, editors, and marketing experts.
Ms. Malone spoke on “The Arc of the Storyline.”
Ms. Malone stated, “I think writers’ conferences like the Lexicon Writers Conference are an important avenue for writers and aspiring writers to find out how the business works. Because of the emergence of self-publishing, many new writers today think it is very easy to put out something and be successful. Well it is easier than ever to put something out, but being successful is quite another story. It is still more important than ever to consult developmental editors, proofreaders, book cover designers, and other experts to ensure that you put out a great product. If you don’t put out something great, you will likely not be very successful. But with a lot of work and the right assistance, you can do it.”

Susan Mary Malone has worked as a freelance editor since 1993, with a BS in Political Science and minors in English and Journalism. Her client list includes NY Times Bestsellers, Essence Bestsellers and books featured in Publishers Weekly. She is also an award-winning author of fiction and non-fiction herself. She participates as a speaker in literary conferences such as the Harriett Austin Writer's Conference (at the University of Georgia), the Blue Ridge Writer's Conference, the SouthWest Writer's Conference, and the East Texas Writer’s Guild, among others. Her full biography and featured list of published authors can be viewed at

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

How To Win The Publishing Game

By Susan Mary Malone

Publishing has always been a pretty bizarre business. But with the advent of POD, then the e-book revolution and Social Media Marketing, it’s crazier than a three-ring monkey circus. And for those folks trying to break in—via any of the avenues—it can just be plain big-bang chaotic.

I get emails almost every day from new writers, wanting their books published. Far and away these days, they have very little if any understanding of Traditional publishing, of how that works, or of what is required to break into the industry. “Publishing” to the masses is all sort of lumped into one big sea comprised of those three avenues above, and so often now new writers don’t know the differences.

Kinda makes you hearken sometimes to those days of yore when one way existed: hone your craft, find an agent, who hopefully sells your manuscript to Random House, etc., and a check comes to your mailbox. Now, before I get berated for keeping all those writers from getting their books out via the self-pubbing venues, I did say kinda.

Although Traditional publishing is still our gold standard, if you do the other two right, if you’re at the perfect place at the magic moment in time, you can still make a name for yourself, sell some books, and hopefully become successful. Everyone points these days to Amanda Hocking, et al (and the et al is a few very writers). But remember, what did Ms Hocking do when she became hugely successful? She sold her books to St. Martin’s Griffin. Plus, according to according to Bowker’s newest figures of books produced, last year there were 211,269 self-published titles (based on ISBNs) released, up from 133,036 in 2010. That’s a lot of books yours will be competing with, and that number will just continue to rise.

Did I mention the Traditional route is still the gold standard?

But the point is that coming in, new writers have no clue. And there’s an ocean of misinformation out there via writer’s groups on all of the social-media sites. I’ve perused those from time to time, and it truly is the blind leading the blind, with very few (if any) people there who have an actual clue of how the industry works. Much less, any understanding of the differences in a copy editor vs a developmental editor.

It’s sort of always been like this for writers. Trying to break in, not knowing where to turn, getting advice that seems sound, new writers have always gone down rocky roads that led to dead ends. But the good new for those in the past is that it took so long to get published (which only a fraction of a percent ever did), that usually folks did learn the ropes before tying up vast sums of dollars in production, marketing, editing (hopefully, although it’s far too enticing for most people to “get the book out” quickly, rather than to put out a great book) as they do now.

New writers used to spend their dollars going to writer’s conferences (which are hurting now, as who needs agents or publishers!), where enormous time was given to sessions on the “business” of the business, by agents. On learning the craft, from novel editors. On understanding what the genres consisted of, the categories and sub-categories within them. On learning what the heck publishing a book was all about.

Now, I hear from folks every day who have no understanding of this business, no clue as to the differences in editing (see my last blog! LOL), what constitutes ghostwriting, and worse, not really caring about the book itself, to the point of wanting the editor to input the changes. If you truly care about what you’re writing, would you want someone else to physically change/rewrite for you, to the point that you wouldn’t even approve the changes before they were keyed in? When I pointed out to one writer that what she was seeking was a ghostwriter, the going rate for which was 15-30K, she informed me that I was incorrect, and anyone charging that was a scam. And that she could get “real” editing for $1,000. She’d been reading articles and engaging in online groups.

I could only laugh. I know there’re a ton of scams out there. Lord knows, I know! But there are also a lot of actual industry professionals as well, who have been in the trenches, in the industry, know the business, and can at least help you sort the fact from the bs—of which an ocean roils to bury the truth.

Publishing is a very structured and complicated business, all the way around. It somewhat boggles the mind how truly ill-informed new writers are these days, compared to those who at least wanted to learn about book development, the industry, and how to succeed. While trying to explain the vast differences in getting a self-published book distributed, as opposed to a traditionally published one, to a new writer, I came upon pretty much the same brick wall. She had no clue what I was talking about in regard to book distribution, and told me that she’d been reading articles and a lot of people are making money on self-published books. I.e., she didn’t understand what I was even talking about, and rather than ask questions, she informed me how the business worked!

But in the end, these will all fail. Yikes, I said it. And it’s what the self-publishing houses know, and would never tell you. They count on you selling to your friends and family only, and the 100 copies you must initially buy makes these presses a lot of money.

Tried and true methods are still in place here, and new models for success emerging as well. The thing is, you have to learn about them, know how to use them, bring a great product (book) to the table.

Steven Lewis, a writer and blogger for the Taleist, produced its fascinating survey of more than 1,000 self-published authors last month. It shows that self-publishers who take the most professional approach to production – getting external help (editors, proofreaders, and cover designers) – make on average 34% more from their books.

In other words, new writers need guidance (from professionals) every bit as much as they did before the technological book revolution. And this guidance just has to come before they put the book out, if they want to have any hope of succeeding.

So, study. Learn the industry. Join a physical writers’ group. Attend conferences. Seek professional editing. Seek information from professionals in this business with credentials (again, see my last blog! Do all the things that all of the successful authors before you did to learn the craft and the business. Then learn the social-media marketing world, and how to work that, again, long before the book comes out.

Kinda looks as though succeeding in publishing takes every bit as long as it once did!. . .

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Tax Professionals Help Company Secure Tax Exemption On Helicopter

Aero & Marine Tax Professionals Helps Transport Company With Procuring Tax Exemption On Hughes 500D Helicopter

SACRAMENTO, CA: Aero & Marine Tax Professionals , a professional tax firm specializing in sales tax exemption for aircraft and marine vessels in California, has helped a northern California transport company obtain a sales tax exemption on the purchase of a Hughes 500D helicopter. The sales tax exemption was awarded by the California Board of Equalization.

An executive from the company stated the following regarding the sales tax exemption: “The reason we needed the helicopter was to expand our business. We weren't willing to pay the sales tax, but we had never filed for the exemption before on any of our helicopters. We found out that it was a very involved process. The potential tax liability was about $50,000. Because of their promotion and the thought of paying the sales tax, we found Aero & Marine Tax Professionals. They have been really helpful and it's really good news to hear that this exemption happened. We would recommend them to others. And in the future, we plan to call them prior to starting the purchase cycle of any new helicopters.”

Tom Alston, founder of Aero & Marine Tax Professionals, stated: “Company after company who we’ve taken on as clients have discovered the same thing: you need to call your tax consultant prior to starting the purchase cycle on an aircraft. If you’re even contemplating purchasing an aircraft then you need to call your tax consultant. It saves a lot of hassle and it is smoothest when you involve us right from the beginning. And you need to work with someone who is really aware of all the ins and outs of avoiding sales tax on the purchase of an aircraft. That’s us!”

Aero & Marine Tax Professionals shows purchasers how to avoid sales tax, specifically how to avoid aircraft tax and vessel tax in California and to make certain the full value of their next aircraft, vehicle or vessel goes into their pocket--not the government's. They have successfully filed hundreds of tax returns with the California State Board of Equalization. Mr. Alston has also published many articles on sales and use tax. Their blog can be seen at The website is

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Financial Services Company Get Sales Tax Exemption on Jet Purchase

Aero & Marine Tax Professionals Helps Company Get Sales Tax Exemption on Purchase of Cessna Citation CJ1-Plus

SACRAMENTO, CA: Aero & Marine Tax Professionals, a professional tax firm specializing in sales tax exemption for aircraft and marine vessels in California, has helped a client to obtain a sales tax exemption on the purchase of a Cessna Citation CJ1-Plus jet. The company is a financial services company in southern California on the Mexico border, with clients in the US and Mexico. The sales tax exemption was granted by the California Board of Equalization.

An executive from the financial services company stated “It went very well. Aero & Marine Tax Professionals let me know exactly what paperwork was needed, and they were very good at communicating it so we could get everything that was needed. I’d bring it in and they would go over it with me, and if anything more was needed they could tell me how to get it. I would totally recommend them to others.”

Tom Alston, founder of Aero & Marine Tax Professionals, stated: “What really stands out to me as important in purchasing a new aircraft is knowing who to go to and what information you need. We’ve been working with the California Board of Equalization for years, and we know exactly what is needed when someone comes to us. We know the process and what to do. And there have definitely been changes over the years, so we stay apprised of them at all times so we’re always aware of the latest.”

Aero & Marine Tax Professionals shows purchasers how to avoid sales tax, specifically how to avoid aircraft tax and vessel tax in California and to make certain the full value of their next aircraft, vehicle or vessel goes into their pocket--not the government's. They have successfully filed hundreds of tax returns with the California State Board of Equalization. Mr. Alston has also published many articles on sales and use tax. Their blog can be seen at

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Building Cleaning Services Warns of Fast Growing Mold in Summer

Company Warns of Rapid Mold Growth Risk During Summer

LOS ANGELES, CA: Building Cleaning Services (BCS),, a company specializing in mold removal for residential and commercial buildings, warned greater Los Angeles residents about fast growing mold during the Summer months. A plumbing problem, leaky roof or malfunctioning HVAC system can cause water damage that can lead to rapid mold growth, Jeff Valliere, BCS Vice President for Sales and Delivery and a licensed contractor, stated.

California legislature enacted the Toxic Mold Protection Act (TMPA) in 2002. In an update on the implementation of this law, it said that damp buildings encourage the growth of bacteria and degradation of wet building materials can “release irritant chemicals indoors. Some or all of these chemicals or biological organisms may contribute to occupant illness.” The California Department of Health Services recommends that water intrusion be corrected promptly and any mold growth removed safely.

BCS has a long work history of ensuring black and other hazardous mold is remediated quickly, safely and with no worry to tenants Valliere issued specific guarantees to the public in a recent statement about mold removal.

We Guarantee:

1. Mold remediation to be completed to the standard of independent, air sampling and clearance-testing release.

2. Performing the work in a timely and professional manner, in accordance with or surpassing industry standards.

3. Installation of decontamination chambers.

4. Installation and running of HEPA*-filtered, air scrubbing machines for a negative air pressure environment during mold remediation.

5. Safe removal of all contaminated material.

6. Detailed HEPA-vacuuming of all areas, removal of bulk dust and specialized cleaning of the area.

7. A complete digital photographic record, and if requested, a video recording of the work in progress.

[* HEPA: High-Efficiency Particulate (small, separate particles) Air vacuums are recommended for final cleanup of remediation areas. They are also are recommended for cleanup of dust that may have settled on surfaces outside the remediation area.]

BCS provides mold removal services, post construction cleaning and water damage restoration for the Greater Los Angeles area. They have a 15-year tracvk record as a company with fast service, high professionalism and impressive work ethic. BCS is certified by the Institute of Inspection and Cleaning and Restoration Environmental Testing & Technology. The company also provides office cleaning services. To learn more, visit, call 818-953-7100 or e-mail

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Common Foundation Problems Linked To Poor Drainage

Foundation Inspection Expert Publishes Findings After Thousands Of Inspections

LOS ANGELES, CA: In a recent report published by Julian Construction, Inc. (, a foundation repair and construction company in Southern California, it was noted that one of the more common causes of foundation problems in a home is poor drainage from and to various areas. The report was filed by Shawn Kyles, a professional building safety inspector who has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with both engineering firms and local departments of building and safety in his career.

In a part of Mr. Kyle’s report he stressed the following: “Homes are built on foundations that support the building’s structure. When a foundation is damaged, the entire house is often affected. Foundation problems can be divided into two categories; existing damage that needs to be addressed, and issues that can eventually lead to foundation trouble... Many foundations are damaged due to water. When rain collects on a roof because of poor drainage, it can drip into a home and basement. Water from plumbing leaks, sprinkler systems and other sources can also seep into a home if it isn’t directed away from the foundation. The accumulation of water inside a structure will not only cause mold and mildew to grow, it will damage wooden supports, enter small cracks and eat away at the foundation.”

Julian De La Torre, founder of the company, was also available for comment on the matter, “We have found that the problems that cause a home’s foundation to be damaged are fixable. We can repair the foundation so it is safe for the home, but it’s also possible to handle the factors that caused that situation to occur. And one of those common problems is water drainage around the house. So we recommend people get that handled right away so their homes can be safe for years to come.”

Julian Construction owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323 733-3377, by fax at 323 733-4477 or via their website, You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at

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Professional Inspector Calls For Inspections For Home Safety

Expert Says Regular Foundation Inspections Very Needed To Ensure Homeowner Safety

LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction Inc. ( has recently featured a statement by professional foundation inspector Shawn Kyles, in which he stressed the importance of regular inspections to ensure proper home maintenance. Mr. Kyles has inspected over 15,000 structures in his career, working with both engineering firms and local departments of building and safety.

Mr. Kyles stated, in part: “Conducting foundation inspections is an important part of maintaining your property. Regular inspections can help minimize upkeep expenses by preventing serious structural problems from occurring. Many foundation repair companies offer free inspections conducted by qualified professionals who can spot both existing and potential issues. It’s an easy way to ensure you home retains its value over time.”

Founder of Julian Construction, Julian De La Torre, was also available for comment: “We have found that time and time again it has been less costly in the long run to handle foundation problems early, before they become bigger problems. That’s why inspection is important. The problem can be identified right away and handled. Look at it this way, if you don’t do any preventive maintenance on your car, then when it breaks down then you could have a huge repair job on your hands. But if you keep good care of your car and handle the small problems then it retains its value and use longer. It’s the same way with your home, if you take care of it it will retain its value and use for years to come.”

Julian Construction owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323 733-3377, by fax at 323 733-4477 or via their website, You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at

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5 Steps To Finding A Freelance Editor

By Susan Mary Malone

All writers need good editors. More and more, even in this age of immediate publication via e-books, writers are realizing this fact. But one of the toughest problems they face these days is in finding good editors for their books. Last Saturday, Lawson Brooks III interviewed me on his radio blog show and we spent a fair amount of time talking about this very topic

How do you sort through? A few simple (although simple often doesn’t translate to easy) points will help.

1. First and foremost, identify what sort of book editing services you’re seeking. Manuscripts truly need developmental editing, which is far different from copy editing. Yes, you’ll need a hard copy edit as well, but that’s the final stage, not the first or second ones. It’s tough, tough, tough to learn this craft, and a great editor works as a writing coach as well. For a longer explanation of the differences, see: Why Developmental Editing. The point is to get clear on your process, and that will help you target the right editor.

2. What are her credentials? Has she worked in publishing in some aspect? Editing books for a publisher? For an agent? This is a big plus, as those editors know the market as well as what goes into selling a good book. Books are more than the sum of their words, and the market is actually very rigid as per genre and category and sub-category. In other words, you need someone who knows what she’s doing

3. Successes. Almost all “editors” out there list publishing successes on their websites. But 99.9% of those include (or are limited to) self-published books. Even though so many writers intend to self-publish, the key here is: Has she edited books that were sold to Traditional houses? That’s absolutely huge. Because it means the editor’s work has been vetted by professionals within the industry, and not just by the writer. How have those books done in the market? And review wise? Dig deep here and the successful editors will begin to emerge.

4. Testimonials and References. Most editing sites include lists of testimonials. But what you want to focus on are those from authors who have been Traditionally published, rather than only self-published ones. Yes, it’s great that all those folks think their novel editor is marvelous. But what did the industry think of their books? Did the authors get publishing contracts from Traditional houses? And, will the editor furnish you with references so that you can speak to some of them?

5. Fixing the Problems. Finally, has she written successfully herself? Especially in developmental editing, this is truly key. Because if she has done so, then she’ll know how to not only identify the problems (and teach you why they are problems), but also how to fix them. I.e., she’s been down the road herself. On an interesting note about this, almost all of my editor buddies at NY houses write on the side! Many under pseudonyms, but almost all do in some capacity. A great editor not only identifies what’s not working, but also can explain to you why, and most importantly, can identify ways to fix the problems, having already waded through those trenches herself.

Whomever you work with will have a huge impact on your career, and we want that to be positive! So, do your homework, see what’s out there, talk to successful folks about what editors they used, and you’ll find the right one for you.

Happy Editor Hunting!

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