Sunday, December 30, 2012

Stress and your Skin – 5 Things You Can Do Today to Prevent Skin Deterioration Due to Stress!

Are you stressed? If you’re like 80% of the American population, chances are that you have a moderately stressful life! Who doesn’t?! How you feel on the inside, can have a profound effect on how you look on the outside. This article addresses what stress can do to your skin, how stress causes skin problems, and what you can do about it.

We already know that stress can affect your health, longevity, and your psyche. But what about the direct effects on your skin? Studies show that there is a powerful connection between your mind and your skin, and 30% of all dermatology patients have some underlying psychological issue causing worsening of their skin conditions. A relatively new field in medicine called Psycodermatology studies just that issue, and has some powerful suggestions to keep your skin looking healthy, no matter how stressed you may feel. 

“Listening” to your skin is very important. Your skin may be the first indicator of things going awry in the rest of your body. Sometimes, we get used to the psychological feeling of stress, without realizing the physical damage we can cause by ignoring it. For example, stress can cause acne from heightened levels of cortisol in your bloodstream, worsening rosacea (redness of your face) from increased blood flow, psoriasis, and brittle nails and hair. Hair loss, dermatitis, excess perspiration, and hives are all indicators that you may be stressed out. Stress can also weaken your skin, causing more allergens and infectious agents to penetrate through. People who are stressed do not take care of their skin, often neglecting their skin care regimen. Many stress related behaviors, such as scratching, rubbing or pulling can also make your skin look worse. Of course, there is also the telltale “number 11” sign on your forehead (vertical wrinkles in the middle of your forehead) that shows that you are stressed in your facial expressions.

The good news is that treating your stress can help your skin. AND, believe it or not, studies have shown that treating your skin can even make you feel less stressed! This reciprocal benefit is well documented in the literature, and there are some easy ways to take advantage of this phenomenon.

Here are some great tips that you can start today to get rid of those stress related skin issues:

1. Find any anti-stress activity and do it on a regular basis. Whether it is yoga, a walk, or listening to music you can decrease the amount of stress hormones you produce almost instantly. When you relax, you reduce the number of neuropeptides and other stress hormones (like cortisol) that cause your skin to function poorly. These are the same hormones that dilate blood vessels and cause rosacea and acne. Stress reduction techniques can make your skin less red and more resilient. Join a gym, yoga studio, or a walking group and you may see some instant results on your skin.

2. Get on a good skin care regimen and stick with it. Sometimes, being in a routine, any routine, makes us less stressed. So does doing something for yourself that helps you feel better about you! Good skin cleansers, sun protection, and toners help your skin to rejuvenate and replenish itself. Seeing your skin look great also helps you feel more self confident and less stressed.

3. Drink lots of water. When we are racing against deadlines, we tend to forget to watch our daily water intake. Your skin needs the hydration to remain moist and replenished. Carry an 8 oz. water bottle everywhere you go, and refill it 8 times a day.

4. Get rid of the wrinkles? A study conducted Dr. Fried found that patients who were getting treated with Botox said that they felt less anxious (29%), more relaxed (36%), and more optimistic (49%). Botox is NOT a psychological drug, and these feelings are thought to come more from seeing yourself with less signs of stress on your face in the mirror. Not looking stressed is half the battle.

5. Try habit-reversal training. Stress often causes us to perform certain repetitive behaviors that are damaging to our skin. If you find yourself picking at a certain area or repeatedly touching your face when you are stressed, immediately do something else…like snap your fingers or write a sentence. Eventually the habit will disappear.

Bottom line is, it is important for us to realize and accept that stress has a huge number of potential consequences to our bodies and mind. What’s great is that treating your stress can lead to better skin, AND vice-versa. So exercise, talk to someone, and get on a good skin care regimen. You will look and feel a lot a better.

About Beautologie Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center

At Beautologie Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center, we know that the choice to undergo plastic surgery is an important one. It can be difficult to find the right surgeon who is trustworthy and has undergone extensive training. Fortunately, the cosmetic surgeons at Beautologie have tremendous experience in the latest techniques and technology in the cosmetic surgery field, and they deliver surgical outcomes that far exceed their patients' expectations.

For more information,visit,, or

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Friday, December 28, 2012

Beautologie Announces New Breakthrough Hair Transplant Service







Bakersfield, CA – Beautologie ( and, a leading cosmetic surgery and laser center, now offers Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), a breakthrough procedure that safely transplants hair without visible scarring. The painless hair restoration surgery offers a permanent solution to hair loss.

“Unlike the strip method of hair transplanting, FUE does not require incisions or stitches,” says Dr. Kenneth Siporin, hair transplant specialist for Beautologie. “The procedure is more comfortable and patients can return to their normal activities faster.”

During FUE surgery, a small round instrument is used to remove hair follicles from healthy hairs at the back of the scalp. One or two hairs are removed at a time to ensure better growth, and the same amount of hair can be harvested as with stripping. The strip method involves the removal of skin from a patient’s head, and is known for leaving linear scars which can be seen when hair is shaved or cut short.

“When performing FUE, we create a natural looking hair line, and because there is no scarring, patients can wear their hair in any style,” say Dr. Siporin.

Approximately two out of every three American men will experience some degree of hair loss by the age of 35, and 85% will have significant hair thinning by age 50. While some treatments can temporarily slow hair loss, hair transplanting has proven to be the only way to maintain a full head of hair.

Beautologie offers several hair restoration options, including both surgical and non-surgical treatment. Patients receive a free consultation where their desires and lifestyle are fully discussed in order to determine the best method of hair replacement.

Dr. Kenneth Siporin, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, has strong surgical skills and a keen sense of aesthetics.  You might assume that all hair transplant surgeons are Board Certified Surgeons, but they aren’t. The American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery is a newly established board, and it is not yet recognized by the American Board of Medical Sub-Specialties. This means that many Board Certified Hair Transplant physicians have not completed a residency in surgery, let alone plastic surgery.  You should know that Dr. Siporin is not only Board Certified in Hair Restoration, but he is also a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon.  We believe that choosing a physician with the highest level of education and experience is the most important factor to obtain the most successful result in a hair transplant.

Dr. Darshan Shah, MD, FACS, founder of Beautologie, is one of the industry’s most widely respected plastic and reconstructive surgeons. With offices in Bakersfield, Fresno and Malibu, California, he specializes in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. His credentials include Board Certification by the American College of Surgeons (FACS) and specialized training in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the prestigious Mayo Clinic. Dr. Shah’s extensive knowledge and experience has earned him the “Best in Bakersfield” title for eight years in a row. He has been featured on television shows including “Dr. Phil Show,” “Cutting Edge MDs 3,” “Extreme Makeover,” and “The Wellness Hour” as well as in numerous magazine and newspaper articles.

To speak to Dr. Shah, Dr. Siporin or another member of their team, call (661) 865-5009 or visit, or for a preliminary consultation.

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Investment Company Gets Sales Tax Exemption On Newly Purchased Airplane

Aero & Marine Tax Professionals Assists Investment Company Get Sales Tax Exemption on Beechcraft King Air B200 Airplane

SACRAMENTO, CA: Aero & Marine Tax Professionals ( assisted an investment company in obtaining a sales and use tax exemption from the California Board Of Equalization, (BOE) on the purchase of a Beechcraft King Air B200 airplane.

An executive from the company, stated: “The business reason we needed the aircraft is about half of my business ventures are in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, so we needed the aircraft to solve a major transportation problem. Commercial air service is available, but it would expand my travel time by a couple days. Where I live is a small town two hours or so from Steamboat, and while there is commercial service, it isn't that good. And it's also about three hours from Denver, so just getting there would consume a whole day. We've used Aero & Marine Tax Professionals for several other aircraft, we're a repeat customer. Everything went smooth, the only time delay was from the state. I would definitely recommend them to others.”

Tom Alston, founder of Aero & Marine Tax Professionals, stated: “This case went as smoothly as the others we have run for this company. When people find out how much they can save and how simple a process it can be, they do not hesitate to apply for the exemption. But it's vital to involve a company like us who thoroughly knows all the latest rules and regulations.”

Aero & Marine Tax Professionals shows purchasers how to avoid sales and use tax, specifically how to avoid aircraft tax and vessel tax in California and to make certain the full value of their next aircraft, vehicle or vessel goes into their pocket--not the government's. They have successfully filed nearly a thousand tax returns with the California State Board of Equalization. Mr. Alston has also published many articles on sales and use tax. His blog can be seen at

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Aero & Marine Tax Professionals Helps Farming & Real Estate Business Obtain Sales Tax Exemption

Company Successfully Gets Sales & Use Tax Exemption On Purchase Of New Citation Jet

SACRAMENTO, CA: Aero & Marine Tax Professionals ( assisted a farming and real estate business to obtain a tax exemption from the California Board Of Equalization, (BOE) on the purchase of a new Cessna Citation XLS+ jet.

An executive from the company stated: “I needed to see customers in remote areas, which was the main business reason we needed the aircraft. If I went commercial, I would need to take multiple flights. With the new aircraft, we can go direct to local runways. We got in touch with Aero & Marine Tax Professionals via our airplane broker. I thought the process went really smoothly. I had done a couple airplanes in the past with the rules of keeping it out of state for a period of time, etc. I'm a one-man tax department, so I was looking for more assistance. Their guidance was perfect on all the ins and outs and the funny rules that now exist. I was able to explain that to our pilot who kept saying, 'Why do I have to do this?' It was actually really helpful having the spreadsheets that Aero & Marine provided. It made it easy to keep track of everything. I'd seen that they'd done lots of other aircraft, so when I started in on this one, I didn't have any uncertainty. Being a 'tax guy' myself, I can really appreciate their preloaded forms - it made it easier on me that I didn't have to do that from scratch. I would recommend them to others.”

Tom Alston, founder of Aero & Marine Tax Professionals, stated: “It’s interesting that even a professional in the tax industry who does not specialize in this field may have trouble when attempting to get a sales and use tax exemption on an aircraft purchase. The rules really have changed in recent years, and if you work with a firm like ours that has kept up to date on each change in tax rules in California, then there is no worry. We thought the process went very smoothly.”

Aero & Marine Tax Professionals shows purchasers how to avoid sales and use tax, and specifically how to avoid aircraft tax and vessel tax in California and to make certain the full value of their next aircraft, vehicle or vessel goes into their pocket--not the government's. They have successfully filed nearly a thousand tax returns with the California State Board of Equalization. Mr. Alston has also published many articles on sales and use tax. His blog can be seen at

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Julian Construction Provides List Of Causes Of Roof Problems

Indications Of Roof Disrepair Important To Watch For Says Construction Company

LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction, Inc. ( has recently compiled a list of the common roof problems to be encountered as well as some of the indications of the problems. The company urges homeowners to take fast action on recognizing any indication of roof weakness, before more serious problems occur which could endanger the occupants of a home and ultimately cost a lot more to fix.

There are a number of indications of roof damage in a home. The presence of missing, loose, warped or buckled shingles and tiles are a concern. In addition to themselves weakening the state of the roof, they indicate a more basic underlying issue that could be at fault. Any instance of sagging or splitting is indicative of roof problems that need to be immediately addressed. Another commonly observed factor is roof leaks, which Julian Construction note should be repaired immediately to prevent dry rot or mold. A few of the causes of roof weakness have been linked to:

1) Design Issues,

2) Improper Installation,

3) Poor Maintenance,

All of the above should be looked into as soon as possible and corrected.

Julian De La Torre, founder of Julian Construction, stated: “We definitely run into roof difficulties that have gone on too long. If it’s caught too late or someone delays before they call a company to repair it then you’ve got a real problem on your hands. Most of the really difficult roof problems were caused because they weren’t fixed soon enough when the first signs were there. Definitely a homeowner should quickly repair roof damage in their home."

Julian Construction owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323 733-3377, by fax at 323 733-4477 or via their website, You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at

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Big Trees Inc Notes An Increase In Winter Tree Transplanting

Tree Transplanting Company Finds More Trees Being Installed During This Season

SEATTLE, WA: Big Trees Inc., (, a large tree nursery in the Seattle area, has noted an increase in late Fall activity, with more people installing trees in their landscapes during the season than in most previous years. They also have been receiving a number of shipments from local nursery suppliers, increasing the number of trees at the Big Trees nursery this year.

Big Trees Inc., has been consistently occupied in a number of projects going all the way up to and through the end of December. A representative from the company acknowledged that this was more activity than is normally seen in this season. The company has both been involved in transplanting projects and receiving a number of new trees into their nursery, with a large selection of screening evergreens like the Leyland Cypress as well as a number of significant deciduous specimen trees like the Japanese Maple.

The company’s nursery inventory can be seen here:

Nancy Penrose, owner of Big Trees Inc., stated: “The activity for this time period is unusual, but we’re very much up to the challenge. Trees moved in late fall or winter must be well cared for by experienced transplanting specialists, and with that extra care they can do great in their new environment. Some families want to enhance their landscape for the holiday season, which is an enhancement that will continue to be admired throughout the new year.”

Nancy Penrose is the owner of Big Trees Inc. (, located in Snohomish, WA, in the Seattle area. The company is one of the largest tree nurseries in the Seattle area with over 120,000 trees available in over 300 varieties. They not only can deliver young trees but also mature trees in a wide range of sizes. Some types of trees available include spring flowering, deciduous, evergreen, and privacy trees. The company also does tree transplanting including large trees. Their blog can be seen at

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Julian Construction Warns Of Need Of Regular Maintenance On Roofs

Construction Company Cites Damaging Effects Of Weather On A Home’s Roof

LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction, Inc. ( recently issued a public statement calling for vigilant care of roofs to counteract the deteriorating factors of weather on a roof’s structural integrity. The company listed warning signs of roof deterioration due to weather and stressed the importance of regular maintenance of a roof to prevent such from occurring.

Roofs are designed to protect a structure from the elements, but the condition of a roof will still deteriorate over time under contact of the elements it protects against. This occurs under any circumstances, but can be accelerated by certain weather conditions such as rain, wind, snow and hail. The type of roofing material used was also found to influence the rate of deterioration of the roof, according to the company. Pollutants and toxins may contribute to this roof deterioration as well. The company stressed the importance of regular roof inspection by a competent building contractor, as well as repair of any roof damage found by inspection.

Julian De La Torre, founder of Julian Construction, stated: “You have to get an inspection done of your roof so you know what the state of it is. Sometimes people wait until roof leakage starts to happen to tell them if a roof needs repair, but that’s waiting too long. If you have a regular inspection of that then you know if it needs repair. The worst we’ve seen is in areas with very heavy weather. These roofs should be inspected even more often because the roof is going to run down faster. A roof can be replaced at any time, even in wet weather. So once the problem is found it can be fixed at once.”

Julian Construction owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323 733-3377, by fax at 323 733-4477 or via their website, You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

To Conference Or Not To Conference

By Susan Mary Malone

Writer’s conferences abound. And it’s tough sometimes to know at the onset whether a conference would pay dividends, at this specific time in your writing career. A., most cost a pretty shiny penny, and B., also require time and often travel.

So, to go or not to go? My writers ask me all the time whether a conference would help them. And in almost every case, my answer is an unequivocal yes.

First off, I speak at a lot of conferences. And with every one at which I’ve presented, the conference coordinators strive to give writers break-out sessions that are truly helpful. Whether these sessions deal with the elements of plot, or how to write a great query letter, or simply picking an agent’s brain, there’s a ton that can be learned here. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned writer trying to break in, you can always pick up more tips and pearls to help hone your work into a shining gem. The folks who present know the game, and are there to teach it to you. You can learn not only from the presenters, but also from other writers as well, who are sifting the wheat from the chaff as they go along their paths. Sometimes you learn what not to do by visiting with them! But we can all learn from one another.

Second, publishing on the inside is a far different business from how it appears on the outside. The industry is actually very specialized, from what an editor at a house does in this day and time (and those jobs are differentiated depending upon whether said publishing house is of the big New York variety, or a smaller, regional press), to how books are selected for individual lists, to what agent sells to which imprints at the particular houses and to which editors working where.

In other words, this is a multi-layered industry, and nothing is much as it seems from the outside looking in. Now, you don’t need to understand the inner workings of publishing in order to break into it with a bang-up book, but it sure helps to get a grasp of the way it works. You can’t just write a fabulous book, sit back, and say, “Publish me!” Having at least a working knowledge of how the business runs helps you to sort through where you might fit, with the kind of work you write.

Finally, conferences are networking bonanzas. Although this is a word-on-the-page business (and the right words absolutely have to be on the pages, in the most creative ways), it’s also and somewhat oddly very much a people-oriented industry. I can’t tell you how many writers I’ve introduced to agents or editors (or both, sometimes forging a publishing deal over coffee, right there) at conferences, which led to book sales. Agents and editors are folks just like everybody else, and it helps them to put a face with a name as well. But most importantly, they can sift through quickly whether a book is right for them.

Most conferences offer manuscript evaluations with the presenters — fifteen minutes or so of one-on-one time, after the evaluator has gone over your work. The only way I know for an aspiring writer to meet an agent or editor, face to face, is to sit down or mingle with one at a conference.

So, take the plunge. Research different conferences and go. Find one in your area, or across the continent that has agents and editors and authors you want to meet. An added bonus is you’ll meet like-minded folks, and realize you’re not alone on this crazy road to writing and publishing — a great boon for anyone who knows what it’s like to sit quietly in a room for time on end, writing and writing and writing . . .


About Susan Mary Malone

With a BS in Political Science and minors in English and Journalism, Susan Mary Malone's professional background includes working as an editor, columnist and reporter for newspapers and magazines. In business since 1993, her edited books have been featured in Publishers Weekly, and won numerous awards.

Her clients include NY Times Bestselling author Mary B. Morrison, and Essence Bestselling author Naleighna Kai. Other notable edited books include: The Things I Could Tell You (Jeremy Woodson was nominated for an NAACP Literary award); O'Brien's Desk (a Publishers Weekly Spring Pick to Watch); Ida Mae Tutweiler and the Traveling Tea Party (made into a Hallmark film), among many others.

With many published works to her credit, Editor Susan Mary Malone applies her skills at editing books to her own book writing, and those of her clients. Susan's success as an award-winning book author of both fiction and nonfiction, as well as her short stories, is highlighted in the list of her works at .

She also participates as speaker at many literary conferences, including the Harriett Austin Writer's Conference (at the University of Georgia), the Blue Ridge Writer's Conference, the SouthWest Writer's Conference, and the upcoming Golden Triangle Writer's Conference, among others.


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Company Provides Full Spectrum of Cleaning Services for Dealing with Mold and Other Potential Building Health Risks

LOS ANGELES, CA – Building Cleaning Services (BCS) ( is a Los Angeles area company providing a wide range of cleaning services that take the worry out of potential health risks that mold can cause. Its clients recommend BCS above other companies because of the care the company’s staff take to ensure house and building owners are at ease over mold removal.

As one recent client stated on Yelp, “BCS takes care of all this, makes you feel good about it and hands you back your home and peace of mind. They were honest, friendly, efficient and straight forward… if anyone needs to get their life back in order after some mold has been discovered, BCS will do it right.”

You can see links to the company's Yelp reviews here:

The company provides mold removal, water damage restoration, post construction cleanup, and office cleaning.

Toxic mold is a growing health concern, with common symptoms of toxic mold exposure including memory loss, allergies, and breathing difficulties. People with existing respiratory illness, asthma, and infants should be especially careful because of the fever and mold infections that can be suffered within their lungs due to toxic mold exposure. And with water damage, mold can appear within 72 hours.

Garrison Clarke, BCS Operations Manager, stated: “One of our primary goals is to ensure people are safeguarded against from things like toxic mold, airborne dust and other irritants that may cause health problems. In spite of even quality post-construction cleaning that you can organize through your building contractor, very fine drywall type dust contaminant can remain suspended in the air within the premises. This dust will persist and may not settle for weeks.

“And water damage to a building can cause mold to start growing quickly. That’s why we provide quality, thorough cleaning services for mold, water damage, and post construction.”

Building Cleaning Services is a company providing mold removal services for the Greater Los Angeles area, and other areas of Southern California. Established in 1997, they have over a decade and a half of experience as a company with fast service, high professionalism and a high work ethic. BCS is certified by the Institute of Inspection and Cleaning and Restoration Environmental Testing & Technology. To learn more, visit, or call 818-953-7100 or e-mail

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Big Trees Inc Makes Tree Nursery More User Friendly

Tree Transplantation Company Making Nursery More Accessible To Public Touring

SEATTLE, WA: Big Trees Inc., (, a tree nursery in the Seattle area, has recently added new signage throughout their nursery and office to make it more accessible to public coming to tour this winter. According to a representative from the company, the new signs are expected to last for years to come. Big Trees nursery remains open to the public throughout the duration of the fall and winter seasons.

Big Trees Inc. used stronger and more weather resistant material for the new signage, with the intention of the out of doors signs lasting longer for the coming years. Additional signage was also procured throughout the nursery and in the office to guide all visiting public through their tour of the trees in the nursery, particularly for those who may be visiting for the first time.

Visiting hours at the nursery run 8AM - 5PM, Monday through Friday, 10AM - 4PM on Saturday and closed on Sunday.

Nancy Penrose, owner of Big Trees Inc., stated: “We’re very happy with the new signage, it really enhances the area and helps someone quickly identify the different locations and types of trees in our nursery. We wanted people to be able to find any kind of tree they want easily and quickly. We hope people will find the signs aesthetically pleasing and helpful for years to come.”

Nancy Penrose is the owner of Big Trees Inc. (, located in Snohomish, WA, in the Seattle area. The company is one of the largest tree nurseries in the Seattle area with over 120,000 trees available in over 300 varieties. They not only can deliver young trees but also mature trees in a wide range of sizes. Some types of trees available include spring flowering, deciduous, evergreen, and privacy trees. The company also does tree transplanting including up to large trees. Their blog can be seen at

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Monday, December 10, 2012

California Contemporary Ballet to Show Special Retrospective Video of 14 Years of “The Snow Queen”

LA CANADA, CA: In celebration of their 15 years presenting “The Snow Queen,” California Contemporary Ballet ( will be releasing a short video to be seen just prior to the performances of the ballet on December 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. The video will document the progression of the ballet over the course of the past 14 years.

The show’s producers hope that the video will capture some of the past costumes, sets, cast members and memorable moments. In addition to being the ballet's composer, Randall Michael Tobin is producing the retrospective video. Mr. Tobin has also produced many of the past yearly videos for “The Snow Queen.”

Holt says, "We decided that since we have been doing this show for 15 years, and since the show really has evolved from the early days to today, that it would great to show a retrospective video so people could see some of the great moments and how the show has changed. Mr. Tobin's contributions to our company and to ‘The Snow Queen’ have been immense. I trust his commitment to high standards and excellence. Creating this project with him has been a great creative journey." 

The video will be seen just prior to the show’s opening curtain and audiences are encouraged to arrive early so that they are certain not to miss it.

“The Snow Queen” will appear at the Glendale Community College Theater on Friday, December 21 at 7:30pm, Saturday, December 22 at 2:00pm and Sunday, December 23 at 2:00pm. Tickets in advance: $20-$25 At Door: $25-$30 Discounts available for groups. Tickets are available at or or by calling 818-790-7924.

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

How to Repair Foundation Cracks

By Shawn Kyles

When a house settles, it can result in foundation cracks, including vertical cracks, diagonal cracks, and horizontal cracks. Cracking can also occur due to overload and drying shrinkage. Repairing foundation cracks will prevent them from spreading and help restore the structural integrity of your home. It will also minimize the potential for more serious foundation problems.

There are three basic methods of repairing foundation cracks: epoxy injections, strapping and underpinning.

Epoxy Injections

The most common way to repair foundation cracks in concrete slabs and walls is to fill the crack with epoxy, a synthetic resin. Epoxy is known for its toughness, superior adhesion, low shrinkage and resistance to chemicals and water.

Before the epoxy is injected, the surface surrounding the crack needs to be prepared. This involves cleaning the area and removing any loose material with a chisel. After the crack has been filled, staples are placed across the crack for additional support and stabilization. Repairing the crack with epoxy will prevent it from increasing in size and prevent moisture from penetrating the concrete.


Foundation cracks can also be closed and prevented from moving by installing carbon-fiber Kevlar straps. These lightweight straps have considerable strength and are easy to work with. They are used along with epoxy injections to repair walls that have horizontal cracks. Horizontal cracking is usually an indicator of too much weight against the wall. This type of cracking is extremely serious because it can eventually lead to the wall’s collapse.


In addition to epoxy and strapping, underpinning may also be necessary to resolve foundation settlement and cracking problems. The purpose of underpinning is to increase the depth or width of the foundation so it can better support the structure’s weight. When a building is too heavy for its foundation, not only will the foundation crack, the walls of the structure can begin to bow. Underpinning distributes the weight of the structure more evenly and provides better support for the building.

Underpinning is also used for homes constructed on expansive soil, like clay. When clay gets wet it swells, and when it dries, it contracts. These moisture fluctuations lead to foundation settlement, cracks and other types of foundation issues.

If your foundation has cracks, the best way to determine what type of repair is needed is to consult a foundation expert. A professional will inspect your home to determine what is causing the cracking, and recommend the best method of correcting the situation.

About Julian Construction

Julian Construction owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323 733-3377, by fax at 323 733-4477 or via their website, You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at

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Winter: A Great Time for Selecting and Planting Trees

by Nancy Penrose

One of the best times to plant a deciduous tree is during the Winter when it is dormant. The dormancy cycle starts in the Fall, when the tree begins to perceive the changes in temperature and light. The process begins with the reduction of metabolic processes inside the tree’s trunk.

A tree’s trunk is attached to, and supported by, its roots. In turn, the trunk supports the branches and foliage, which gives the tree its overall shape. The trunk is made up of several different layers. The outermost layer is bark, dead tissue that protects the tree from the environment. The live tissues inside the trunk, called xylem, store starch in cells called symplast. Xylem is also as a conduit for transporting water and nutrients up to the leaves. The tree’s inner bark, phloem, distributes the glucose (sugar) produced by photosynthesis. Phloem and xylem are part of a tree’s cambium, the part of the trunk that produces new cells and tissue.

As the tree’s metabolism decelerates, the tree will drop its leaves, slow its root growth and minimize its water consumption. This shutting down period makes it easier for deciduous trees to survive heavy rains, colder weather and snow.

Moving a tree when it is dormant reduces the risk of transplanting shock, which can hamper its health and vitality. Simply put, the tree does not realize it is being moved. It’s also a great time to pick trees because the trunk structure is more visible. One of the best trees to plant during winter is the Japanese Maple, a species native to Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea, and parts of Russia and Mongolia.

There are hundreds of Japanese Maple cultivars (plants grouped together based on similar characteristics) throughout the world. In the Fall, the tree’s delicate leaves turn into dazzling colors of bright yellow, gold, orange, red and crimson. As the dormancy progresses, the Japanese Maple’s leaves drop to the ground, and the tree’s wonderfully structured and colorful trunk becomes more visible.

The white trunk and branch structure of a Jacquemontii Birch is also more noticeable during winter months. “Birch” is an old Germanic word that means “bright,” “white” and “to shine.” These deciduous trees can grow up to 40’ tall and 20’ feet wide, with leaves that turn yellow before dropping. The bark of the birch can be easily peeled away in long strips and has a paper-like quality.

Consult a transplanting specialist if you are considering purchasing trees this winter. Advice from a knowledgeable professional will ensure you choose the right trees for your landscape and can help make the planting process easier.

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