Tuesday, February 27, 2018

El sistema de terremoto temprano de México funciona a medida que el programa de California se queda atrás

mexico earthquake warning systemEl lunes, un terremoto de 5,9 sacudió el sur de México a primera hora de la mañana, una réplica del terremoto de magnitud 7,2 del viernes que sacudió la región.

Afortunadamente, ambos terremotos desencadenaron el sistema de alerta temprana de terremotos de México y notificaron a los residentes en el área sobre ambos temblores de 30 segundos a un minuto antes del temblor.

Las alarmas sísmicas ayudan a las personas a tener más tiempo para salir de estructuras inseguras y encontrar refugio. Después del terremoto de magnitud 8.1 que ocurrió a principios de este año en México, destruyendo varios edificios y matando a cientos de personas, el sistema de alarma seguramente salvó muchas vidas luego de alertar a los residentes cercanos de los terremotos del viernes y el lunes.

Es posible que se pregunte: "¿Por qué California no tiene un sistema similar?" Bueno, lo hacemos. El Servicio Geológico de EE. UU. Ha estado probando un sistema similar pero más sofisticado, que notificaría a los residentes antes de un gran terremoto.

El sistema, llamado ShakeAlert, se basa en sensores, que se extienden por todo California, para leer las ondas sísmicas que ocurren bajo tierra. Cuando el programa detecta ondas más lentas, es decir, terremotos más grandes, alertaría a las agencias, como el departamento de bomberos local, la policía local y las escuelas, y eventualmente enviaría las mismas notificaciones directamente a su teléfono inteligente.

El USGS también quiere que el sistema active las puertas de las estaciones de bomberos para que se abran, detengan los trenes, detengan las atracciones del parque de atracciones y hagan que los ascensores se detengan en el piso más cercano.

En 1994, California sufrió un terremoto de 6.7 que dejó casi 60 personas muertas y 9,000 heridas. La mayoría de las lesiones se debieron a cosas que cayeron en las cabezas de las personas, lo que podría prevenirse con un sistema como ShakeAlert. Hasta el momento, el programa puede dar una advertencia de 10 segundos, tiempo suficiente para notificar a las personas que se escondan y cubran.

México primero construyó su sistema después del terremoto de 1985 que mató a unas 10.000 personas. Japón implementó un programa similar después de su terremoto de 1995 que mató a 2.400 personas, y China está trabajando en un sistema en respuesta a su terremoto de 2008 que dejó 87,000 personas muertas.

Los legisladores de California han estado protestando por los recientes recortes presupuestarios, avanzando un poco para obtener las 1,675 estaciones sísmicas necesarias para ejecutar el programa. Sin embargo, los arquitectos aún están lejos de alcanzar los $ 38 millones necesarios para construir todo el sistema.

Si bien tendremos que esperar a que se complete e implemente ShakeAlert, ahora más que nunca es importante ser proactivo en la preparación y seguridad de los terremotos.

Julian De La Torre es un experto en la inspección de la fundación de Los Ángeles, contratistas de cimientos y reparación de cimientos. La compañía de Julian, Julian Construction, ha inspeccionado más de 15,000 estructuras, trabajando con firmas de ingeniería y departamentos locales de construcción y seguridad. La compañía ha realizado más reparaciones de cimientos y reacondicionamiento de terremotos en Los Ángeles que cualquier otra compañía en el área en los últimos cinco años.

Mexico’s Early Earthquake System Works as California’s Program Falls Behind

mexico earthquake warning system On Monday, a 5.9 earthquake shook southern Mexico early in the morning – an aftershock from Friday’s 7.2 magnitude earthquake that rocked the region.

Luckily, both earthquakes set off Mexico’s early earthquake warning system and notified residents in the area about both temblors 30 seconds to a minute before the shaking.

The seismic alarms help give people extra time to exit unsafe structures and find shelter. After Mexico’s 8.1 magnitude earthquake that happened at the end of 2017, destroying several buildings and killing hundreds of people, the alarm system surely saved many lives after alerting nearby residents of Friday and Monday’s quakes.

You may be asking yourself, “Why doesn’t California have a similar system?” Well, we do. The U.S. Geological Survey has been testing a similar, but more sophisticated system, that would notify residents before a large earthquake.

The system, called ShakeAlert, relies on sensors – which are spread throughout California – to read the seismic waves that occur underground. When the program detects slower waves, meaning larger quakes, it would alert agencies like the local fire department, the local police, schools and eventually send those same notifications right to your smartphone.

The USGS also wants the system to trigger firehouse doors to open, bring trains to a halt, stop amusement park rides and have elevators stop at the nearest floor.

In 1994, California suffered a 6.7 earthquake which left nearly 60 people dead and 9,000 injured. Most of the injuries were sustained from things falling on people’s heads, which could be prevented with a system like ShakeAlert. So far, the program can give a 10 second warning, enough time to notify people to duck and cover.

Mexico first built their system after the massive 1985 earthquake that killed an estimated 10,000 people. Japan implemented a similar program after their 1995 earthquake which killed 2,400 people, and China is working on a system in response to their 2008 quake that left 87,000 people dead.

California legislators have been protesting recent budget cuts, making some headway to getting the 1,675 seismic stations needed to run the program. However, architects are still far from attaining the $38 million needed to build out the entire system.

While we’ll have to wait for ShakeAlert to be completed and implemented, now more than ever it’s important to be proactive about earthquake preparation and safety.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair and earthquake retrofitting in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

Qué esperar en su hogar Inspección de la Fundación

Foundation inspection los angelesLas casas que se construyeron antes de 1962, a menudo sufren de alguna forma de problemas de cimentación o degradación.

Como resultado, la estructura de la base de una casa puede volverse inestable y / o insegura.

Si ha notado algún signo de daño en la base, es importante ponerse en contacto con un especialista de la fundación para realizar una inspección exhaustiva.

Las empresas, como Julian Construction, enviarán a uno de sus inspectores calificados de la fundación a la propiedad para determinar la condición de la fundación de la casa. Mirarán el perímetro exterior de la casa, además del interior de la casa, antes de mirar debajo de la propiedad.

En el exterior de la casa, el inspector buscará signos de humedad. En el interior, examinarán la casa en busca de signos como grandes grietas en las costuras de las paredes, pisos irregulares o inclinados, o puertas y ventanas que se pegan.

  house bolting
Al final de la inspección, el inspector le proporcionará al propietario un resumen detallado de sus hallazgos, además de sus recomendaciones para reparación o reemplazo.

A veces, la propiedad necesitará reparación simple de cimientos, reacondicionamiento sísmico o reemplazo total de cimientos para solucionar cualquier problema o asegurar la casa de manera adecuada.

Si la propiedad necesita reparación de cimientos, el inspector sugerirá reparar las áreas agrietadas, asentadas y desplazadas del perímetro y las paredes de concreto de la estructura.

Además de reparar cualquier grieta, la casa puede necesitar reparación de madera para arreglar el armazón, partes estructurales de la casa, o para remediar cualquier problema con el poste y los muelles de la casa.

Si la casa necesita reacondicionamiento sísmico, el especialista de cimentación recomendará agregar a la base herrajes adicionales, como pernos, madera contrachapada y / o marcos, que ayudan a proteger la casa de los temblores de lado a lado o el movimiento hacia adelante y hacia atrás durante una terremoto.

Si recientemente ha comprado una casa con problemas de cimentación, o ha notado cosas como puertas y ventanas, pisos irregulares, grandes grietas y saturación de agua, es importante ponerse en contacto con una empresa de reparación de cimientos inmediatamente, ya que estos problemas empeorarán con el tiempo. .

Julian De La Torre es un experto en la inspección de la fundación de Los Ángeles, contratistas de cimientos y reparación de cimientos. La compañía de Julian, Julian Construction, ha inspeccionado más de 15,000 estructuras, trabajando con firmas de ingeniería y departamentos locales de construcción y seguridad. La compañía ha realizado más reparaciones de cimientos en Los Ángeles que ninguna otra compañía en el área en los últimos cinco años.

What to Expect on Your Home Foundation Inspection

Foundation inspection los angeles Homes that were built before 1962, often suffer from some form of foundation issues or degradation.

As a result, the structure of a home’s foundation can become unstable and/or unsafe.

If you’ve noticed any signs of foundation damage, it’s important to contact a foundation specialist to conduct a thorough inspection.

Companies, like Julian Construction, will send one of their qualified foundation inspectors to the property to determine the condition of the home’s foundation. They’ll look at the exterior perimeter of the home, in addition to the interior of the home, before looking under the property.

On the outside of the home, the inspector will look for signs of moisture. Inside, they’ll examine the house for signs like large cracks in the seams of the walls, uneven or sloping floors, or doors and windows that stick.
  house bolting
At the end of the inspection, the inspector will provide the homeowner with a detailed summary of their findings, in addition to their recommendations for repair or replacement.

Sometimes the property will need simple foundation repair, seismic retrofitting or total foundation replacement to remedy any issues or properly secure the house to it’s foundation.
If the property needs foundation repair, the inspector will suggest repairing cracked, settled, and shifted areas of the structure’s concrete perimeter and walls.

Aside from fixing any cracks, the home may need wood repair to fix the framing, structural parts of the house, or to remedy any issues with the house’s post and piers.

If the home needs seismic retrofitting, the foundation specialist will recommend adding additional hardware like house bolts, plywood and/or framing to the foundation, which helps protect the house from the side-to-side shaking or back-and-forth movement during an earthquake.

If you’ve recently purchased a home with foundation issues, or have noticed things like sticking doors and windows, uneven floors, large cracks and water saturation, it’s important to contact a foundation repair company immediately, because these problems will only get worse with time.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

Cómo saber si su hogar necesita reparación de la base

home foundation repairSi posee una casa que se construyó antes de 1962, es posible que necesite reparar su base.

Hay varios signos de daño a la base que querrás examinar en tu casa. Para comenzar, si ha notado que las puertas o ventanas se pegan, eso puede significar que ha habido un cambio en la base de su propiedad.

Otras áreas para inspeccionar son los pisos y las escaleras de su casa. Si ha notado inclinaciones o irregularidades en el piso o las escaleras, ambos podrían indicar problemas de cimentación más grandes.

Los paneles de yeso agrietados y los espacios grandes entre las costuras de la pared y el techo son, asimismo, signos de deterioro o deterioro de la cimentación. Lo mismo ocurre si ha notado grietas significativas en el hormigón exterior.

Y si ha notado agua en su sótano, espacios de arrastre o áreas saturadas alrededor del perímetro del hogar, lo mejor es ponerse en contacto con un especialista de cimientos para realizar una inspección minuciosa de la cimentación del hogar.

Por supuesto, algunos de los indicadores enumerados anteriormente pueden ser el resultado de un asentamiento normal. Por ejemplo, las grietas delgadas (menos de ¼ de pulgada de ancho) en las paredes de la casa o alrededor de la base generalmente ocurren por asentamiento y no significa que tenga problemas de cimentación.

Sin embargo, las grietas anchas generalmente son indicios de que hay problemas de cimentación más grandes en el trabajo y necesitarán una reparación profesional.

Si recientemente ha comprado una casa con problemas de cimentación, o ha notado problemas como pegar puertas y ventanas, pisos irregulares, grandes grietas y saturación de agua, es importante ponerse en contacto con una empresa de reparación de cimientos inmediatamente, ya que estos problemas empeorarán con el tiempo. .

Julian De La Torre es un experto en la inspección de la fundación de Los Ángeles, contratistas de cimientos y reparación de cimientos. La compañía de Julian, Julian Construction, ha inspeccionado más de 15,000 estructuras, trabajando con firmas de ingeniería y departamentos locales de construcción y seguridad. La compañía ha realizado más reparaciones de cimientos en Los Ángeles que ninguna otra compañía en el área en los últimos cinco años.

How to Tell If Your Home Needs Foundation Repair

home foundation repair If you own a home that was built before 1962, you may need to have your foundation repaired.

There are several signs of foundation damage that you’ll want to examine your home for. To start, if you’ve noticed doors or windows that stick, that may mean there's been a shift in your property’s foundation.

Other areas to inspect are your home’s floors and staircases. If you’ve noticed any sloping or unevenness in your flooring or stairs, both could indicate larger foundation issues.

Cracked drywall and large gaps between the seams of the wall and the ceiling are likewise both signs of foundation damage or deterioration. Same goes if you’ve noticed significant cracks in the exterior concrete.

home foundation repair And if you’ve noticed water in your basement, crawl spaces or saturated areas around the perimeter of the home, it’s best to contact a foundation specialist to conduct a thorough home foundation inspection.

Of course, some of the indicators listed above can result from normal settling. For example, thin cracks (those less than ¼ inch wide) on the home’s walls or around the foundation typically occur from settling and do not mean you have foundation issues.

However, wide cracks are usually signs that there are larger foundation issues at work and will need professional repair.

If you’ve recently purchased a home with foundation issues, or have noticed issues like sticking doors and windows, uneven floors, large cracks and water saturation, it’s important to contact a foundation repair company immediately, because these problems will only get worse with time.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Big Trees Inc. Saves an Oak Tree for an Elementary School

SNOHOMISH, WA: Big Trees Inc., (http://bigtreesupply.com/), a tree sales and transplant company in the Seattle area, was contacted by an elementary school to help save a large oak tree that was in the way of a school renovation project.

Big Trees first evaluated the access to the tree and gave estimates of what all would be involved in handling the oak. The tree is 24 feet tall, 15 to 18 feet wide and was planted in the playground area of the school property.

It was decided that the Big John 90-inch tree spade truck would be the best method for handling the tree. The tree needed to be taken off site and stored at Big Trees’ nursery, since there was no room for the tree on the construction site during renovations. The extraction went well and the tree was tied down “piggyback” style onto the truck mounted spade. Once secured, the tree was driven back to Big Trees’ nursery and put into a storage area that kept the tree stable until the school was ready for it to go back onto their property.

Big Trees received the call that the elementary school was ready for the oak tree to go back to the property roughly one year later, Access was made for the Big John 90-inch tree spade truck to back the tree into its new planting location. The spade truck retrieved the tree from its temporary home in the nursery and delivered it back into the city where it was successfully replanted into its new location.

“The Big John 90-inch tree spade truck doesn’t fit for every tree transplanting process, but when the pieces all come together, it’s an incredible machine to watch!” said Todd Holmes, Big Trees’ Operation Manager.

Nancy Penrose is the owner of Big Trees Inc., located in Snohomish, WA in the Seattle area. The company is one of the largest tree nurseries in the Seattle area with over 120,000 trees available in over 300 varieties. They not only deliver young trees, but also mature trees in a wide range of sizes. Some types of trees available include spring flowering, deciduous, evergreen, and privacy trees. The company also does tree transplanting including large trees. More information can be found at http://www.bigtreesupply.com/blog/ or http://snohomishbigtrees.com/. Big Trees can be reached at 360-563-2700.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Blue Sky Chimney Sweeps Offers Winter Energy Saving Tips

EDEN PRAIRIE, MN – Blue Sky Chimney Sweeps (http://www.mplsblueskychimneysweeps.com/), in Eden Prairie, is giving homeowners their tips on how to save energy during the winter season.
Three tips to save energy this winter include:
  • The best way to save energy with your fireplace during the winter is to make sure your fire is efficient. To accomplish this, always burn well-seasoned wood, which contains 20 to 25 percent water compared to fresh wood, which contains about 45 percent water. The less water the wood has, the quicker your home is heated and the more efficient the fire is.
  • Install a top-sealing damper. When the damper is closed, it will create a tight seal so cold drafts won’t come into your house; when it is open, it will function like a cap. It is very important to always keep the damper open when a fire is burning to ensure the smoke can get out.
  • Have your chimney inspected annually to ensure nothing is holding your fireplace back from performing properly.
A past client of Blue Sky said: “I was worried about my chimney’s safety and so I called Blue Sky and they came out and did a professional inspection of my chimney and it turns out it just needed a cleaning is all. I was shown how to use my fireplace and am looking forward to using it this winter! Very good company!”

Blue Sky Chimney Sweeps is family owned and operated, and has over 20 years of experience in the chimney repair and cleaning field, and all of their masons and sweeps are licensed and insured. They are members of the National Chimney Sweeps Guild and are certified by the Chimney Safety Institute of America. Blue Sky offers chimney cleaning in Minneapolis and the metro area. For more information on chimney services from Blue Sky Chimney Sweeps, visit http://www.mplsblueskychimneysweeps.com, or call 952-944-1744.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Brite Smiles Shares Mouth Injury Advice for this Winte

APPLE VALLEY, MN – Brite Smiles Dental Care (http://www.britesmilesdentalcare.com), in Apple Valley, is sharing their advice on how to prevent mouth injuries this winter and what to do if such an injury were to happen.

Falls are common during the winter season, and sometimes mouth injuries can occur because of a fall. Mouth guards are a good way, especially if you’re playing a winter sport, to help prevent a mouth injury. It’s good practice to get fitted for a mouth guard at the dentist to ensure it fits properly and can correctly protect your mouth.

Trauma and broken teeth may result from a mouth collision. Trauma could then cause damage to the nerve or create an infection. Any time there’s discomfort or swelling in the mouth that’s not lessening, it is wise to get it looked at.

Dr. Dennis Simmons, founder of Brite Smiles Dental Care, stated “We can get you in right away for a short appointment and quickly check out any problem from an injury. It’s also a good excuse to come in to have your teeth cleaned, especially if you’re overdue.”

Nancy C., a patient at Brite Smiles, spoke about her experience: “The care and concern I receive is always above and beyond. If I have any problems they are taken care of with prompt, friendly service.”

Dr. Dennis Simmons graduated from the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry in 1976, receiving the Class Honor in prosthetics – dentures partial and full. Since then, he has participated in over 3,000 hours of continuing education courses, focusing primarily on cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, dental implants and implant-supported restorations, orthodontics, extractions, crown/bridge, root canals, bite and TMJ disorders and sleep apnea. For his studies, he has been honored with the status of “Diplomate” from the International Congress of Oral Implantology and the International Osseous (bone) Integration Society. For more information on dental services from Brite Smiles Dental Care, visit http://britesmilesdentalcare.com, or call 952-891-8484.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

BigTreeSupply.com: The European Gypsy Moth

By Nancy Penrose

One of the most destructive tree pests in the State of Washington is the European gypsy moth. In its caterpillar form, it has destroyed millions of acres of foliage around the country.

The moth was brought to the United States in the 1860’s near Boston, Massachusetts to cross-breed with silk worms and escaped into the environment. It is now permanently established in 20 Eastern and Midwestern states.

Gypsy moth eggs are usually laid on tree trunks and branches. Egg clusters can contain up to 1000 or more eggs. The larvae (caterpillars) appear in the spring. Mature larvae are two to three inches long and have five pair of blue spots and six pair of red spots on their back. Adult male gypsy moths are a mottled brown and adult female moths are white.

The moth was first discovered in Washington in 1974. Since then, the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) has been aggressively eradicating gypsy moths with aerial applications of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Btk), a natural soil bacteria. Treatments typically begin in April or May when the caterpillars start feeding on trees and shrubs.

Each year the WSDA conducts trapping programs to locate gypsy moth occurrences. Approximately 20,000 traps are set up around the state and checked from June through September. The traps are made of cardboard and placed on private and public property. Inside the trap is a string coated with synthetic pheromone, as substance females emit to attract males during mating. The inside of the trap is also coated with a sticky substance that catches insects.

Here’s how you can help prevent the gypsy moth from becoming permanently established in the State of Washington:
  1. Let the WSDA place traps on your property
  2. If a moth infestation is found in your area, allow the WSDA to administer treatments.
You can read more about the WSDA’s treatment program at agr.wa.gov/gypsymoth. Our big tree specialists can also answer your questions about tree pests and how to protect your foliage and big trees.

Nancy Penrose is owner of Big Trees Inc. (http://www.bigtreesupply.com), (tree nursery Snohomish, WA), one of the largest Seattle tree nurserys, specializing in large trees for sale and transplanting tree service. Learn more about tree preservation at http://bigtreesupply.com/tree-care-maintenance/ and for more tips on tree care or installation go to arboristblog.com. See our video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6vVhNW1XJI and connect with us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Big-Trees-Inc/193731105108.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Big Trees Inc. Extracts and Saves Two Large Japanese Maples

SNOHOMISH, WA: Big Trees Inc., (http://bigtreesupply.com/), a tree sales and transplant company, was offered an opportunity to extract and save two very large Japanese Maple trees from a residence in Bellevue this month.

The trees were slated to be demolished, but are now successfully root balled and back in Big Trees’ nursery. Big Trees was approached by a homeowner with a problem in late 2017; they had two enormous Japanese Maples on their property line with the street. The trees were overwhelming the frontage of their home from the street and the owner wanted to open up their small front yard and get a new layout to their garden, which put the Japanese Maples on the chopping block.

Once a utility locate was performed to make sure Big Trees’ digging efforts wouldn’t break any buried feeds to the house, Big Trees began the project. With large lifting equipment rented, and a low boy heavy hauling trailer scheduled, the Japanese Maples were root balled. The trees weighed 6-10,000 pounds each. Over the next two days, the Maples were transported to the Big Trees nursery in Snohomish. Additionally, a Stewartia tree that was getting too big for its location was moved to a more suitable location in the front yard.

“Big Trees’ tree rescue program is here for situations like this where someone has a tree that doesn’t fit their situation, but could be extremely desirable for some other homeowner. It’s very exciting to see these big Maples show up in our nursery. Japanese Maples are one of the most unique and dramatic of what we call ‘specimen trees.’ There’s a lot that goes into this kind of an operation, and we can’t wait to see these trees leaf out this spring!”, said Todd Holmes, Big Trees’ Operation Manager.

Nancy Penrose is the owner of Big Trees Inc., located in Snohomish, WA in the Seattle area. The company is one of the largest tree nurseries in the Seattle area with over 120,000 trees available in over 300 varieties. They not only deliver young trees, but also mature trees in a wide range of sizes. Some types of trees available include spring flowering, deciduous, evergreen, and privacy trees. The company also does tree transplanting including large trees. Their blog can be seen at http://www.bigtreesupply.com/blog/ or http://arboristblog.com/. They can be reached at 360-563-2700.