Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Lessons From The Traditional Publishing Model—The Book, The Book, The Book!

by Susan Mary Malone

Traditional publishing is in the toilet. Big news flash, right?

But what can we learn from big publishers’ successes and failures? A lot. So let’s dive in and today talk about the thing new writers are missing all over the place—putting the product, the book, first.

This really does seem like a no-brainer. I mean, we’re writers, right? It’s what we do—we write, we hone our craft, we study, we get critiqued, we write some more. At least, that’s the way it used to be!

One of the issues new writers (and many seasoned ones as well, although they handle it differently) have with the Traditional folks is that this takes f o r e v e r. Yep, it does. At every single stage of the process, writers get to hurry-up-and-wait. Hurry up and produce exactly what that agent, novel editor, etc., requests, and then sit on their hands for months and wait on responses. It can drive a sane woman batty. I’m in the process of getting one of my great YA writers agented, and of course, as it’s August and all of publishing is on vacation, my writer is frustrated that the agent won’t read his work until September. Hey! That’s actually quick!

But back to our point. What this enormous time lag did was to give writers all this glorious waiting time to actually focus on the book. To learn. While they banged their heads against publishing’s seemingly impenetrable wall, they wrote. Joined critique groups. Got bashed there. Went back and dove in again to make the story better. Used novel editing services and worked with a fiction book editor Wrote some more.

All of this took years. But now, with the advent of instant publishing, you don’t have to go through all of that. Presto! Your book can be published without having to do all that incessant waiting. You’re a book author!

But not a very good one. The waves and waves of schlock being “published” these days boggles the mind. Oh my, is so much of this stuff just terrible. Cringe-worthy awful.

And here’s the dirty little secret Traditional publishers know: You can put megabucks behind a new release’s marketing. Hire PR agents. Get the best cover in the world. And maybe sell a lot of books because of all that. But if the book’s bad, readers won’t buy the second one. In other words, you’ve totally lost the audience you worked so hard with marketing money to create.

You’re the same way, right? You buy a highly touted book and by page five, it’s so awful you toss it into the trash, never to read that author again. And I mean, ever. No matter if said author ends up on the morning television shows touting her next one. What sticks with you is the awfulness of what your hard-earned money was wasted on.

But then, the converse is also true, no? You read something wonderful, and seek out that author’s backlist, while waiting eagerly for the next one. I did that very thing with Pat Conroy not long ago. For whatever reason, I picked up “The Prince of Tides” for the fourth time (one of my all-time favs, obviously). Then I got on a Conroy jag, reading the ones I hadn’t read, while waiting eagerly for “The Death of Santini.” They could package up the yellow pages and put Conroy’s name on it, and I’d buy it.

Of course, Pat Conroy came of writing age during the time when the only choice was to hone one’s craft. Learn from him! Dive in, learn your craft, hone it and hone it and hone it. Have a great developmental editor sign off on it before the presses run. Ah, now you have a budding career as a book author!

“Should I set an hour/time or a word-count as my goal?”


When it comes down to the crux, fiction writing is a very personal endeavor. And all serious scribes do set some sort of production goals. The point is to find what works for you. And, to do so within the context of producing. In other words, it matters not how you get from point A to point Z, but only that you get to Z!

I know great book authors whose goal is to work for an hour a day. Period. The point is, for that hour they sit their butts in front of the computer. Every day. Even if each word typed is excruciatingly done, they still work. After all, the muse can be fickle, and some days she refuses to play. Not your concern if you’re committed (you always know she comes back!). And some days she roars with creativity, and three hours fly by without you knowing it.

Many others set word-count goals. And no “right” number exists for that. When I’m writing fiction, I set a goal of 1,000 words per day. Again, sometimes getting 250 down proves difficult. Conversely, some days’ work produces 3,000 brilliant ones (at least until I look at them the next day!). But usually that 1,000 words ends up being my average. It works for me.

If all this seems rather arbitrary, it is. Because a goal is just a goal—a standard to help guide you. To keep you honest. To keep you writing. It matters not how many actual words/scenes/chapters/pages you produce a day, nor how many hours you spend doing it. It only matters that you write. Regularly.

Especially when working on book-length fiction or nonfiction, when The End lives somewhere in the elusive and distant future, getting sidetracked is quite easy. And especially easy when you find yourself slogging through those dreaded sagging middles. Having a set daily writing goal kicks you in the butt to sit at the computer, whether you feel an ounce of creativity or not. Again, the muse will return at some point. And oddly, often in those very times of arid writing, you find yourself turning down a really right road you otherwise would have been racing too fast to see.

But even if what you write that day is schlock, you still wrote. The beauty of writing is that no other person on the face of this earth will see your first draft, and everything is up to debate whether it stays or goes. All that will be hashed out anyway by the developmental editor. Taking advantage of novel editing services is worth its weight in gold. So who cares if you write tripe in one session? You can always ax it the next day, or down the line.

Because in the end, all that matters is that you wrote.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

OriginOil Fracking Water Cleaning System Gen 2 Completed

Published on Oct 18, 2014

OriginOil CEO, Riggs Eckelberry, announces the completion of the company's second generation fracking water cleaning system, which can process up to 3,000 barrels per day. He is joined by his brother and Co-Founder Nicholas Eckelberry who reports on the company's successful trip to the Algal Biomass Organization's 2014 Summit in San Diego, where interest in the new OriginOil Algae Harvester was extremely high.

0:47 Riggs Eckelberry: We’ve got as I announced this morning on our newsletter, and everyone watching this show should subscribe to the OriginOil newsletter, 12,000 strong, and we announced that our new second generation algae harvester and cleanup machine is now operational, and meanwhile, the existing machine in Texas is cleaning up frack water.

Big Biz: You had an interesting headline for your newsletter this time, and you talk about the gauntlet was thrown down a while ago. Tell us that story.

1:28 Riggs: What happened was, this is a public company, so I’ve been educating our people here that we live by quarters and last Tuesday was the third day of the third quarter. And I promised to the board, perhaps foolishly, that we’d have this machine ready. Well, Andrew and his team ended up working round the clock. We had all 15 electronics contractors working over at the off site. And they got it done. It’s operational and we’re very proud.

Big Biz: Nicholas Eckelberry, of course Chief Invention Officer there at OriginOil, and again their stock symbol is Ooil and there website, http:www.OriginOil.com.Nicholas, can you give us any insight on what the latest is over there at OriginOil?

2:33 Nicholas Eckelberry: Well yes, we’ve been innovating a lot in a couple of areas. One is the oil and gas. But that’s pretty much fin ta comple, all the innovations that have gone into the Gen 2. And so I’ve been messing around with algae and just did the algae conference in San Diego. It was a fascinating show because, you know, algae was basically going for fuels and then the price of fuel stayed steady, so I don’t think it’s going to be any time soon that algae fuels will work given the price of oil being stable as it is. The move, however, is a move that I really, really look forward to which is a move to algae to food. What it is, is algae to feed the animals that you have to feed.

Big Biz: And what we’re seeing here is some footage from the algae conference that you folks were at here in San Diego. And, of course, the OriginOil algae harvester booth. This is an interesting vertical, Nicholas and Riggs. Because oil and gas are, of course, a bread and butter industry because it’s not going anywhere, but at the Algae Biomass Summit, you talk about some pretty interesting stuff. What are the chances that this will equal your oil and gas efforts in the years and months to come.

4:16 Nicholas: I don’t think it will equal it. Oil and gas is the true business of OriginOil. There’s a tremendous movement right now and I think the movement’s going to grow as the price of feed goes up, to feeding animals with a natural, renewable resource that’s not human consumption. In other words, we’re not using corn or soy anymore. And you know what, there’s really an interesting thing. When you start feeding algae to beef, it actually marbles the beef with Omega-3. You’re turning a beef into a salmon. It’s actually true. You can increase the Omega-3 content in other animals. And the animals love the stuff. They get very healthy, produce 20% less methane, It’s such a good solution for the planet.

Thank you guys. Riggs Eckelberry, Nicholas Eckelberry, CEO and Chief Invention Officer. OriginOil.com.

High-Speed Frack Water Cleanup
Natural Renewable Green Algae Feed

OriginOil Frack Water Filtration System Sold to Synergy Resources Ltd of Trinidad

Published on Oct 17, 2014


Riggs Eckelberry, CEO of Origin Oil (ooil) (http://www.originoil.com/), joins Big Biz show to discuss the sale of four industrial systems, powered by OriginOil’s Electro Water Separation™ (EWS) technology, to Synergy Resources Ltd. Elvis Seelochan and David Ramjohn, of Synergy Resources, join Riggs on the show, and talk about the milestone sale, which represents the first commercial sale by an OriginOil licensee of a system incorporating EWS. The four industrial water treatment systems will be used for produced frack water and oily waste treatment in Trinidad and Tobago (T&T).

3:50 [Video with David Ramjohn, CEO, Synergy Resources LTd, Trinidad
OriginOil Distributor

David Ramjohn: My name is David Ramjohn. I’m the CEO of Synergy Resources Ltd, a company incorporated in Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad and Tobago is an oil and gas economy. Petroleum products and oil and gas provide about 40% of our gross domestic product. So we have a very real interest in the OriginOil Clean-Frac water treatment technology. In Trinidad we have a very well developed suite of environmental legislation that as far back as 2001, the water pollution rules came into effect. And the oil and gas companies are finding it very difficult to meet the standards of those water pollution rules. So we see the Clean-Frac water technology as being a really comprehensive water pollution solution that can treat produced fracking water from the wells to a standard that will be acceptable by the environmental legislation in Trinidad and Tobago. This technology has the potential to solve a major problem. We are really excited to be partnering with OriginOil. We are happy to look at this technology as a source of dealing with the issues associated with oil and gas exploration and production. If we can do it, and do it in a more responsible fashion, and do it in a way that we can mitigate some of the environmental impacts, we think we are in a win-win situation.

5:15 Big Biz: What a shining endorsement. We have here the gentleman you saw talking on the screen there. He’s the CEO of Synergy Resources, David Ramjohn and standing next to him is Elvis Seelochan, the President. Would you describe for our audience what Synergy Resources does.

5:53 David Ramjohn: Synergy Resources in a nutshell is a company that is focused on providing products and services for sustainable development, focusing on developing the green economy. So ultimately, what we do is we seek out the best technology, the best products, the best services that can allow us to continue our economic activity in a manner that does not prevent future generations from deriving the same or better benefits from the natural resources we all share.

6:43 Riggs: I want to thank these gentleman for really having believed in us from the beginning, from 2013, really. And here we are today. In fact, this morning we announced that our licensee, Industrial Systems of Delta received a purchase order from you with an initial payment for four industrial-sized water cleaning systems that will be deployed in Trinidad-Tobago.

Big Bizz: Guys tell me the benefit of striking a deal with OriginOil and getting their technology in with your business.

10:05 David Ramjohn: Well, it’s hard to quantify the benefit. We found our general oil for the green algae harvesting technology. That’s another of our core businesses we’re focusing on. But when we visited them last June in 2013, we saw the prototype of the Clean-Frac 1000. And on seeing the prototype, we realized this is something we need to watch. And we started tracking it since then, simply because Trinidad and Tobago has been an oil producing nation for over 100 years. We have a lot of oil production and exploration going on. We are more a gas economy now than we are an oil economy. But we have very mature reservoirs and there’s a lot of produced frac water that comes up along with the crude. And our suite of environmental legislation requires that this water be treated before it can enter the environment. Before it’s disposed.

Big Bizz: What’s next for you guys.

13:21 Riggs: What we are doing right now is jumping on opportunities. We have that great partnership in Oman with Gulf Energy and they are planning to make a major investment as well. And then we have some, as you know, major demos planned in Texas of our technology with STW. So, the more we demonstrate, the more there are these sales, it has a multiplying effect.

High-Speed Frack Water Cleanup


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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Foundation Company Reminds Homeowners to Prepare for Earthquakes Like Recent Napa Valley Quake

Napa Earthquake a Grim Reminder To Public of Earthquake Property Damage

LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction, Inc., (http://julianconstruction.com/) a foundation repair company based in Los Angeles, is reminding residents and business owners to repair and reinforce their foundations for earthquake preparedness and safety, in light of the recent 6.0 earthquake which hit Napa Valley. The event is bringing the realities of earthquake damage back to the general public, from business property damage to homes.

On August 24th, at 3:20 AM, a 6.0 earthquake hit the Napa Valley. The quake has been dubbed the “South Napa Earthquake” by the USGS (United States Geological Society). Centered near the West Napa Fault, the earthquake caused considerable damage in the local area. Efforts are underway to help restore the damaged businesses and homes in the area. Julian Construction is seeking to raise public awareness on earthquake preparedness, strengthening foundations so that homes foundations can better stand up to the California earthquakes. Earthquake preparedness, says the company, ensures the safety of all a building’s occupants.

Julian De La Torre, founder and owner of Julian Construction, stated: “These events are tragic. But what we strive to do is help people become better prepared for them. When you use earthquake retrofitting to reinforce the foundation of a building, it helps the structure stand up better to the earthquake and prevents collapse during and after the quake. If we all prepare for this than we can rest safer.”

Julian Construction owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323 733-3377, by fax at 323 733-4477 or via their website, www.julianconstruction.com. You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at http://julianconstruction.com/blog/. You can see a video about Julian Construction at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6I8j7dXzpj4&

Julian Construction Educates Public on Foundation Earthquake Retrofitting

Foundation Company Speaks Out on Earthquake Preparedness to General Public

LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction, Inc., (http://julianconstruction.com/) a foundation construction and foundation repair company in Southern California, has been working to educate the public on earthquake preparedness. The company has been working in the field of public safety and repair for over 20 years.

Shawn Kyles, chief building safety inspector at Julian Construction, stated: “Thirty years ago California adopted a law to encourage earthquake retrofitting of old buildings. However, thousands of buildings have still not been upgraded. Has your home been retrofitted for an earthquake? Seismic activity occurs on a daily basis in California. Within the past 8 months, there have been four moderate to large quakes ranging in magnitude from 4.4 to 6.8., two of which occurred in Southern California. Earthquake retrofitting increases a structure’s ability to withstand seismic activity, including ground motion and ground failure.”

Julian De La Torre, founder and owner of Julian Construction, stated: “The reason we are working on this campaign is to bring about more home safety. We want everyone to be secure and safe in their homes and know that their home’s structure will remain stable. The way we do this is by helping people find the home’s foundation problems and find out what needs to be done to repair them. We’ve been working on this and will continue to do so to raise public safety.”

Julian Construction owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323 733-3377, by fax at 323 733-4477 or via their website, www.julianconstruction.com. You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at http://julianconstruction.com/blog/ You can see a video about Julian Construction at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6I8j7dXzpj4&

Foundation Repair Los Angeles - 877-40-RETRO - Julian Construction in L.A.

Foundation Repair Los Angeles
Los Angeles Earthquake Retrofitting
House Bolting Los Angeles
Foundation Repair

Published on Sep 30, 2014
Julian Construction, Foundation Repair Los Angeles (http://www.julianconstruction.com), are experts in foundation repair & house bolting and have inspected over 15,000 structures for building & safety. Call them at 877-40-RETRO (877-407-3876) for a FREE inspection.

Julian De La Torre, began retrofitting prior to the Northridge Earthquake of 1994. He has personally worked on over 6,600 homes in Southern California. No one in Southern California has more experience in the substructure areas of a home than Julian.

In 2001 he formed Julian Construction with the goal of making yours a safer home. He proudly serves the greater Los Angeles area with his partner Shawn Kyles.

Having inspected over 15,000 structures, working with both engineering firms and local departments of building and safety, Shawn has brought foundation repair and house bolting to homeowners, apartment owners and property managers throughout Southern California.

Together, they cut out the middleman: no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. This is how they make yours a safer home at an affordable price. They even offer a price guarantee, because they are so sure that their price will represent your best value. So call them for your free inspection or visit them online at http://www.julianconstruction.com and complete the online inspection request form.

Julian Construction
2900 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90018
Toll Free: (877) 407-3876
Ph: (323) 733-3377
Visit our blog at http://julianconstruction.com/blog/
View our video on Foundation Repair Los Angeles at
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6I8j7...

How Do You Get a Book Published? - MaloneEditorial.com - Developmental Editor

How Do You Get a Book Published? Developmental Editor, Susan Mary Malone of Malone Editorial explains how a book editor can help you get your book into shape so it can get published by traditional book publishers. Visit her website (http://www.maloneeditorial.com) to see some of the authors she has helped get published!

With a BS in Political Science and minors in English and Journalism, Susan Mary Malone's professional background includes working as an editor, columnist and reporter for newspapers and magazines. In business since 1993, her edited books have been featured in Publishers Weekly, and won numerous awards.

Her clients include NY Times Bestselling author Mary B. Morrison, and Essence Bestselling author Naleighna Kai. Other notable edited books include: The Things I Could Tell You (Jeremy Woodson was nominated for an NAACP Literary award); O'Brien's Desk (a Publishers Weekly Spring Pick to Watch); Ida Mae Tutweiler and the Traveling Tea Party (made into a Hallmark film), among many others.

With many published works to her credit, Editor Susan Mary Malone applies her skills at editing books to her own book writing, and those of her clients. Susan's success as an award-winning book author of both fiction and nonfiction, as well as her short stories, can be seen in her numerous publication credits (http://maloneeditorial.com/Malone.htm).

She also participates as speaker at many literary conferences, including the Harriett Austin Writer's Conference (at the University of Georgia), the Blue Ridge Writer's Conference, the SouthWest Writer's Conference, and the upcoming Golden Triangle Writer's Conference, among others.

How Do You Get a Book Published? http://youtu.be/t5eEFamAjZU

To communicate with Susan Mary Malone email her at maloneeditorial@hotmail.com

See her channel of videos at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Q8...
