Monday, March 26, 2018

Early Earthquake Warning System Makes Financial Headway

early earthquake warning system On Thursday, lawmakers proposed $22.9 million for the early earthquake warning system, which is currently under construction on the West Coast. The new proposed budget doubles last year’s budget of $10.2 million.

“The significant funding provided in the bill will help ensure that the West Coast has a functioning earthquake early warning system in the near future,” Rep. Ken Calvert, chairman of a House subcommittee said in a statement.

“I will continue to be a champion for this life-saving technology that can have a significant impact when big earthquakes strike. Let’s take the steps we can to save Americans from preventable injuries during natural disasters,” Calvert added.

The newly proposed budget will cover $10 million for the actual construction of the system and $12.9 million for continual development of it.

For now, the U.S. Geological Survey’s early earthquake warning system bill will move to the senate for another vote.

“This system will not only help protect infrastructure and businesses, but also prevent injuries and save lives across California, Oregon and Washington,” Burbank Rep. Adam Schiff said in a statement.

Those who live in California know it’s earthquake country, which is why these seismic stations are so important for the detection of earthquake activity to save lives and prevent damage.

In San Francisco, a prototype of the early earthquake warning system provided an 8-second warning before the shaking of a 6.0 magnitude earthquake in Napa.

While the budget victory in the house is progress, there is still a ways to go. It’s estimated that the complete system will cost $39.2 million to build along the West Coast and $16.1 million to maintain.

Once completed, the USGS is hoping to install notifications in hospitals, fire stations, schools, malls and other heavily populated areas.

The shaking of an earthquake travels at the speed of sound through rock, which is slower than the speed of today’s communication systems – making it completely feasible to notify the public with enough time to exit unsafe structures, stop trains and halt surgeries.

While the system is still under construction, it’s important that if you live in California you are taking the necessary steps to protect yourself and your home from earthquake damage.

If you have any concerns about your home’s foundation, contact Julian Construction to schedule a free inspection. Foundation issues, left unchecked, will only get more damaging and expensive with time.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair and earthquake retrofitting in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

El sistema de alerta temprana de terremotos hace avances financieros

early earthquake warning systemEl jueves, los legisladores propusieron $ 22.9 millones para el sistema de alerta temprana de terremotos, que actualmente se encuentra en construcción en la costa oeste. El nuevo presupuesto propuesto duplica el presupuesto del año pasado de $ 10.2 millones.

"Los importantes fondos provistos en el proyecto de ley ayudarán a asegurar que la costa oeste tenga un sistema de alerta temprana de terremoto en funcionamiento en el futuro cercano", dijo el representante Ken Calvert, presidente de un subcomité de la Cámara en un comunicado.

"Continuaré siendo un campeón de esta tecnología para salvar vidas que puede tener un impacto significativo cuando ocurren grandes terremotos. Tomemos los pasos que podamos para salvar a los estadounidenses de lesiones prevenibles durante desastres naturales ", agregó Calvert.

El nuevo presupuesto propuesto cubrirá $ 10 millones para la construcción real del sistema y $ 12.9 millones para el desarrollo continuo del mismo.

Por ahora, el proyecto de ley del sistema de alerta temprana de terremotos del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos se trasladará al Senado para otro voto.

"Este sistema no solo ayudará a proteger la infraestructura y las empresas, sino que también evitará lesiones y salvará vidas en California, Oregón y Washington", dijo el representante de Burbank, Adam Schiff, en un comunicado.

Quienes viven en California saben que es un país sísmico, por lo que estas estaciones sísmicas son tan importantes para la detección de actividad sísmica como para salvar vidas y prevenir daños.

En San Francisco, un prototipo del sistema de advertencia temprana de terremotos proporcionó una advertencia de 8 segundos antes del temblor de magnitud 6,0 ​​en Napa.

Si bien la victoria presupuestaria en la casa es un avance, todavía hay un camino por recorrer. Se estima que el sistema completo costará $ 39.2 millones para construir a lo largo de la costa oeste y $ 16.1 millones para mantener.

Una vez completado, el USGS espera instalar notificaciones en hospitales, estaciones de bomberos, escuelas, centros comerciales y otras áreas densamente pobladas.

El temblor de un terremoto viaja a la velocidad del sonido a través de la roca, que es más lento que la velocidad de los sistemas de comunicación actuales, haciendo que sea completamente factible notificar al público con tiempo suficiente para salir de estructuras inseguras, detener trenes y detener cirugías.

Si bien el sistema aún está en construcción, es importante que si vives en California estás tomando las medidas necesarias para protegerte a ti y a tu hogar contra el daño causado por un terremoto.

Si tiene alguna inquietud acerca de la base de su hogar, comuníquese con Julian Construction para programar una inspección gratuita. Los problemas de la Fundación, que no se controlan, solo se volverán más dañinos y costosos con el tiempo.

Julian De La Torre es un experto en la inspección de la fundación de Los Ángeles, contratistas de cimientos y reparación de cimientos. La compañía de Julian, Julian Construction, ha inspeccionado más de 15,000 estructuras, trabajando con firmas de ingeniería y departamentos locales de construcción y seguridad. La compañía ha realizado más reparaciones de cimientos y reacondicionamiento de terremotos en Los Ángeles que cualquier otra compañía en el área en los últimos cinco años.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

El Alcalde Eric Garcetti Pide Planificación y Preparación del Terremoto Stogner

steel-framed retrofitsEl alcalde Eric Garcetti tiene la misión de preparar a Los Ángeles para el próximo gran terremoto.

El viernes, el alcalde firmó una directiva que haría que Los Ángeles esté más preparado para un terremoto considerable y dijo que Los Ángeles debería considerar hacer modificaciones obligatorias de edificios vulnerables con armazón de acero.

Aunque Los Ángeles ya requiere la modificación de las propiedades de ladrillos, marcos de hormigón y estructuras de madera que requieren un refuerzo de terremotos, esta es la primera vez que la ciudad considera la necesidad de modernizar los edificios con armazón de acero que se consideran vulnerables.

Si California fue azotada hoy por un gran terremoto, el del terremoto de Northridge de 1994 (6.7 de magnitud) o mayor, hay cinco edificios con armazón de acero solo en el sur de California que podrían colapsar durante la sacudida. Y si estos edificios colapsaron, se estima que unas 400 personas podrían morir y 800 podrían resultar heridas.

Ciudades como Santa Monica y Hollywood ya aprobaron una legislación similar que exige la modernización de todos los edificios con armazón de acero vulnerables en sus distritos, razón por la cual Garcetti está presionando a Los Ángeles para que haga lo mismo.

Garcetti quiere asegurarse de que todos los edificios vulnerables que han pasado desapercibidos estén cubiertos.

"Hay edificios en Los Ángeles que se han deslizado a través de las grietas. Pero no podemos permitir que la gente en un terremoto muera por esas grietas ", dijo el alcalde en un comunicado sobre la propuesta de modernización con armazón de acero.

"Simplemente creo que podemos hacer más", explicó. "Encontramos dónde podemos hacer más. Entonces, no se trata de si, ahora tenemos que abordar cómo ".

Garcetti no solo está preocupado por los terremotos, también está enfocando sus esfuerzos para hacer que Los Ángeles esté más preparado para otros desastres como los incendios forestales y el daño por el calor extremo.

"No podemos esperar a que ocurran catástrofes antes de enfrentarlos", enfatizó.

LA ya está buscando crear respuestas de preparación ante desastres para cada ciudad del condado. Para aquellos en Venecia, habría una respuesta al aumento del nivel del mar, los residentes en Chatsworth un plan para incendios forestales y para aquellos en las colinas de Hollywood una estrategia para deslizamientos de tierra.

De hecho, la ciudad quiere establecer "Centros de resiliencia del vecindario" en cada comunidad y crear un lugar que ofrezca poder, información y comunicaciones satelitales en caso de un desastre mayor.

"Solo podemos superar nuestras mayores amenazas si trabajamos juntos", dijo Garcetti.

Ahora más que nunca es importante ser proactivo en la preparación y seguridad de los terremotos.

Julian De La Torre es un experto en la inspección de la fundación de Los Ángeles, contratistas de cimientos y reparación de cimientos. La compañía de Julian, Julian Construction, ha inspeccionado más de 15,000 estructuras, trabajando con firmas de ingeniería y departamentos locales de construcción y seguridad. La compañía ha realizado más reparaciones de cimientos y reacondicionamiento de terremotos en Los Ángeles que cualquier otra compañía en el área en los últimos cinco años.

Mayor Eric Garcetti Calls for Stronger Earthquake Planning & Preparation

steel-framed retrofits Mayor Eric Garcetti is on a mission to make Los Angeles ready for the next big earthquake.

On Friday, the mayor signed a directive that would make Los Angeles more prepared for a sizeable earthquake and said LA should consider making mandatory retrofits of vulnerable steel-framed buildings.

While Los Angeles already requires the retrofit of brick, concrete-framed and wood-framed properties needing earthquake reinforcement, this is the first time the city has considered requiring the retrofit of steel-framed buildings that have been deemed vulnerable.

If California was hit by a major earthquake today – that of the size of the 1994's Northridge quake (6.7 magnitude) or greater – there are five steel-framed buildings in Southern California alone that could collapse during the shaking.  And if these buildings collapsed, it’s estimated that some 400 people could die and 800 could be injured.

Cities like Santa Monica and Hollywood have already passed similar legislation requiring the retrofit of all vulnerable steel-framed buildings in their districts, which is why Garcetti is pushing LA to do the same.

Garcetti especially wants to make sure that any vulnerable buildings that have gone unnoticed are covered.

“There are buildings in Los Angeles that have slipped through the cracks. But we can’t let people in an earthquake be killed by those cracks,” the mayor said in a statement about the steel-framed retrofit proposal

“I just believe we can do more,” he explained. “We found where we can do more. And so, it’s not a question of if – now we have to tackle how.”

Garcetti isn’t just worried about earthquakes, he’s also focusing his efforts to make Los Angeles more prepared for other disasters like wildfires and damage from extreme heat.

“We can’t wait for catastrophes to hit before confronting them,” he stressed.

LA is already looking to create disaster preparedness responses for each city in the county. For those in Venice there would be a response to rising sea levels, residents in Chatsworth a plan for wildfires and for those in the Hollywood Hills a strategy for mudslides.

In fact, the city wants to establish “Neighborhood Resilience Hubs” in each community and create a place that would offer power, information and satellite communications in the event of a major disaster.

“We can only overcome our greatest threats if we work together,” Garcetti said.

Now more than ever it’s important to be proactive about earthquake preparation and safety.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair and earthquake retrofitting in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

Elegir la compañía de reparación de The Right Foundation

foundation cracksSi ha notado grietas en sus paredes, pisos inclinados o desiguales o tiene puertas o ventanas que se pegan, puede ser hora de contactar a una compañía de reparación de cimientos para que venga a ver su estructura.

Eso no significa que deba irse con la primera compañía que encuentre; es importante que investigue un poco para asegurarse de que su hogar esté en las mejores manos posibles.

Aquí hay 5 cosas que querrá considerar al elegir una empresa de reparación de cimientos:

Edad y reputación: querrá saber cuánto tiempo ha estado funcionando la empresa de reparación de cimientos y echar un vistazo a su reputación. Las empresas que han existido por más tiempo, por lo general tienen más experiencia con varios problemas básicos y un historial comprobado de éxito. Vea si la compañía pertenece a cualquier asociación y solicite referencias.

Licencias, credenciales y afiliaciones: asegúrese siempre de que la empresa con la que trabaja cumpla con todas las reglamentaciones estatales y sea un contratista con licencia. A continuación, querrá ver si la empresa tiene experiencia en reparación y reemplazo de cimientos. Las empresas, como Julian Construction, se especializan en este tipo de construcción y serían la mejor opción para el trabajo.

Compañías Locales: Es importante trabajar con una compañía que conozca bien su área, y estará disponible para remediar cualquier problema futuro con la fundación. Una compañía local tendrá una mejor comprensión de las diferentes fundaciones de origen en el área, y conocerá las leyes y ordenanzas locales que rodean el trabajo mucho mejor que una compañía nacional.

Comprobante de seguro: antes de que comience algo, querrá asegurarse de que la compañía de su elección esté asegurada. Pregunte si tienen seguro de responsabilidad civil o compensación laboral antes de comenzar cualquier trabajo.

Diagnóstico y Propuestas: Una vez que haya seleccionado una compañía, querrá evaluar el diagnóstico y la propuesta de la fundación del contratista. ¿Hicieron una inspección exhaustiva de la fundación? Esto significa ensuciarse las manos y gatear debajo de la estructura para examinar áreas ocultas de la propiedad, como el espacio de arrastre de la casa. También querrá ver si el contratista tomó fotos para documentar los problemas con su base y hacer que expliquen exactamente qué está mal con la integridad estructural de su hogar. Una vez que haya recibido la oferta o propuesta de la fundación, asegúrese de que describa los términos claros para reparar los problemas de su fundación.

Si tiene alguna inquietud acerca de la base de su hogar, comuníquese con Julian Construction para programar una inspección gratuita. Los problemas de la Fundación, que no se controlan, solo se volverán más dañinos y costosos con el tiempo.

Julian De La Torre es un experto en la inspección de la fundación de Los Ángeles, contratistas de cimientos y reparación de cimientos. La compañía de Julian, Julian Construction, ha inspeccionado más de 15,000 estructuras, trabajando con firmas de ingeniería y departamentos locales de construcción y seguridad. La compañía ha realizado más reparaciones de cimientos y reacondicionamiento de terremotos en Los Ángeles que cualquier otra compañía en el área en los últimos cinco años.

Choosing The Right Foundation Repair Company

foundation cracks If you’ve noticed cracks in your walls, sloping or uneven floors or have doors or windows that stick, it might be time to contact a foundation repair company to come take a look at your structure.

That doesn’t mean you should go with the first company you find – it’s important that you do a little research to make sure your home is in the best hands possible.

Here are 5 things you’ll want to consider when choosing a foundation repair company:

Age & reputation: You’ll want to find out how long the foundation repair company has been in business and take a look at their reputation. Companies that have been around for longer, typically have more experience with various foundation issues and a proven track record of success. See if the company belongs to any associations and ask for references.

Licenses, credentials & affiliations: Always make sure the company your working with is compliant with all state regulations and is a licensed contractor. Next, you’ll want see if the company has a background in foundation repair and replacement. Companies, like Julian Construction, specialize in this type of construction and would be the best choice for the job.

Local Companies: It’s important to work with a company who knows your area well, and will be around to remedy any future issues with the foundation. A local company will have a much better understanding of the different home foundations in the area, and will know the local laws and ordinances surrounding the job far better than a national company.

Proof of Insurance: Before anything begins, you’ll want to make sure the company of your choice is insured. Ask if they have liability insurance or worker’s compensation before any work is started.

Diagnosis & Proposals: Once you have selected a company, you’ll want to evaluate the contractor’s foundation diagnosis and proposal. Did they do a thorough inspection of the foundation? This means getting their hands dirty and crawling under the structure to examine hidden areas of the property like the crawl space of the home. You’ll also want to see if the contractor took pictures to document the issues with your foundation and have them explain exactly what is wrong with the structural integrity of your home. Once you have received their foundation bid or proposal, make sure it outlines clear terms to repair your foundation problems.

If you have any concerns about your home’s foundation, contact Julian Construction to schedule a free inspection. Foundation issues, left unchecked, will only get more damaging and expensive with time.

Julian De La Torre is an expert in Los Angeles foundation inspection, foundation contractors and foundation repair. Julian’s company, Julian Construction, has inspected over 15,000 structures, working with engineering firms and local departments of building & safety. The company has done more foundation repair and earthquake retrofitting in Los Angeles than any other company in the area over the last five years.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Blue Sky Chimney Sweeps Advises Homeowners to Get Those Repairs Done Sooner Than Later With The Rainy Season Right Around The Corner

EDEN PRAIRIE, MN – Blue Sky Chimney Sweeps (, in Eden Prairie, is advising homeowners to get their chimney repairs done now as spring is almost here.

While it seems like the snow keeps falling, one thing is for sure, spring is right around the corner. Before the rainy season hits, take time now to make sure your chimney is in good shape. As temperatures rise and drop as they do in the early spring, water seeping into the masonry can expand, creating bigger cracks and holes.

Homeowners that take the necessary precautions to protect their chimney will prevent costly repairs and keep their home and family safe. Get your fireplace and chimney cleaned and inspected annually to avoid structural issues and protect the integrity of your chimney. Make sure that you have a chimney cap installed to deter critters from entering. Coat any exposed areas of the chimney crown with a waterproof sealant to prohibit water intrusion.

Dave Lambert, the owner of Blue Sky Chimney Sweeps, mentioned: “Blue Sky Chimney Sweeps will do a comprehensive safety and maintenance inspection of your fireplace and chimney. We’ll provide you with a full inspection report and go over what we find with you and answer all your questions and give you all your options. We have very economical prices and we fully warranty all our work.”

A past client of Blue Sky stated: “ The entire experience with Blue Sky was great. We had to have the top crown/cap replaced on our chimney because it was disintegrating and a couple of the flue tile were cracked so water would leak down the chimney in heavy rain storms. The communication and responsiveness was some of the best I’ve had dealing with contractors over the years.”

Blue Sky Chimney Sweeps is family owned and operated, and has over 20 years of experience in the chimney repair and cleaning field, and all of their masons and sweeps are licensed and insured. They are members of the National Chimney Sweeps Guild and are certified by the Chimney Safety Institute of America. Blue Sky offers chimney cleaning in Minneapolis and the metro area. For more information on chimney services from Blue Sky Chimney Sweeps, visit, or call 952-944-1744.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Brite Smiles Dental Care Offers Waterlase Technology

APPLE VALLEY, MN – Brite Smiles Dental Care ( ), in Apple Valley, is offering Waterlase technology to their dental patients for treatment of cavities.

Waterlase Dentistry uses a patented technology, which combines YSGG (the most advanced laser technology) laser energy and a spray of water to perform dental procedures on the teeth, gums and bone more comfortably. There are several benefits of Waterlase, including:
  • No Anesthesia needed: Waterlase allows dentists to perform treatment with less trauma and to do procedures that wouldn’t be possible with traditional tools.
  • More comfort: Waterlase is painless.
  • Precise procedures: Dentists are able to perform procedures precisely while leaving the surrounding areas unaffected. This allows patients to keep more of their healthy tooth structure.
  • Improved cavity fillings: The cavity preparations used with Waterlase can increase bond strength which results in longer lasting fillings.
  • Fewer dental visits: Since patients don’t need anesthesia, cavity preps can be performed in all areas of the mouth in just one visit.
  • Less bleeding and swelling: Waterlase is gentle and results in little to no bleeding and less post-operation swelling.
Jimmie, a patient at Brite Smiles said: “Friendly and courteous staff! You always provide the service when I need it! Even though Brite Smiles is out of my network, I am pleased with your tremendous service.”

Dr. Dennis Simmons, founder of Brite Smiles Dental Care, graduated from the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry in 1976, receiving the Class Honor in prosthetics – dentures partial and full. Since then, he has participated in over 3,000 hours of continuing education courses, focusing primarily on cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, dental implants and implant-supported restorations, orthodontics, extractions, crown/bridge, root canals, bite and TMJ disorders, and sleep apnea. For his studies, he has been honored with the status of “Diplomate” from the International Congress of Oral Implantology and the International Osseous (bone) Integration Society. For more information on dental services from Brite Smiles Dental Care, visit, or call 952-891-8484.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

What Time of Year Do Pine Trees Drip Sap?

By Nancy Penrose

Pine trees are beautiful, but the one time that they’re not is when they drip shiny, gold sap. Along with the undesired sap, problems may arise depending on the amount of sap and its color. Keep reading to find out all you need to know about pine trees and signs there may be something wrong with them.

When do pine trees produce sap?

Sap is very important for pine trees. It allows nourishing ingredients to run throughout the tree. Sap can be produced year-round, but it happens most often when they begin to bud or when the season changes. The most sap will occur during the spring and early summer.

What is considered to be a normal amount of sap?

Homeowners with pine trees can expect a few drops here and there during the spring and early summer. The sap slows down during the winter and picks back up in the spring as the temperature changes.You’ll know if your pine trees are creating an excessive amount of sap if you see these other symptoms:
  • Sap that is not gold in color. Gold sap comes from healthy pines; any other color can mean that your tree has a disease or pest problem.
  • Holes in the tree’s trunk
  • Broken or damaged branches

  • Can I make pine trees stop producing sap?

    A pine tree that drips a little bit of gold-colored sap is normal, healthy and natural. If, however, your pines are producing a lot of sap and it is not gold in color, you should get your trees inspected for disease or pest issues. We offer inspections and provide treatments for trees, just contact us at (866) 313-2333.

    Nancy Penrose is owner of Big Trees Inc. (, (tree nursery Snohomish, WA), one of the largest Seattle tree nurseries, specializing in large trees for sale and transplant tree service. Learn more about tree preservation at and for more tips on tree care or installation go to See our video at and connect with us on Facebook at Inc/193731105108.