Friday, January 31, 2014

Water: a Foundation’s Worst Enemy

By Shawn Kyles

Water is a leading cause of foundation damage and one of its worst enemies. It can ruin your foundation through interior moisture build-up and pooling.
The water can come from many sources, such as broken pipes, appliances and clogged sinks or toilets. It can also enter your home through cracks, or gaps in windows or doors. If downspouts aren’t kept clean, water can build up on the roof and drip down the walls and into the basement.
Once inside your home, it can cause the wood in crawl spaces to decay. It can also create an environment where mold can grow, which may lead to wood rot. A wet crawl space, or even one that smells musty, should be inspected immediately by a qualified foundation repairs professional to determine if there are any foundation problems.

Water can also cause soil to expand and contract. When there is too much moisture, the soil surrounding a foundation will swell. As the soil dries, it will begin to shrink and pull away from the foundation. This is especially true with soils that have a high concentration of clay.

As the soil expands, it presses against foundation walls, which can cause them to crack or begin to bow. When the moisture decreases, it leaves spaces. Your foundation will start to settle into these gaps. If the settlement is uneven, the foundation can become damaged.

Expansive soil problems are usually the result of poor drainage. If rainwater or water from a sprinkler system doesn’t drain away for your home, it will remain in the soil and cause it to expand.

Water can also build up in backfill soil – the soil that was used to cover the holes around your house after the foundation was built. Backfill soil is generally much looser than the more compacted soil the house was built on. Looser soil will absorb more water. The more water that is absorbed, the more the soil will expand.

Water can even wash away the soil that surrounds your house and foundation, which can result in sinking.

Some homes have also been built on soil with unusually high moisture content at the time of construction. This moisture will decrease over time, which can also lead to foundation settlement. If the settlement is extensive or uneven, it can damage both your home’s foundation and its structural integrity of your home.

There are many ways to prevent water-related foundation problems from occurring, including making sure any drainage pipes or systems slope away from the house. You can also request a foundation inspection from a foundation repair expert, who will look for signs of potential foundation damage or looming problems that could lead to expensive foundation repair cost down the road.

Unfortunately, California is currently experiencing the worst droughts on record. The situation is so severe, Governor Jerry Brown recently declared a drought emergency. The lack of rain will cause the moisture content in soil throughout the state to decrease. As the drought continues, homeowners may find themselves with new and unexpected foundation issues.

Julian Construction Creates Foundation Checklist For Homeowners

New Foundation Checklist Can Help Spot Indicators Of Foundation Damage Early

LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction Inc., ( a foundation construction and foundation repair company in the Los Angeles area, recently drew up a checklist for use in detecting foundation problems in a home. The checklist can be used by a homeowner without training in the field of home foundation repair or structural inspection, to look for early signs of foundation problems. These are problems which, according to the company, would lead to bigger structural problems down the road if left unhandled. The full checklist can be found on the company’s website:

Shawn Kyles, Julian Construction’s chief building inspector, wrote the checklist as one that homeowners, “...can use to spot situations that are an indicator of foundation damage as well as problems that can lead to foundation trouble.”

A few of the 11 points on the checklist are:

- If you have sprinklers, make sure the water is not draining into your home or basement. The soil around your home may need grading to ensure proper water drainage.
- Check the plumbing for leaks and loose fitting pipes.
- If you have a slab foundation, look for warm spots or moisture on the slab. There may be a pipe leak under the slab.
- Do you have a fireplace? Look for cracks in the brick that may have resulted from settlement.
- Looks for interior wall and ceiling cracks, which are also signs of foundation problems.

Mr. Kyles further stated: “The safety of your family is also at stake. When foundation problems are ignored, the building’s structural integrity becomes increasingly compromised. During an earthquake, there is a greater chance of the home shifting off of its foundation. Even minor seismic activity could lead to a wall or roof collapse depending on the severity of the foundation problem.”

Julian Construction owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323 733-3377, by fax at 323 733-4477 or via their website, You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at

Julian Construction Helps Homeowners Plan Maintenance In 2014

Foundation Repair Company Helps Homeowners Work Out Their Home Maintenance Program

LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction Inc., ( a foundation construction and foundation repair company in Southern California, has begun a project of helping homeowners work out their foundation maintenance program for the year 2014. The company wishes to help homeowners properly keep up the maintenance of their home’s foundation and prevent safety risks to the building’s occupants. The company’s principles have decades of experience in the field, helping homeowners repair foundation problems.

Shawn Kyles, Julian Construction’s chief building inspector, recently stated: “Now is a good time to start thinking about your foundation maintenance program for the coming year. Regular inspections of your home, landscape, roof and basement are extremely important. They can help you avoid serious foundation issues and the need for major reconstruction. Approximately 1 in 5 homeowners put off making needed repairs. Remember that waiting to fix problems often results in more significant damage and escalated costs. If you want a thorough and detailed inspection of your home and property, contact a foundation repair company with extensive experience. A company that has inspected thousands of homes and businesses will know exactly what to look for when checking out your house. They can also give you knowledgeable advice on any repairs that may be needed.”

The company provides free inspection of home properties’ foundations, and can be contacted at

Julian Construction owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323 733-3377, by fax at 323 733-4477 or via their website, You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at

Big Trees Inc Transplants Additional Trees To Site In Seattle

Privacy Screening Project Receives Additional Screening Trees From Transplant Company

SEATTLE, WA: Big Trees Inc., (, a professional tree transplant and tree nursery company in the Seattle area, recently completed a project of bringing in additional privacy screening trees to a site in the Windemere neighborhood in Seattle. The company had visited the site last November and transplanted a number of trees, and the transplantation was so successful the owners of the property requested additional trees be brought in to help increase the screening around the property.

Big Trees’ transplanting team planted a number of over 20’ Fir trees. The trees were part of a privacy screening project for the property. The owners requested an addition to the privacy screening, so Big Trees brought in some Austrian Black Pines, also over 20’ trees. The big trees, each weighing close to two tons, were transplanted despite difficult access. Thanks to a systematic access road created using plywood, the trees were able to be transplanted to the site with minimal impact on the surrounding landscape.

Nancy Penrose, owner of Big Trees Inc., stated: “The previous planting went so well, the owners called us up and asked if we could bring in some additional trees. The project offered a little complication because of the access to the locations to plant the trees, but we were able to accomplish it without trouble. The trees look great in their new locations, the owners are very happy with the new trees and so are we.”

Nancy Penrose is the owner of Big Trees Inc. (, located in Snohomish, WA, in the Seattle area. The company is one of the largest tree nurseries in the Seattle area with over 120,000 trees available in over 300 varieties. They not only can deliver young trees but also mature trees in a wide range of sizes. Some types of trees available include spring flowering, deciduous, evergreen, and privacy trees. The company also does tree transplanting including large trees. Their blog can be seen at

Proper Tree Nutrition

By Nancy Penrose

Trees need nutrients - chemical elements and compounds - for their internal metabolism and growth. Without the right amount of nutrients, a tree will have difficulty maturing. It will also become weak and more susceptible to disease.

Symptoms of poor nutrition include dieback, deformed leaves, bark disorders and withered blossoms, as well as slow or no growth.

Trees get some of their nutrients from the air, including oxygen, hydrogen and carbon. These are called non-mineral nutrients. Through the process of photosynthesis, trees use energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide (carbon + oxygen) and water (hydrogen + oxygen) into starches and sugars – the tree’s food.

Mineral nutrients, which come from the soil, make up the rest of a tree’s food. There are two types of mineral nutrients, macronutrients and micronutrients.

Macronutrients refer to nutrients that are needed in large quantities. There are two types of macronutrients, primary and secondary.

Primary macronutrients include nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

There are many factors that determine the amount of nitrogen in the soil, including temperature, moisture and soil conditions. When nitrogen is lacking, the photosynthesis process speeds up and turns leaves yellow. A nitrogen deficiency can also result in stunted growth, small leaves and leaf drop.

Phosphorus converts light energy to chemical energy. Phosphorus deficiencies typically occur in regions with extensive rainfall. Indicators of a phosphorus deficiency include slow growth and leaves that turn dark green or blue/green. Inadequate phosphorus also leads to necrosis – cells that die prematurely.

Trees need potassium for various internal processes. Insufficient potassium can make trees more susceptible to disease and damage during hot or cold weather. Potassium deficiency often occurs in soil that is sandy.

Soils can have an insufficient amount of macronutrients because they are used in such high volume by plants.
Calcium, magnesium and sulfur are the secondary macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are the primary ones). Other types of nutrients include iron, chlorine, manganese, nickel, zinc, boron, copper and molybdenum.

The leaves of trees that don’t have enough iron will turn yellow. A tree that has a manganese deficiency will have yellow leaves with green bands near the veins. When a big tree has inadequate zinc, various types of stunted growth can occur. The tree’s leaves will also turn yellow.

Each of these elements play an important role in the growth and health of the tree. If any of these nutrients are missing, the tree can end up dying. Especially if moving trees is to be done, it is important for the transplanted tree to be given proper nutrients.

At the same time, there are also many variables involved in tree nutrition. For example, different species of trees can have their own unique nutrient requirements. Too much of a certain type of nutrient in one tree can cause toxicity, while the same amount in another can be a deficiency.

There are also times when a tree may look like it has a nutrient deficiency, but the problem is actually being caused by something else, such as too much or too little watering, soils that don’t drain well, pests or diseases.

There are various ways to test for nutrient deficiencies, including soil and leaf analysis. If you have a tree with yellow leaves or other signs of a nutrition deficiency, consult a big trees specialist. Professional tree suppliers can give you good advice on how to properly care for your trees.

Developmental Editor Advises Authors On Crossing Genres

Editor Susan Mary Malone Counsels On The Use Of Genres In Traditional Publishing

DALLAS, TX: Susan Mary Malone, (, developmental editor and award winning author, recently penned an article giving advice to authors on genres in the literary field that she has in encountered in editing books. Ms Malone set down specific guidelines on the various genres and on the difficulties in crossing those genres. Ms. Malone regularly advises newer authors on the vital aspects of writing a novel from her experience in literature editing.

Ms. Malone stated: “Traditional publishing is rigidly structured. No news flash there! But the stratification and specs of categories often bumfuzzle writers. So often writers want to include everybody in their audience.

Seems to make sense, no? The more people you can appeal to, the bigger the audience, the more books you’ll sell. Right? Not really. The reason publishers’ imprints are so strict is that they’ve honed in on the audience for different genres and sub-genres. And they have long-established distribution chains to reach those book buyers. I.e., they know who’s going to buy a Paranormal Romance, vs. readers of Romantic Suspense. They target Science Fiction to those who read it, vs. ones who lap up Fantasy (and those genres couldn’t be more different). Mysteries, Suspense, and Thrillers are quite different in scope and specs as well, and never the twain shall meet. As unfair as it may on first blush seem, it’s the way books are sold. And trying to re-invent this wheel will bring you only frustration.”

Ms. Malone went on to give 5 of the guides to be followed on the subject. The full text of the article can be seen here:

Regarding the article, Ms. Malone stated: “I wrote the piece for young and experienced authors alike. I’m not one to try and rewrite the book on the rules of how to write the next great novel, but the industry does have certain things about it that if you want to be published, you have to stay within the lines. If you go into the industry without heeding certain simple guidelines, well many authors never do get published.”

Susan Mary Malone has worked as a freelance editor since 1993, with a BS in Political Science and minors in English and Journalism. Her client list includes NY Times Bestsellers, Essence Bestsellers and books featured in Publishers Weekly. She is also an award-winning author of fiction and non-fiction herself. She participates as a speaker in literary conferences such as the Harriett Austin Writer's Conference (at the University of Georgia), the Blue Ridge Writer's Conference, the SouthWest Writer's Conference, and the East Texas Writer’s Guild, among others. Her full biography and featured list of published authors can be viewed at

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Office Cleaning Company Warns Employers to Protect against Costly Health Risks of Mold

Company Warns Mold May Pose Health Risks in the Workplace

LOS ANGELES, CA: Building Cleaning Services, ( a Los Angeles mold removal and office cleaning company assists companies with information about the risks of mold in the workplace. Due to litigation in this area, BCS recommends companies act swiftly to have mold infestation removed professionally. BCS’s expert job supervisors have many years of industry experience in the field of Los Angeles mold remediation, and the company has done much research on the effects of mold in their line.

In a statement released by the company: “Most typical indoor air exposures to mold do not present a risk of adverse health effects. However, molds can cause adverse effects by producing allergens resulting in health concerns. The onset of allergic reactions to mold can be either immediate or delayed. Allergic responses include hay fever-type symptoms such as runny nose and red eyes. Molds may also cause localized skin or mucosal [mucus] infections.

“It is important to swiftly address mold but companies can also be educated on how best to prevent mold growth. BCS is a company that can do this.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): “Exposure to damp and moldy environments may cause a variety of health effects, or none at all. Some people are sensitive to molds. They may have more severe reactions. Immune-compromised people and people with chronic lung illnesses, such as obstructive lung disease, may get serious infections in their lungs when they are exposed to mold. These people should stay away from areas that are likely to have mold, such as compost piles, cut grass, and wooded areas.”

Building Cleaning Services strongly urges that any building with signs of mold be immediately inspected.

Allowing mold-related conditions to persist puts all occupants of the building at risk. The major concern must be the protection of the health and safety of all of a building’s occupants.

Building Cleaning Services guarantees that the mold removal procedure is completed to the standard of independent, air sampling and clearance-testing release.

The company has had many years of success helping their clients with Los Angeles mold. Here is what one of their clients had to say: “These guys are great! They do a fantastic job at our office day in and day out. Whatever we need help with, they're able to accommodate it. Could not say more positive things about Building Cleanings Services.”

More of their clients reviews can be found online at

BCS provides water damage handling and mold removal services for the Greater Los Angeles area, and other areas of Southern California. Established in 1997, they have over a decade of experience as a company with fast service, high professionalism and work ethic. BCS is certified by the Institute of Inspection and Cleaning and Restoration and Environmental Testing & Technology. To learn more, visit, or call 818-953-7100 or e-mail

Building Cleaning Company Addresses DIY Mold Removal Risks

Mold Removal Specialist Company Warns Public On Dangers of Mold Removal

LOS ANGELES, CA: Building Cleaning Services (BCS), a Los Angeles mold removal and construction cleaning business, issued a public announcement about do-it-yourself mold removal. The company has many years of experience in mold removal and urges anyone with a mold problem to first seek advice from licensed professional. BCS said significant mold usually requires professional removal.

The California Department of Health (CDPH) released a paper where they stated the following about the risk of mold in a home: “If indoor mold contamination is extensive, it can lead to very high and persistent exposures to airborne spores. Persons exposed to high spore levels can become sensitized and develop allergies to the mold or they may develop other health problems. Mold growth also can damage your furnishings, such as carpets, chairs and sofas, and cabinets. Clothes and shoes in damp closets can become soiled and start to fall apart. Unchecked, mold growth can seriously damage the structural elements in your home, for example, floors, walls, and ceilings.”

Further, CDPH said: “During the cleaning process, you may be exposed to mold, strong detergents, and disinfectants. Spore counts may be 10 to 1000 times higher than background levels when mold-contaminated materials are disturbed. If this activity bothered you, consider hiring a licensed contractor or other experienced professional to carry out the work.”

Building Cleaning Services specializes in rapid mold remediation for all Los Angeles mold situations. The company stresses that mold remediation must be thorough and systematic, leaving the area mold to better safeguard the building’s occupants. An independent testing company tests the area after remediation is complete.

This is what one of BCS clients had to say about their mold remediation experience: “Having to deal with mold and water damage is a real downer -- but BCS got me through the mess about as well as could be imagined. I chose BCS over another remediation contractor, even though the BCS estimate was somewhat higher, because BCS looked like they were ‘on the ball’ and motivated to do a great job. In particular, compared to the other contractor, I noticed that BCS took more time in checking out my place, and in explaining to me what they were thinking. Then, they rewarded my confidence by actually doing a great job. Best of all: in my case, their remediation work was so effective, there was no remaining trace of mold that could be detected when the post-remediation testing was done. As I understand it, it's rare and unnecessary to have a zero reading in order for the remediation to be considered adequate, but they managed to deliver a zero reading for me and you can't get better than that. I would use them again.”

More reviews of the company’s work can be found on Yelp:

BCS provides water damage handling and mold removal services for the Greater Los Angeles area, and other areas of Southern California. Established in 1997, they have over a decade of experience as a company with fast service, high professionalism and work ethic. BCS is certified by the Institute of Inspection and Cleaning and Restoration and Environmental Testing & Technology. To learn more, visit, or call 818-953-7100 or e-mail

Saturday, January 11, 2014

RJ's Fuzzies Quality Sheepskin Footwear Now Available Wholesale

RJ's Fuzzies Sheepskin Offers Sellers the Benefit of Years of Retail Experience in Sheepskin Footwear Sales

New Castle, Delaware – RJ's Fuzzies Sheepskin (, a retail provider of high quality sheepskin products for over a decade, has now added several years of wholesale experience to their record. Without losing their roots in retail and the knowledge of customer preferences and current styles that goes with it, RJ's Fuzzies expanded into the wholesale arena in 2005 and has since been providing quality footwear to stores around the country.

“Our company has been selling sheepskin footwear for the past twelve years,” says Joe Francis, president of RJ's Fuzzies Sheepskin. “As our roots in the business come from the retail end, we have a special understanding of what the end customers like, how the shoes fit, what sells the most, and all the details that you encounter in a one-on-one sale. Now that we have expanded to wholesale distribution, retailers who purchase from us gain the benefit of our years of experience in the retail sector and detailed knowledge of end customers' product preferences in sheepskin gifts.”

Quality is the keynote of their successful product line. Although more and more companies are cutting costs by switching from sheepskin lined slippers to all wool or wool-blends, RJ's Fuzzies is happy to provide 100% sheepskin lined slippers at great prices, and they work very closely with their factories to ensure that high quality is maintained.

“Our stock is sold on an open stock basis, with low minimum orders and very competitive pricing,” says Joe Francis. “We offer a special discount on orders pre-booked by March 31st, and orders can be booked for any chosen delivery date from August forward—or even sooner, if needed. Our mission has always been to provide high quality sheepskin slipper products at a reasonable price with fast, courteous service, and we are happy to accomplish this through the help of retailers around the country.”

To view the styles available, visit For wholesale information or to contact RJ's Fuzzies with any questions, visit or email

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


By Nancy Penrose

Did you know that there are designated state soils?

Oregon’s state soil is Jory, which is named after Jory Hill and the Jory family who lived in the area during the mid 1800s. Jory was adopted as the state’s soil in 2011. It is made up of organic material, clay, silt and loam. Jory is a well-drained soil that comes from indigenous rock. It is often found in forests, especially in places where there are large numbers of Douglas fir and Oregon white oak. Jory has also been used in agriculture to grow hazelnuts, wheat, sweet corn, berries, grass seed and even Christmas trees.

Washington’s state soil is Tokul. The name comes from of a small community in King County. Tokul, which is made of volcanic organic material and loam, is formed from volcanic ash. Soils created by volcanic ash are called Andisols. Washington has hundreds of soils classified as Andisols. In fact, more than 1,600 different types of soil have been catalogued in the state.

Tokul supports the growth of conifer trees such as the Douglas fir. Tokul and similar types of volcanic soil are used in agriculture, the timber industry and livestock grazing. Although it is a significant state soil, very few homes are built on Tokul.

Soil conditions can have a significant impact on tree health and growth. The roots of a tree absorb water, oxygen and nutrients from the soil. When the soil is too dry or has insufficient minerals, the tree will begin to suffer and eventually die.

Most of the soil’s nutrients are found in the top layer of soil, which is where you will also find the highest concentration of roots for most plants and trees.

Soil type also influences a tree’s vitality and longevity. A soil type refers to the amount and size of the rock particles that they contain. The largest particle is sand, followed by silt and clay. For example, loam is a type of soil that has equal parts of sand, silt and clay. Loam can also be called sandy loam, silty loam or clay loam when there are slight changes in the proportions.

Any type of soil compaction, regardless of the soil type, can cause tree stress and result in root injury and disease. Compaction is the physical consolidation of the soil. It is the result of force that pushes the air and water out of the soil. Compaction can be caused by many factors, including foot traffic, animal hooves, light vehicles and heavy machinery. When soil is compacted, not only is root movement inhibited, the roots have more difficulty absorbing water and minerals from the soil. Clay soil compacts more easily than sandy soil.

The easiest way to prevent soil compaction is to keep people, animals and equipment away from your trees and shrubs.

If you have trees on your property and are concerned about soil compaction or other soil-related issues, speak to a big trees specialist. You can find out how to avoid issues that could result in tree damage or loss.

Big Trees Inc Begins Island Tree Transplanting Project

Tree Transplantating To Move Number Of Trees To Site In San Juan Islands

SEATTLE, WA: Big Trees Inc, (, a tree transplantating and tree nursery company in the Seattle area, recently began a large-scale tree transplantating project to the San Juan Islands. The project consists of transplanting a number of large Cedar trees to the site as well as smaller plants to accent the landscape, and will include furnishing the plants with irrigation upon arrival. The project will involve a larger crew than normal to handle the large quantity of trees called for, as well as the harbor-to-harbor transition.

The project involves moving 17 Excelsa Cedars, each varying from 12’ to 18’ tall. Additionally some smaller plants will be transported to accent the new planting beds. The crew will take the landscape trees by ferry to Friday Harbor and then to the site from there. The project is for a client living in the islands and will be done to create privacy screening to the property as well as enhancing the aesthetic value of the landscape. The site is a long distance from the company’s principal nursery in Snohomish, WA, but the crew will be working in a timely fashion to ensure all of the trees arrive safely and planted properly.

Nancy Penrose, owner of Big Trees Inc., stated: “We’re happy to do the project, even though the distance is a fair amount. We’ve delivered trees to the San Juan Islands before and it’s always a very pleasant delivery, the islands themselves are very beautiful. The client wanted some additions to the landscape, mainly adding a privacy screen from neighboring properties but also other accents to the landscape. We expect the project to go very well.”

Nancy Penrose is the owner of Big Trees Inc. (, located in Snohomish, WA, in the Seattle area. The company is one of the largest tree nurseries in the Seattle area with over 120,000 trees available in over 300 varieties. They not only can deliver young trees but also mature trees in a wide range of sizes. Some types of trees available include spring flowering, deciduous, evergreen, and privacy trees. The company also does tree transplanting including moving trees to save them from construction damage. Their blog can be seen at

Friday, January 3, 2014

Packaging Company Obtains Tax Exemption On Company Jet

Aero And Marine Tax Professionals Assists Company In Obtaining Sales Tax Exemption

SACRAMENTO, CA: Aero & Marine Tax Pros ( an aircraft sales tax specialist firm in Northern California, recently assisted a packaging and freight company in obtaining a sales tax exemption on the purchase of a Cessna Citation Mustang jet. The sales tax exemption was granted by the California Board of Equalization (BOE).

An executive from the company stated “We’re in the packaging and freight forwarding business. We cater to high technology companies: high value equipment to be packaged and shipped around the world. The aircraft is used to get to our different locations. We have seven or eight locations in the US. We use the aircraft to go to them when it makes sense. In some cases we do fly commercial. In others we look at how many people are going, the time factors, and the location, and decide if the airline is going to work or not. For example, if four or five of us are going to Austin, TX it can sometimes be difficult to get a direct flight. We need to be there at a certain time, and leave at a certain time, and in that case the airlines just don’t make sense. Aero & Marine Tax Professionals has gotten us tax exemptions on two airplanes that we’ve had. It’s been a great service. They are very professional, easy to work with and it has been successful in both cases. I really like the ease of working with them. Good service. I would recommend them to others.”

Tom Alston, founder and owner of Aero & Marine Tax Professionals, stated: “This was our second time working with this client. We build trusted partnerships with companies because they can see the professionalism we use in our work, and they know they can come to us to get a result. If they need our assistance in the future, we’ll be more than happy to work with them again.”

Aero & Marine Tax Professionals shows purchasers how to avoid aircraft tax and vessel tax in California and to make certain the full value of their next aircraft, vehicle or vessel goes into their pocket--not the government's. They have successfully filed hundreds of tax returns with the California State Board of Equalization. Mr. Alston has also published many articles on sales and use tax. His blog can be seen at

Commercial Fishing Company Obtains Sales Tax Exemption On Boat

Aero & Marine Tax Professionals Assists Fishing Company Obtain Tax Exemption on Vessel Purchase

SACRAMENTO, CA: Aero & Marine Tax Professionals ( recently assisted a commercial fishing company in obtaining a vessel sales tax exemption on the purchase of a commercial fishing vessel. The California Board of Equalization (BOE) granted the sales tax exemption on the case.

An executive from the company stated: “We work in the commercial fishing business. I was unaware that I was going to get a bill for sales tax on the vessel. I thought it was going to be a simple form to fill out that would make it go away, but that wasn’t the case. I sought further advice, and that’s when I contacted Aero & Marine Tax Professionals. A friend in Santa Rosa referred me to them. He deals with maritime boat transfers and permits. Working with Aero & Marine was very precise. They needed information, and handled everything in a really precise way. The whole thing takes a long time, it’s a long procedure, but their staff gave me the precise information needed. I would most definitely recommend them to others.”

Tom Alston, founder and owner of Aero & Marine Tax Pros, stated: “We get so many recommendations because our reputation is built on success. We can take a case that others have pronounced hopeless and can turn it around so the client can end up legally avoiding sales tax on the purchase of a vessel. This was our first time working with this company. We’ll be more than happy to assist them if they purchase another boat for their operations. All in all it went very well.”

Aero & Marine Tax Professionals shows purchasers how to avoid aircraft tax and vessel tax in California and to make certain the full value of their next aircraft, vehicle or vessel goes into their pocket--not the government's. They have successfully filed hundreds of tax returns with the California State Board of Equalization. Mr. Alston has also published many articles on sales and use tax. His blog can be seen at

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Adult Stem Cells Therapy Broaden in Use Around the World Names Countries Where Stem Cells Treatment is Legal and Offers Assistance to Patients Searching for Clinics

Los Angeles – HeartCell (, a free informational resource guide for cardiac stem cell therapy, has named several countries where stem cell treatments shown to be safe have been given government sanction. These countries include Japan, Argentina, Jordan, Panama, Singapore, Australia, and the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. (Note: This list is not intended to be comprehensive.) Although facilities performing such procedures may not yet be common in these countries, keeps track of qualified clinics and can assist patients to connect with stem cell clinics that can deliver needed treatments in a safe and effective manner.

Notably absent from the list of countries is the United States, wherein the FDA's review of new medical procedures can lag behind the European Union's by several years, as the FDA's review load also includes not only food and drugs, but vaccines, medical devices, cosmetics and even veterinary products. However, bone marrow transplants—stem cells treatments to handle conditions such as leukemia by transplanting the blood-creating stem cells located in the bone marrow—have been successfully and legally used in the U.S. for decades.

Stem cell research and therapy shows a lot of promise,” says the founder of “Cardiac cell therapy can be used to help patients where the usual treatments of stents and bypass surgery have failed to markedly improve the situation. One such procedure, tested under trial, is through the use of catheters [specialized tubes] and is being implemented in a new state-of-the-art clinic by a U.S. licensed veteran cardiologist. We are happy to assist patients to connect with such places, where patient safety is paramount and where trial-tested techniques are used.”

Adult stem cell therapy (not to be confused with the so far result-barren field of embryonic stem cell research) is the use of stem cells, usually extracted from the patient's own body, to assist his body in repairing damaged tissue. As stem cells are what originally generated all cell types in the body during its growth, they are also capable of repairing or replacing damaged tissue.

To read more about cardiac cell therapy, visit To contact for recommendations of clinics or for suggestions for your further research, email does not give out medical advice and none of the information contained in it should be construed to be such. makes no claims that stem cell treatment, nor any medical treatment, is a cure for any illness, disease or malady. is strictly informational in nature and exists to help others research and better understand the possible benefits that can be derived from the safe, proper and effective use of stem cells.

Hope Increases as Adult Stem Cells Therapy Use Broadens Worldwide Applauds Countries Where Stem Cells Treatment is Legal and Expresses a Wish for Further Expansion of Safe Stem Cell Treatments

Los Angeles – HopeCell (, a connecting point and free informational guide for stem cell patients, has named several countries where the governments or health boards have given official sanction to stem cells treatments demonstrated to be safe. These countries include the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, Jordan, Panama, Japan, Argentina, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand. (Note: This list is not intended to be comprehensive.)

Application of stem cell treatment procedures where legal is generally restricted to those who have exhausted all other possibilities and would otherwise be “no-option” patients. However, as Cass, the co-founder of, put it: “The length of this list stands as a signal of the forward progress being accomplished in making safe stem cell treatments available to patients—and so bringing hope to many patients currently without it.”

Adult stem cell therapy (not to be confused with the so far result-barren field of embryonic stem cell research) is the use of stem cells, usually extracted from the patient's own body, to assist his body in repairing damaged tissue. As stem cells are what originally generated all cell types in the body during its growth, they are also capable of repairing or replacing damaged tissue.

“Originally the use of stem cells was limited to bone marrow transplants, to infuse the blood-creating stem cells contained in bone marrow to patients with blood-related diseases such as leukemia,” explains Cass. “However, there has been much new stem cell research since then, and now there are other tested applications, such as for heart conditions and kidney conditions. The enormous amount of research and clinical trials conducted in the past, and those that continue today, are paying off in real-life applications being used to help patients around the world.”

To read more about stem cell research history, visit For links for further research of your own and for more information about successes occurring through stem cell therapy, visit To contact Cass at with any questions or to share your own story, visit