Friday, November 10, 2017

Landscaping with Maple Trees

By Nancy Penrose
Maple trees are known for their beautiful autumn leaf colors. There are more than 100 different species of maple trees. Most are native to Asia.

Maples range in height from 33 to 148 feet. The wood of larger maple trees like North America’s sugar maple and Europe’s sycamore maple is used in the manufacturing of bowling pins, butcher’s blocks and pool cue shafts. Some musical instruments like violins, bassoons and cellos are also built with maple wood. Maple syrup, a thick, sweet condiment, is made from the sap of sugar maples, red maples and black maple trees.

The maple tree’s leaves grow opposite each other, and are generally veined and lobed. The seeds of the maple tree are samaras, a type of fruit with a flattened wing of fiber-like tissue. Maple samaras look like the propeller of a helicopter. The tree usually flowers in late winter or early spring. The flowers are red, orange, yellow or green.

Maple trees can live for up to 200 years or longer. They are often planted as ornamentals due to their fall color and fast growth.

Several types of maple trees grow extremely well in the Pacific Northwest, including the Rocky Mountain maple, vine maple, bigleaf maple, autumn blaze maple, crimson sentry Norway maple and paperbark maple.

Rocky Mountain maples are relatively small (less than twelve feet tall) with greenish smooth bark. Vine maples grow up to 20 feet tall, with dark red and white flowers, vibrant leaf colors during the Fall and showy bark.

The bigleaf maple, which grows up to 100 feet tall, has green flowers. In the Fall, the tree’s leaves turn gold and yellow. Autumn blaze maples are a hybrid of the silver maple and red maple, with brilliant orange and red Fall leaves.

The crimson sentry Norway maple has crimson leaves that turn to marron during the summer and gold in autumn. Paperbark maples have smooth, orange-red bark that peels in thin layers. The tree’s leaves are dark green, and its flowers are yellow.

If you’re looking for a maple tree for your landscape, ask one of our big tree experts which is the best tree for your growing environment.

Nancy Penrose is owner of Big Trees Inc. (, (tree nursery Seattle / Snohomish, WA), one of the largest Seattle tree nurserys, specializing in large trees for sale and transplant tree service. Learn more about the care you can receive from our tree specialist at See our video at and connect with us on Facebook at

Big Trees Inc. Sells Giant Sequoia Tree for Community Park in Pasco

SNOHOMISH, WA: Big Trees Inc., (, a tree nursery and transplant company, was asked by a the city of Pasco, Washington to sell them a 14-foot tall Giant Sequoia tree in a community park.

The Sequoia tree that is being installed into the community park is considered a Heritage Tree, which is protected by the city ordinances, and is a large tree with unique value, and is considered irreplaceable. Giant Sequoia trees can get as large as 250 feet tall and 30 feet in diameter, making them one of the largest and tallest trees in the world. The city also plans on putting Christmas lights on the Giant Sequoia to mark the beginning of the holidays.

Nancy Penrose, owner of Big Trees, stated “We are excited to be part of the effort by the city of Pasco to plant a new Heritage Tree in their community park. These Giant Sequoia trees can live up to 3,000 years, so this is truly a heritage that the city will be creating for its future.”

Nancy Penrose is the owner of Big Trees Inc., located in Snohomish, WA in the Seattle area. The company is one of the largest tree nurseries in the Seattle area with over 120,000 trees available in over 300 varieties. They not only deliver young trees, but also mature trees in a wide range of sizes. Some types of trees available include spring flowering, deciduous, evergreen, and privacy trees. The company also does tree transplanting including large trees. Their blog can be seen at or They can be reached at 360-563-2700.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Brite Smiles Provides Dental Work for the Holidays

APPLE VALLEY, MN – Brite Smiles Dental Care (, in Apple Valley, is urging local residents to get cosmetic dental services prior to seeing family and friends for the upcoming holidays. These services can include things like filling in missing teeth and teeth whitening services for patients.

Dr. Simmons and his team understand how much of a difference a person can feel once they have a smile they feel proud of, especially during the holiday season. It’s for this reason that they offer the following services:

• Cosmetic work: Services such as crowns and veneers can help improve the aesthetics of a person’s teeth as well as boost their confidence.
• Filling in missing teeth: Brite Smiles offers full and partial dentures, implants and bridges to fill in missing teeth.
Teeth whitening: Foods such as coffee, certain sodas, and red wine can all stain teeth over time. Teeth whitening is a service that can quickly improve the appearance of one’s teeth.

One patient recently said about her experience at Brite Smiles Dental Care, “I came to your office because I am interested in good, reputable, dental care and was very adequately pleased. My questions and concerns were addressed thoroughly and concisely. All staff were very responsive and professional. Thank you.”

Dr. Dennis Simmons graduated from the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry in 1976, receiving the Class Honor in prosthetics – dentures partial and full. Since then, he has participated in over 3,000 hours of continuing education courses, focusing primarily on cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, dental implants and implant-supported restorations, orthodontics, extractions, crown/bridge, root canals, bite and TMJ disorders, and sleep apnea. For his studies, he has been honored with the status of “Diplomate” from the International Congress of Oral Implantology and the International Osseous (bone) Integration Society. For more information on dental services from Brite Smiles Dental Care, visit, or call 952-891-8484.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Do You Have Uneven Floors? Here's How House Leveling Works

floor leveling los angeles Thanks to California’s active seismic zones, many structures will develop a slope and become unleveled over time. This is commonly found on properties that have been built on expansive soil, where foundation settlement is unavoidable.

When a house becomes sloped or unleveled, a homeowner will typically see signs of foundation damage like uneven floors, cracked walls and ceilings, or doors and windows that do not open or close correctly.

Luckily, trained foundation specialists like Julian Construction can bring your home back to a level position, keeping your family and your property safe.

There are several ways a contractor may level your home. If your foundation issues are the result of foundation settlement, your foundation repair contractor may employ a jack to raise your home to a level position. While your home is raised, the contractor will examine the root of your home’s foundation settlement and implement a solution, so the problem does not persist.

A contractor may also suggest installing house leveling supporters. This is done by fitting metal or concrete supports into the foundation. Supports may be driven into the ground or installed under the home, in the crawl space, to support the structure’s weight.

  house leveling contractors
Sometimes house leveling issues are the result of rotten wood. If this is the case, a contractor will repair or replace the wooden joists that are used to support your home’s foundation. By replacing the damaged wood, the foundation will rest evenly.

Because of California’s expansive soil, it’s also up to the homeowner to make sure the house stays level after foundation repair. Extra care should be taken to ensure standing water and other aspects of the home’s irrigation system are kept away from its foundation. When the soil beneath the home becomes extremely wet, this can cause it to move, making the property structurally unbalanced.
Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

¿Tienes suelos irregulares? Así es cómo funciona la nivelación de casas

Gracias a las zonas sísmicas activas de California, muchas estructuras desarrollarán una pendiente y se desmantelarán con el tiempo. Esto se encuentra comúnmente en propiedades que se han construido en suelo expansivo, donde el asentamiento de cimientos es inevitable.

  floor leveling los angeles
Cuando una casa se inclina o se desmonta, el propietario generalmente verá signos de daños en la cimentación, como pisos irregulares, paredes y techos rajados, o puertas y ventanas que no se abren ni cierran correctamente.

Afortunadamente, los especialistas en fundaciones como Julian Construction pueden devolver su hogar a una posición nivelada, manteniendo a su familia y su propiedad a salvo.

Hay varias maneras en que un contratista puede nivelar su hogar. Si los problemas de su fundación son el resultado de la liquidación de la fundación, su contratista de reparación de la fundación puede emplear un gato para elevar su casa a una posición nivelada. Mientras su casa se levanta, el contratista examinará la raíz del asentamiento de la fundación de su casa e implementará una solución, para que el problema no persista.

Un contratista también puede sugerir instalar partidarios de nivelación de la casa. Esto se hace colocando soportes de metal o concreto en la base. Los soportes pueden introducirse en el suelo o instalarse debajo de la casa, en el espacio de arrastre, para soportar el peso de la estructura.

  house leveling contractors
A veces, los problemas de nivelación de la casa son el resultado de la madera podrida. Si este es el caso, un contratista reparará o reemplazará las vigas de madera que se utilizan para apoyar la base de su hogar. Al reemplazar la madera dañada, la base descansará de manera uniforme.

Debido al suelo expansivo de California, también le corresponde al propietario asegurarse de que la casa se mantenga nivelada después de la reparación de la fundación. Se debe tener especial cuidado para garantizar que el agua estancada y otros aspectos del sistema de irrigación de la casa se mantengan alejados de su base. Cuando el suelo debajo de la casa se vuelve extremadamente húmedo, esto puede hacer que se mueva, lo que hace que la propiedad esté estructuralmente desequilibrada.

Julian De La Torre es un experto en la inspección de la fundación de Los Ángeles, contratistas de cimientos y reparación de cimientos. La compañía de Julian, Julian Construction, ha inspeccionado más de 15,000 estructuras, trabajando con firmas de ingeniería y departamentos locales de construcción y seguridad. La compañía ha realizado más reparaciones de cimientos en Los Ángeles que ninguna otra compañía en el área en los últimos cinco años.

Everything You Need To Know About Earthquake Retrofitting

earthquake retrofitting As a California resident, you know the “Big One” is coming.

After Mexico's massive earthquakes in September, we saw what kind of damage a 7-8 magnitude quake can cause. Several buildings collapsed because of the violent shaking, leaving almost 300 people dead.

But, that doesn’t have to be your fate.

Thanks to advances in structural engineering, foundation specialists like Julian Construction, can retrofit your home or apartment complex, to better withstand the ferocious shaking of a massive temblor.

The main purpose of earthquake retrofitting is to ensure that your property does not get thrown off its foundation.

There are several ways a foundation contractor can retrofit a building. If the home has a crawl space, cripple wall bracing may be used to reinforce the foundation. This is done using structural grade plywood. Next, holdown brackets may be used to connect the cripple wall framing to the foundation to increase its resistance. Then foundation bolts are used with square-fitted plate washers to increase the structure’s strength.
foundation contractor los angeles If your home does not have cripple walls, that means the property’s floor framing sits directly on the mudsill. While this is typically found in newer homes, and is considered less dangerous than homes built with cripple walls, the connection of the floor to the framing often needs reinforcement for total seismic safety.
Many times, you’ll see “toenails” used to hold these structures in place. But, these “toenails” have been proven too weak to withstand a major earthquake, which is why strong seismic movement can cause the structure to slip off its foundation.

When you're reinforcing a property’s framing connection to its foundation, a contractor may use a custom connection, like Angle Iron Struts, to lock the structure in place.

And if your property is considered a “soft story,” meaning there’s been a room built over a large open space like tuck-under-parking, a foundation specialist may recommend reinforcing the “soft” area of the structure by installing plywood bracing along the walls and openings. If this type of support doesn’t work with the structure, a steel moment frame may be used as another retrofit option.

After the devastating earthquakes that shook Mexico last month, Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti made a public plea, urging local governments and building owners to get all structures in southern California up to seismic safety code as soon as possible.

“What’s more expensive, the loss of your entire property – let alone the loss of lives – or the investment in making sure that no earthquake of that size will destroy your building or kill anyone?” he asked Angelinos.

Now, more than ever, it’s important to be proactive about earthquake preparation and safety.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

Todo lo que necesita saber sobre el reajuste de terremotos

earthquake retrofittingComo residente de California, sabes que viene el "Gran Uno".

Después de los terremotos masivos de México en septiembre, vimos qué tipo de daños puede causar un terremoto de magnitud 7-8. Varios edificios colapsaron debido a la violenta sacudida, dejando casi 300 personas muertas.

Pero, ese no tiene que ser tu destino.
Gracias a los avances en la ingeniería estructural, los especialistas de la fundación, como Julian Construction, pueden modernizar su casa o complejo de apartamentos para resistir mejor el temblor feroz de un terremoto masivo.

El objetivo principal de la adaptación de terremotos es garantizar que su propiedad no se deshaga de su base.

Hay varias maneras en que un contratista básico puede modernizar un edificio. Si la casa tiene un espacio de arrastre, se pueden usar arriostramientos de pared para reforzar la base. Esto se hace usando madera contrachapada de calidad estructural. A continuación, se pueden usar soportes de holgura para conectar la estructura de la pared lisiada a la base para aumentar su resistencia. Luego, los pernos de base se usan con arandelas de placas cuadradas para aumentar la resistencia de la estructura.

Si su casa no tiene paredes paralizadas, eso significa que el encuadre del piso de la propiedad se encuentra directamente en el barro. Si bien esto se encuentra típicamente en las casas más nuevas, y se considera menos peligroso que las casas construidas con paredes paralizadas, la conexión del piso con el bastidor a menudo necesita un refuerzo para una seguridad sísmica total.

Muchas veces, verá "uñas de los pies" utilizadas para mantener estas estructuras en su lugar. Sin embargo, estas "uñas de los pies" se han demostrado demasiado débiles para resistir un gran terremoto, por lo que un fuerte movimiento sísmico puede hacer que la estructura se deslice desde su base.
foundation contractor los angeles
Cuando refuerza la conexión de encuadre de una propiedad a su base, un contratista puede usar una conexión personalizada, como Angle Iron Struts, para bloquear la estructura en su lugar.

Y si su propiedad se considera una "historia suave", lo que significa que ha habido una habitación construida sobre un gran espacio abierto como estacionamiento bajo techo, un especialista en cimientos puede recomendar reforzar el área "suave" de la estructura instalando contrachapado de madera contrachapada a lo largo del paredes y aberturas. Si este tipo de soporte no funciona con la estructura, un marco de momento de acero se puede utilizar como otra opción de actualización.

Después de los devastadores terremotos que sacudieron a México el mes pasado, el alcalde de Los Ángeles, Eric Garcetti, hizo un llamado público para instar a los gobiernos locales y propietarios de edificios a que suban todas las estructuras del sur de California al código de seguridad sísmica lo antes posible.

"¿Qué es más caro, la pérdida de toda su propiedad, y mucho menos la pérdida de vidas, o la inversión para asegurarse de que ningún terremoto de ese tamaño destruirá su edificio o matará a nadie?", Le preguntó a Angelinos.

Ahora, más que nunca, es importante ser proactivo en la preparación y seguridad de los terremotos.

Julian De La Torre es un experto en la inspección de la fundación de Los Ángeles, contratistas de cimientos y reparación de cimientos. La compañía de Julian, Julian Construction, ha inspeccionado más de 15,000 estructuras, trabajando con firmas de ingeniería y departamentos locales de construcción y seguridad. La compañía ha realizado más reparaciones de cimientos en Los Ángeles que ninguna otra compañía en el área en los últimos cinco años.