Friday, November 29, 2013

Asset Management Company Gets Tax Exemption on Airplane

Aero & Marine Tax Professionals Assists Asset Management Company on Tax Exemption on Airplane Purchase

SACRAMENTO, CA: Aero & Marine Tax Professionals, (, a California aircraft tax specialist company in the Sacramento area, recently assisted an asset management company to obtain sales tax exemption on the purchase of a company plane. The sales tax exemption was granted on the 2007 Columbia LC41 by the California Board of Equalization (BOE).

An executive from the company stated: “We manage retirement assets for retirees. We have a lot of Chevron retirees. We have to make face-to-face contact with clients, and as they move out of the state, we need to remain in contact with them. It's always best to have face-to-face conversations with them. Commercial wouldn’t work because in getting access to commercial airlines I have to go to Oakland. It's 2 hours to Oakland for me and then it would burn a whole day for one client. I can go cover many more clients really easily with the airplane. I can cover clients in different areas. For example, Nevada, or down in southern California, or up in Oregon. But I can cover more ground and not suck up a whole week, basically. We found Aero & Marine Tax Professionals from their advertisements. I had been following them for quite some time. I've always been on their email list and I don't remember where else I saw it. I saw it on some site and started following it. They were very good, and they responded very quickly. They told me how to work it, how to get the correct documentation together and how to work my worksheets. I submitted stuff to them, they submitted stuff back, and we worked it out. I have already recommended them to others.”
Tom Alston, founder and owner of Aero & Marine Tax Professionals, stated: “It went very well, the whole process had no glitches in it. The client was very pleased with the results. We’d be happy to work with them again if they should have the need.”

Aero & Marine Tax Professionals shows purchasers how to specifically avoid aircraft tax and vessel sales/use tax in California and to make certain the full value of their next aircraft, vehicle or vessel goes into their pocket--not the government's. They have successfully filed hundreds of tax returns with the California State Board of Equalization. Mr. Alston has also published many articles on sales and use tax. Their blog can be seen at

Aero & Marine Tax Professionals Assist CPA with Client

Tax Professionals Help CPA’s Client Obtain Sales Tax Exemption on Plane Purchase

SACRAMENTO, CA: Aero & Marine Tax Professionals (, an aircraft tax specialist firm in Northern California, was recently contacted by a CPA for assistance with a client’s case. The client had an aircraft that had undergone an ownership transfer, and Aero & Marine Tax Professionals were consulted on the matter of avoiding sales tax on the transfer. The firm was able to assist the CPA’s client with obtaining a sales tax exemption from the California Board of Equalization (BOE).

The CPA on the case stated: “I'm a CPA in the central valley that works with a number of agricultural clients. We had a client with an aircraft that had an ownership transfer, and that ownership transfer was going to trigger a very large California sales tax. I contacted Aero & Marine Tax Professionals through a referral from another CPA who had used their service and was exceedingly happy with the service and results obtained. We were looking for Aero & Marine to help us out with getting the exemption in order to exempt the transaction from California tax. From the initial call, I was able to speak with Tom Alston, the owner, immediately. They indicated that the transaction was eligible for the exemption. From that point, the owner and other associates at Aero & Marine walked us through the entire process and essentially ensured that we were always providing the correct documentation at the appropriate times. Essentially, the transaction was handled 100% by Aero & Marine and we were able to obtain that exemption with very little time expended on my side. From my perspective, it made me look good since the transaction went as planned. The client was exceedingly happy with the services that were provided. I would most certainly recommend them to others."

Tom Alston, founder and owner of Aero & Marine Tax Professionals, stated: “This is not an uncommon occurrence for a CPA to turn to us for assistance on an aircraft or vessel tax case. Our familiarity and expertise on these cases is just on another level. We keep ourselves completely up-to-date on every aspect of these cases.”

Aero & Marine Tax Professionals shows purchasers how to specifically avoid aircraft tax and vessel sales/use tax in California and to make certain the full value of their next aircraft, vehicle or vessel goes into their pocket--not the government's. They have successfully filed hundreds of tax returns with the California State Board of Equalization. Mr. Alston has also published many articles on sales and use tax. Their blog can be seen at

Improper Drainage Systems Can Lead To Foundation Problems At Home

Company Performs Drainage System Installations to Prevent Drainage Problems

LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction, Inc., ( a foundation construction and foundation repair company in Southern California, is urging homeowners with any indications of drainage difficulties to get a proper inspection done to locate the problem. Drainage problems are often linked to foundation repair issues. The company is able to perform drainage system installations to remedy a faulty system,

According to the company’s experience, proper drainage systems provide a safeguard against the build-up of water and flooding during rainy seasons. Water accumulation around a building can cause soil erosion and shifting, which very often leads to foundation problems for the structure. There are several indications of drainage problems, such as water pooling in a yard, rain water accumulating on a rooftop, moisture seeping into a house, or if foundation cracks are already present in a structure, In any of these situations, drainage problems are a likely cause.

In any event of indication of drainage problems, the company urges an inspection of the structure to determine the nature of the problem. An inspection can be scheduled on the company’s website:

Julian De La Torre stated: “We run into drainage problems regularly. We find that a lot of homes have a drainage system that is ineffective or that it has been worn down by weather or other factors. We always look into the possibility of a poor drainage system and work to help the homeowner with any drainage problems we find. We find it to be a frequent cause of foundation problems.”

Julian Construction owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323 733-3377, by fax at 323 733-4477 or via their website, You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at

Julian Construction Stresses Earthquake Readiness for Homeowners

Construction Company Urges Homeowners to Take Steps Needed To Safeguard A Home

LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction, Inc., (, a home foundation repair company in Southern California, recently issued a public statement to homeowners on being prepared for the effects of earthquakes on a home. In addition to the dangers during a quake, earthquakes can cause structural damage to the foundation of homes. The company urged homeowners to take steps to keep their homes safe and increase earthquake preparedness.

Professional safety inspector, Shawn Kyles, stated: “An earthquake can cause serious damage to a home, especially if the building has not been retrofitted. Retrofitting is the modification of a structure by adding new components to make the building stronger. Following the 1994 Northridge earthquake, the severity of structural issues in residential neighborhoods varied considerably from house to house depending on the steps each homeowner had taken to fortify their home.”

The full text of the company’s public message can be seen on the company’s website:

Julian De La Torre, founder and owner of Julian Construction, stated: “At Julian Construction we’ve seen a lot of damage to foundations in the aftermath of earthquakes. It has to be watched for particularly if the home is in an area where earthquakes are common, such as in greater Los Angeles. There are tools like earthquake retrofitting that can help protect a building from the devastating effects of these quakes. If a home is safeguarded by first inspection, and then taking the proper action, then you can have greater peace of mind about the safety of the structure you live in.”

Julian Construction owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323 733-3377, by fax at 323 733-4477 or via their website,, You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at

Why Experience Matters

By Shawn Kyles

Home inspections are common during the buying or selling process. Look on the Internet and you’ll find tips and advice on how to hire the best home inspector possible for your property. One point everyone agrees on is that when it comes to inspecting a home, experience is extremely important.

Even The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recommends homeowners find out how long the company has been practicing in the home inspection profession and how many inspections they have completed.

HUD also says to ask the company if they are specifically experienced in residential inspections. According to HUD, “there is no substitute for training and experience in the unique discipline of home inspection.”

If you are looking for a foundation repair expert, the same qualifications apply. Foundation repair is a specialized field of work. There are plenty of materials that can be read on the subject, but there is no substitute for the knowledge gained from spending decades on the job.

The first step in the foundation repair process is an inspection. The more foundations your repair expert has seen and worked on, the more thorough the inspection will be. Keep in mind that anything that is missed during a foundation inspection can lead to costly repairs down the line. Californians in particular need to make sure that their foundation is regularly inspected by a qualified foundation company and kept in good shape in order to prevent building damage during earthquakes.

What questions should you ask before hiring a foundation expert? What you are looking for is a company with a strong track-record of foundation inspection experience. Find out how many years the company has been inspecting and repairing foundations (not just how many years they have been in business). Ask them what licenses and training they have. Get referrals. Call and talk to their customers about the quality of the work that was performed. Collect up enough information about each company so that you can make the best and most informed decision possible.

Consider this. For many people, their home is the single, most important financial investment they will ever make. Hiring a qualified foundation repair company is essential if you want to maintain the value of your home. It will also help you avoid more serious (and expensive) foundation issues that could lead to major reconstruction.

A foundation repair company with decades of experience can be trusted to conduct a proper and thorough inspection. This includes not only identifying the problem, but finding its cause. If any repair work is needed, a knowledgeable company will be able to explain all of your options in detail and answer any questions you have about the work. They will also give you a realistic estimate of what it will take to get the job done.

Most importantly, when you hire a company that has not only been in business a long time, but also inspected and repaired thousands of foundations, you will have more confidence about the work that is being performed and greater peace of mind regarding your home’s structural integrity and your family’s safety.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

5 Tips To Avoid Crossing Writing-Genres

By Susan Mary Malone

Traditional publishing is rigidly structured. No news flash there! But the stratification and specs of categories often bumfuzzle writers. And since I’ve just had this come up several times in the last week, thought we’d talk about it here.

So often writers want to include everybody in their audience. Seems to make sense, no? The more people you can appeal to, the bigger the audience, the more books you’ll sell. Right?

Not really. The reason publishers’ imprints are so strict is that they’ve honed in on the audience for different genres and sub-genres. And they have long-established distribution chains to reach those book buyers. I.e., they know who’s going to buy a Paranormal Romance, vs. readers of Romantic Suspense. They target Science Fiction to those who read it, vs. ones who lap up Fantasy (and those genres couldn’t be more different). Mysteries, Suspense, and Thrillers are quite different in scope and specs as well, and never the twain shall meet. As unfair as it may on first blush seem, it’s the way books are sold. And trying to re-invent this wheel will bring you only frustration.

So, how do you focus your lens so sharply that you catch that agent’s eye? A few tips will help clear up the pages.

1. First off, what do you like to read? What is it that catches your eye? Nine times out of ten, that’s what you’ll be writing as well. Of course writers branch off and out, but first works especially will fall into the categories you like to read.

2. Identify that genre, category, sub-category. So you love to read Romance. A good start. But what sub-category of Romance, exactly? Go to the major Romance imprint sites, and study the differences in the books. You’ll find where the ones you like to read fit, and there’s the genre that most appeals to you.

3. Now, study those specs. You’ll find word count (all of which are very strict), content, basic formula for success. Can your main character curse? Not if it’s Inspirational Romance. Can there be “other-worldly” or paranormal or fantasy aspects? Not if it’s Historical Romance. The thing is, you’ll be able to find all of that under the different imprint submission guidelines. This is very important to follow in your book writing.

4. If you’ve already written your manuscript and have slipped across genre lines, you can always go back and fix the transgressions. Sometimes this takes a total rewrite; sometimes just a change of this or that, a going in a different direction from mid-way. If you’re in the process of writing the tome, all the better—you can stick to the guidelines before having to make whole-scale revisions. Pay close attention to your novel development. Sometimes it takes a novel editor to help you make the necessary changes to a story so near and dear to your heart.

5. Finally, stay in your genre with subsequent books. The whole point of book selling is to build an audience, beginning with the first one and continuing on with the second, third, and forever. I’ve often had writers complain, when after selling one book they’ve subsequently brought an entirely different genre to the agent, only to have the agent reject it. Why? Because the audience the writer has built resides in his first genre-community. And trying to sell something different a.) won’t appeal to that community, and b.) won’t be known in another. Can you write something entirely different? Of course. Just know you’re starting back over at jump as far as publishing’s concerned.

That publishing runs along very strict imprint-specs bears repeating. Good book authors and book editors know these cold. But you can master that, and get one step closer to that brass ring!

How do you identify your genre?

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Susan Mary Malone Counsels Writers on Overcoming Writers Block

Developmental Editor Gives Advice to Writers on Getting Through to the End

DALLAS, TX: Susan Mary Malone, (, a developmental editor and award winning author who regularly pens advices to authors on achieving their goals in the literary field, recently published an article addressed to authors experiencing an oft-cited problem in the book writing field: writer’s block. Malone offered advice on how to overcome this common barrier.
“As professionals, we all know this is when the perspiration part comes in. We know all too well that while amateurs rely on inspiration, professionals know that fortitude and courage must now take over. If a deadline exists, well, we whip ourselves in the rump and spur that pony on. The feed bill has to be paid! And I actually think this is the best-case scenario—you have no choice but to press on. Because it’s oh-so easy to stop and bemoan the lack of inspiration to write. But that is only a trick of the mind.”
She went on to describe the 3 main methods she has seen work over the years to assist in getting over the difficulty and going again on the book writing process.
The full text of the article can be seen here:
Susan Mary Malone has seen over 40 books she has personally edited for clients go to publication with traditional publishers. She has worked as a writing coach with new and experienced authors.
Susan Mary Malone has worked as a freelance editor since 1993, with a BS in Political Science and minors in English and Journalism. Her client list includes NY Times Bestsellers, Essence Bestsellers and books featured in Publishers Weekly. She is also an award-winning author of fiction and non-fiction herself. She participates as a speaker in literary conferences such as the Harriett Austin Writer's Conference (at the University of Georgia), the Blue Ridge Writer's Conference, the SouthWest Writer's Conference, and the East Texas Writer’s Guild, among others. Her full biography and featured list of published authors can be viewed at