Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Maintenance & Care of Older Trees

by Nancy Penrose

Trees can be a beautiful addition to a landscape, and can help solve screening and privacy problems. As the trees mature, they can increase property value. The shade provided by mature trees can also keep your home cooler during the summer and help reduce energy costs.
Some maintenance and care will be necessary to keep your older trees healthy through the years, including watering, mulching, fertilizing and pruning. Periodic inspections will also be important to detect and address any signs of disease or other potential problems.
When a tree isn’t watered properly, it can lead to poor health and eventual plant loss. The quantity and frequency of water needed for an older tree is determined by tree type, soil and weather conditions. If a tree has been planted in soil that retains moisture, too much water can cause root damage. When a tree’s roots have been impaired, it makes it difficult for the tree to absorb the water it needs to survive. The result is wilting, a condition that also occurs when there is insufficient water.
Mulching protects a tree’s roots from foot traffic, in addition to lawn mowers and similar types of equipment. It keeps the soil aerated and prevents it from being compacted. Mulch also retains more moisture than the surrounding soil and allows rain to penetrate the soil more easily.
Trees require various types of nutrients to grow. Not all soils contain the nutrients needed for good development. Fertilization may be necessary to ensure long-term health and vitality. The best way to determine if your trees need fertilizer is to have your soil tested. Once the soil has been analyzed, a big tree specialist can tell you what nutrients are needed, as well as when and how to fertilize your trees. Because the wrong fertilizer or improper application can damage and even kill your trees, getting advice from an expert is critical.
Pruning older trees is also extremely important. Getting rid of dead branches and excess weight at the end of branches prevents breakage. Pruning can also enhance a tree’s shape and improve its structure. A mature tree may also need to be pruned for safety reasons.
Improper pruning can cause serious tree damage, as well as tree loss. Removing too many leaves can reduce the tree’s ability to convert sunlight to food, resulting in starvation. Pruning errors can also lead to plant disease due to a mature tree’s slower healing process. To much pruning can even cause sun damage. Because pruning larger, older trees will usually require special equipment, you may want to contact a big trees supplier in your area for assistance.
Conducting annual inspections is not only the best way to detect and prevent the spread of tree disease, it can also help you spot and resolve other problems that could compromise your tree’s health. When inspecting your trees, look for loose bark, dieback, decay and deformed tree growths, as well as any decreases in growth compared to previous years.
If you have any concerns or questions about the maintenance and care of your older trees, take the time to speak with a tree specialist who can give you the advice and help that you need.

Yard Returned To Privacy By Big Trees Inc After 520 Project

Tree Transplanting Company Helps Give Resident Peace Of Mind Once Again

SEATTLE, WA: Big Trees Inc., (, a tree transplanting company and tree nursery in the Seattle area, recently assisted a local man in returning privacy to his yard. The 520 construction project - a large scale reconstruction of the SR 520 bridge, called for removal of a large number of trees from the area as part of the construction process. After the large trees were removed, not only could anybody driving on 520 now see the entire neighborhood that had previously been hidden, but the noise from the highway noticeably increased. The resident contacted Big Trees Inc., requesting assistance in returning the landscape back to its original condition. By installing large privacy trees on the property, both the privacy and sound barrier was restored.
The tree transplanting company planted a long row of 18-20’ Leyland Cypress trees on the property, chosen for its dense spread when grown, as well as for being a naturally fast growing tree. The trees served to repair the barren landscape, as well as reestablish the natural sound barrier originally in place prior to the construction project. All trees were transplanted from the Big Trees nursery in Snohomish, Washington, brought to the property on large flatbed trucks, and carefully planted into the new environment. The company reports that the tree installation went very well - all the trees are growing in their new home and should continue to thrive for years to come.
Nancy Penrose, owner of Big Trees Inc., stated: “The owner was very distraught when the trees were removed as a result of the construction, and decided to do something about it. He called us, and we worked out a solution that could restore the privacy screen that had been there before the project. The trees themselves match the area perfectly - it’s a big improvement on the local landscape for the whole neighborhood really. And we were happy to help with that restoration.”
Nancy Penrose is the owner of Big Trees Inc. (, located in Snohomish, WA, in the Seattle area. The company is one of the largest tree nurseries in the Seattle area with over 120,000 trees available in over 300 varieties. They not only can deliver young trees but also mature trees in a wide range of sizes. Some types of trees available include spring flowering, deciduous, evergreen, and privacy trees. The company also does tree transplanting including large trees. Their blog can be seen at

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Homeowners Warned Of Signs Of Faulty Structural Foundation

Foundation Faults Must Receive Foundation Inspection Construction Company States

LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction, (, a foundation construction and foundation repair company in Southern California, is issuing a warning to homeowners to be on the watch for signs of foundation damage. Chief Safety Inspector for the company, Shawn Kyles, has issued a brief outline of what to watch for to tell if your home has foundation damage. Depending on how soon the damage is detected will determine whether foundation repair is required or if full foundation replacement is warranted.

Shawn Kyles stated: “Fully understanding the cause of your foundation problem is the first step in the replacement process. There are many reasons why foundations fail. Bad design, poor soil conditions and moisture issues are some of the more common causes of foundation instability and collapse.”

Julian De La Torre, founder and owner of Julian Construction, stated: “We’ve seen many homes with foundation problems over the years. What’s very common is that the serious projects that have required us to completely replace a foundation always have warning signs that were ignored. The homeowner just did not know what to look for, and so the condition became worse. This can be stopped early and handled without completely replacing a foundation if the homeowner gets an inspection and follows the advice of the inspector on whether foundation repair is needed or not. Resolving this is crucial to the safety of everyone in the home.”

Julian Construction owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323 733-3377, by fax at 323 733-4477 or via their website, You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at .

Homes Neglecting Foundation Repair May Encounter Larger Problems

Los Angeles Construction Company Advises Need For Fast Action On Foundation Repairs

LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction Inc., (, a foundation construction and foundation repair company in Southern California, is warning the public that homes where the owners neglected signs of foundation problems, are more likely to need full foundation replacement later on. Homes which have undergone needed foundation repairs have most often avoided needing full foundation replacement.
Julian Construction’s chief building inspector, Shawn Kyles, stated: “Replacing a foundation is a worst-case scenario when it comes to foundation damage. Regular home inspections will often uncover foundation problems before they become serious. Correcting these issues early-on can save you the time and expense of a full foundation replacement. If you have any concerns about your current foundation, contact a knowledgeable foundation contractor and request a free inspection. The sooner you start any necessary repairs, the better.”
Julian De La Torre, founder and owner of Julian Construction, stated: “Maintaining a home foundation and repairing it when needed is very important. Not being aware of the danger signs can be much more costly down the road, in terms of repairs. If you spot the signs early, you can act to fix the problem when it’s small. We see this all the time in the buildings we go to, the best thing is to get the building inspected and get any needed repairs done based on that.”
Julian Construction staff have inspected over 16,500 building inspections since the company was founded in 2001.
Julian Construction owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323 733-3377, by fax at 323 733-4477 or via their website, You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at

Earthquakes and Structural Damage

by Shawn Kyles

Earthquakes happen every day in California, most in remote areas or deep beneath the surface. When a major quake occurs, it can not only cause severe structural damage in a building, but can also cause the building’s collapse.

When the earth shakes, the amount of structural damage will vary depending on the building (how well it was built), and the degree and type of ground movement.

The severity of ground movement usually coincides with the building’s proximity to the earthquake’s epicenter. For example, a magnitude 7.0 quake will be only 50% as strong 8 miles away from the epicenter. The strength of the shake can also be affected by the type of rock the seismic wave passes through, and soil conditions. Soil that is soft and wet will increase shaking.

Duration of the motion can influence the amount of damage as well. Buildings that shake for longer periods of time typically have more damage.

There are many complex issues involved in how a building moves during a quake. Visually, when the base of a building moves to the left, the rest of the structure appears to move to the right. In fact, the building’s move to the right is simply a resistance to the motion occurring at the base. Other factors that influence movement include seismic load, soil conditions, building material strength and building design. An important aspect of design is the structure’s ability to bend or sway when the ground beneath it moves.

Even a building that has been designed to withstand ground motion can fail if the foundation is weak or damaged. Certain types of foundations are also more likely to result in damage, such as structures built on columns. This is usually because of uneven settlement.

When a new building is constructed, it must adhere to various regulations designed to minimize quake damage. Older residential and commercial buildings however, need to be inspected to determine their ability to withstand a quake. Most of these structures will need to be strengthened.

Earthquake retrofitting is the term used to describe the process of modifying a building to make it more resistant to seismic activity. Types of retrofitting include foundation bolting, cripple wall bracing and the installation of brackets.
Foundation bolting strengthens the connection between a structure’s frame and the concrete foundation. Some structures have no bolts, while others have an insufficient number of bolts or bolts that have become weakened over time. Knowing what types of bolts to use and where to place the bolts is extremely important.

Cripple wall collapse is one of the main causes of earthquake damage. The failure of a cripple wall will cause the floor of the home to drop to the ground. Braces can be used to strengthen cripple walls. In most cases, these braces will need to be placed on all sides of the home.

Hold-down brackets are used to anchor shear walls, and help prevent the wall from rolling or shifting.

If you have an older home, request an inspection from a foundation repair expert. An experienced foundation contractor can determine if your building needs retrofitting to prevent damage during an earthquake. You can minimize the risk of structural damage with the right retrofitting techniques and materials.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Northbrook Court Dental Offers Periodontal Therapy to Reverse Damage from Gum Disease

Northbrook, Illinois – Northbrook Court Dental Associates ( has announced that it is offering periodontal therapy to help reverse damage from gum disease.

“Nearly 75% of all adult tooth loss is the result of periodontal disease,” says Dr. Michael Vold, D.D.S. “With early detection and treatment, gum disease damage can be repaired and tooth loss avoided.”

According to a 2012 study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), approximately one out of every two adults over the age of 30 suffer from some form of gum disease (periodontitis).
Periodontal disease is caused by plaque and tarter buildup in the mouth. Plaque is a yellow film of bacteria that adheres to the teeth. The bacteria comes from food and other organic matter. Plaque can usually be removed with regular brushing and flossing. However, if it remains in the mouth for long periods of time, it hardens into tartar. Once plaque has turned into tarter, it can only be removed by a dentist or hygienist.

Gingivitis is the start of periodontal disease. Symptoms include red, swollen and bleeding gums. As the disease progresses, the tissue surrounding the teeth begins to pull away, resulting in loose teeth and eventual tooth loss. Between 80 to 90% of all U.S. teens currently have some form of gingivitis.

Periodontal therapy includes scaling and root planing. Scaling is the process of removing plaque and tarter above and below the gum line. Root planing eliminates any remaining bacteria on the tooth’s root. If there has been significant bone and tissue loss, dental surgery may be also be necessary.

“Our office specializes in techniques to prevent gum disease,” says Vold. “We also have individualized treatment programs for patients who have been diagnosed with the disease.”
For more information on periodontal disease and Northbrook Court Dental Associates' treatment services, visit the Northbrook dentistry office's website at, or call the office today at 847-272-2900.


Dr. Michael Vold has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Wisconsin (1963), a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from Northwestern University Dental School (1967) and a Juris Doctor degree from DePaul University College of Law (1980). He served as a dentist in the U.S. Air Force and taught as an Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois, College of Dentistry. Dr. Vold is a member of the American Dental Association and Illinois State Dental Society, as well as a recipient of numerous professional honors and awards.

Avoiding Tooth Loss from Gum Disease

By Dr. Michael Vold

With proper dental hygiene, you can maintain a beautiful smile and healthy teeth throughout your life. When you don’t take care of your teeth, decay can set in and cause tooth loss.
Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a leading cause of tooth loss.

According to a recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost half of U.S. adults over the age of 30 – nearly 65 million people – have some form of periodontitis.

Periodontal disease is caused by bacteria in the mouth. The bacteria comes from the food we eat. It combines with mucus and other organic matter in the mouth to create plaque, a biofilm that coats the teeth. Only regular brushing and flossing can remove dental plaque and prevent plaque build-up.

Any plaque that is not removed from your teeth will begin accumulating the minerals found in saliva. Over time, this combination of plaque and minerals will harden into tarter (also called calculus). Tartar has a yellow-brown color. Because of its hardness, tarter can only be removed by a dentist or hygienist.

Plaque and tarter cause both tooth decay and gum irritation. The gums become irritated and inflamed from the bacteria. This is also known as gingivitis, and is considered the beginning stages of periodontal disease. Regular brushing, flossing and professional cleaning can usually stop gingivitis from progressing or eliminate the problem altogether.

If gingivitis isn’t treated, the gum tissue will begin to pull away from the teeth, creating pockets (spaces) that become infected. As the bacteria in the area spreads, the body’s immune system kicks in to fight the infection. Both the bacteria and the immune system’s response causes bone and tissue deterioration, which leads to loose teeth and eventual tooth loss.

Symptoms of periodontal disease include red, swollen or bleeding gums, difficulty or pain when chewing, bad breath and receding gums. People who smoke, have diabetes or an autoimmune disease are at greater risk of gum disease. Periodontitis can also be caused by taking certain medications.

Gum diseases treatment is focused on eliminating the infection. This usually requires deep cleaning to remove any plaque and tartar. Scaling is a form of deep cleaning the gets rid of tarter above and below the gum line. Root planing is another technique that is used to scrape off bacteria from a tooth’s root. An antibiotic may also be used to help with the healing process.

After the teeth and gums have been thoroughly cleaned, keeping the area bacteria-free with brushing and flossing is critical.

In severe cases, dental surgery may be needed for even deeper cleaning and to reduce the size of the pockets that have formed. Reducing pockets will make it easier to keep bacteria out of the area.
Bone and tissue grafts may also be necessary if there has been significant bone and tissue loss.

The best way to prevent gum disease is with good oral hygiene. This includes at-home care as well as regular dental visits. If you have red, swollen or bleeding gums, contact a Northbrook dentist and request a dental exam. Treating gum disease at any stage can help prevent the loss of your teeth.

Author Michael Tuohy Awarded for Press 53 Open Awards 2013

Developmental Editor Susan Mary Malone Pleased with Award for Former Author Client

DALLAS, TX: Susan Mary Malone, (, developmental editor of over 40 books published to traditional publishing houses, recently received notification of one of her author clients receipt of the honorable mention at the Press 53 2013 Open Awards, in the novella category--Negotiating The Narrows, written by Michael Tuohy and Susan Zimmerman. Press 53 is a renowned publishing house dedicated to finding and publishing the best of the fields of short story fiction, novellas and poetry.
The Press 53 Open Awards are a platform wherein the publishing house seeks to find the very best of the literary field of short fiction, novellas and poetry. "Negotiating The Narrows" was one among many submissions, but achieved distinction as one of the top 3 of all entries. The authors, Michael Tuohy and Susan Zimmerman, will be among those invited to Winston-Salem, NC, for the 2013 Press 53 Open Awards presentation ceremony to officially receive their awards.
Susan Mary Malone said of the event: “The moments when book editing is really rewarding are ones like these, where you can step back and see a fully professional author who you helped get to where he is today. I’ll be looking forward to what’s coming next for Michael in the literary world.”
Susan Mary Malone has worked as a freelance book editor since 1993, with a BS in Political Science and minors in English and Journalism. Her client list includes NY Times Bestsellers, Essence Bestsellers and books featured in Publishers Weekly. She is also an award-winning author of fiction and non-fiction herself. She participates as a speaker in literary conferences such as the Harriett Austin Writer's Conference (at the University of Georgia), the Blue Ridge Writer's Conference, the SouthWest Writer's Conference, the East Texas Writer’s Guild, and the Lexicon Writers Conference, among others. Her full biography and featured list of published authors can be viewed at

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hay Farming Business Receives Tax Exemption On Company Plane

Aero & Marine Tax Professionals Helps Company Get Sales Tax Exemption On Purchase of Cessna Turbo 182 Aircraft

SACRAMENTO, CA: Aero & Marine Tax Professionals, (, a professional tax firm in Northern California, recently helped a hay farming company obtain a sales tax exemption on the purchase of a Cessna Turbo 182 airplane. The exemption was granted by the California Board of Equalization (BOE).

An executive from the company stated: “We're in the hay business and we used to drive to both Oregon and Nevada. It was too much time spent driving, and we couldn't take commercials to do it. I was taking flying lessons at Wings flight school in Vacaville, CA and a gal that works there recommended that I take one of Aero & Marine Tax Professionals' cards, since I was purchasing a new airplane. I contacted Aero & Marine and we talked about our company’s situation and how to do it. We had to go through the six month test period for the interstate commerce, and that was pretty much it. We handled most of the details through emails and phone calls. I would recommend them to others.”

Tom Alston, founder and owner of Aero & Marine Tax Professionals, stated: “The transaction went very smoothly, and there were no complications with the case. We look forward to working with them again in the future if they need a second plane."

Aero & Marine Tax Professionals shows purchasers specifically how to avoid aircraft tax and vessel tax in California and to make certain the full value of their next aircraft, vehicle or vessel goes into their pocket--not the government's. They have successfully filed hundreds of airplane sales tax returns with the California State Board of Equalization. Mr. Alston has also published many articles on sales and use tax. His blog can be seen at

Investment Company Gets Tax Exemption On Company Jet

Aero & Marine Tax Professionals Helps Investment Company to get Tax Exemption on Raytheon Beechcraft Premier 1A Jet

SACRAMENTO, CA: Aero & Marine Tax Professionals, (, a tax firm specializing in aircraft and marine vessel tax consulting, recently helped an investment company to obtain a sales tax exemption on their purchase of a 2007 Raytheon Beechcraft Premier 1A jet. The exemption was obtained from the California Board of Equalization (BOE).
An executive from the company stated: “We’re an investment company, we use aircraft to fly the owners to meetings in various parts of the United States. It is much simpler and quicker to use a private aircraft rather than deal with airline schedules we have no control over, lines, flight delays and cancellations. With a private aircraft we can control that our principals can come back as soon as a meeting is over. Much more efficient. The Board of Equalization were requesting tax payments in excess of what were due to them. Aero & Marine Tax Professionals were referred to us by the attorney that was helping us with our property taxes. Our work with them went very smoothly. They requested documents, we provided them. They did a lot of work compiling them and handled all the transactions with the BOE. I would absolutely recommend them to others.”
Tom Alston, founder and owner of Aero & Marine Tax Professionals, stated: “The transaction in this case was slightly complicated by the fact that we were not approaching this transaction from the beginning. Requests and communications had already been exchanged between the BOE and the client. But it was still a simple matter to wrap up. And since we have the experience of about 1,000 filings with the BOE, there were no great difficulties in gathering the data and submitting it properly. All in all the case went very well.”
Aero & Marine Tax Professionals shows purchasers how to avoid sales tax, specifically how to avoid aircraft tax and vessel tax in California and to make certain the full value of their next aircraft, vehicle or vessel goes into their pocket--not the government's. They have successfully filed hundreds of airplane sales tax returns with the California State Board of Equalization. Mr. Alston has also published many articles on sales and use tax. His blog can be seen at

Friday, August 23, 2013

Stem Cell Research and Therapy Website Provides Hope for Future Treatment

New Website Launched to Connect Patients and Inspire Hope of a Healthy Future Through Stem Cells

Los Angeles – HopeCell (, a connecting point and free informational guide for stem cell patients, has just been launched to help enlighten patients on the treatments available through different types of stem cell research. Beyond the treatments which are presently tried and proven (although not broadly known), ongoing research on stem cells is opening up still more vistas of possibility. HopeCell intends to inspire patients to continue to hope by enlightening them on the results attained in this field.

Stem cells are the basic building blocks of the human body. They have the special characteristic of being able to divide and renew themselves for very long periods. In fact, stem cells were what originally grew all of your organs and body tissues before you were born. provides pages of information about stem cell therapy to enlighten patients and encourage them to hope.

Cass, the co-founder of, was herself a stem cell patient. Following months of kidney dialysis, her doctors recommended that she consider getting a kidney transplant. Instead, she heard about an alternative treatment involving stem cells for kidney failure, and began to research it thoroughly. After many questions, she received the treatment in the course of a single day, and has been off dialysis ever since. “And from this success I decided to help others as I can,” says Cass.

“It is important to note that not everyone will necessarily get the results I did,” she adds. “I will never tell you a stem cell treatment will cure you, but I think it’s important to know there are new, safe choices out there that may assist in your well being. For me, when I was on dialysis, I needed hope. That is what my stem cell research, and then treatment, did for me—it gave me hope that I might find a way to improve my health.

“Thanks to the rapid advances in stem cell treatment, understanding what stem cells do, and from my own success with this treatment, I’m happy to say there is hope! The enormous amount of research and clinical trials conducted in the past, and those that continue today, are paying off in real-life applications being used to help patients around the world.”

To read the rest of Cass's story, visit To see a glossary of terms (stem cell definition and related words), visit To contact Cass at HopeCell, visit

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Does Quality Matter In Books Today?

By Susan Mary Malone

If so, why?

With the seismic shift in publishing these days, and the reality that virtually anyone can publish a book, one of the odd changes has of course been that the gatekeepers no longer exist. I.e., you don’t have to impress agents and publishing-house novel editors to see your book in print. Gone are the days of writers quietly honing their craft, learning the art of great fiction (and non), toiling for years in obscurity, striving for that one “yes” from someone in the industry—someone who can make their dreams come true.

Now, what I hear from a huge majority of new writers is: “I just need someone to proof my book. I’ve already spent a ton of money on the cover, the website, the PR . . .” Book development gets tossed out the window. And the books, of course, are absolutely abysmal.

Does it matter?

Those serious writers, the ones who care about their craft, the ones who still aspire to leap over publishing’s slush pile and be published by traditional houses, or just strive to put out the very best book writing they possibly can—in any format—know that quality still matters. Yes, we can all point to exceptions. Fifty Shades of them, which has spawned an entire industry (not to mention an entire industry of parody as well). Is that disheartening to serious writers? You bet. But what sells in the marketplace has to do with a plethora of factors, and often isn’t about quality.

So, why on earth does quality matter?

Another odd shift is occurring. Readers are getting fed up. In this day of a vast sea of self-published books (and most readers can’t tell from which venue a book is published), readers are downloading free books and discarding. They tell me this every single day: “I can’t find anything decent to read.” The point of a free download is to build an audience for a writer. If the reader can’t get through the first page before tossing it, that goal just fizzled to a quick death.

Last year, a half a million e-books were published. The estimate for this year is one million. And for next? Fifteen million books. Fifteen million. It boggles the mind! In that huge ocean, how will yours be seen and not drown?

Unless it takes off like a tornado straight from the sky, a book and its author must build the audience—one reader at a time. Well-written books—those from writers who still strive to learn and grow and master the art of fiction (and non)—find some traction, as time goes on. I’ve seen this happen over and over and over again. While the newbies’ books languish and die, the serious authors’ have a long life, building over time. Word of mouth is a slow process, but one that doesn’t stop.

Will you still be writing five, ten years from now? Or have become disgruntled with the whole industry (easy to do)? Those book authors who yearn to write from the depths of their souls, who want not only to publish but also to write the very best they have within them, who do quality novel development, will still be around. And their books will still be selling.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Heart Stem Cell Therapy Offers a New Chance for Heart Disease Patients

New Website Launched to Enlighten Patients and Guide them to Health

Los Angeles – HeartCell (, a free informational resource guide for heart stem cell therapy, has just been launched to enlighten patients on the treatments available for such heart conditions as congestive heart failure and coronary artery disease. In cases where the usual procedures of bypass surgery and stents (tubular supports) have failed to make a marked difference, fully successful treatment may still be possible using stem cells, and will help patients learn all they need to choose a qualified stem cell clinic.

A stem cell is the basic building block of the human body. Stem cells were originally what grew your heart before you were born (and all your other body tissue), and stem cells capable of growing new heart tissue reside in all of us. provides pages of information about stem cell therapy to enlighten patients and guide them toward solutions for their heart conditions.

“It is important to understand that stem cell treatment is not new,” says Cass, a stem cell treatment recipient and co-founder of “Stem cells have been used to treat patients for decades by hospitals in the U.S. and around the world. Bone marrow transplants began over 50 years ago, succeeding in treating such conditions as leukemia by transplanting the blood-creating stem cells located in bone marrow. The enormous amount of research and clinical trials conducted in the past, and those that continue today, are paying off in real-life applications being used to help patients around the world.”

To see a glossary of terms (stem cell definition and related words), visit To read more about cardiac cell therapy, visit To contact for recommendations of clinics or for suggestions for your further research, email does not give out medical advice and none of the information contained in it should be construed to be such. makes no claims that stem cell treatment, nor any medical treatment, is a cure for any illness, disease or malady. is strictly informational in nature and exists to help others research and better understand the possible benefits that can be derived from the safe, proper and effective use of stem cells.

Building Cleaning Company Educating Homeowners On Mold Removal

Building Cleaning Services Reaching Out To Inform Homeowners About Danger Of Mold

LOS ANGELES, CA: Building Cleaning Services, (, a Los Angeles mold removal and construction cleaning business, recently undertook a public project of educating homeowners on the dangers of mold infestation. The company has published much material on the subject and is taking steps to make this information broadly known. The company wants homeowners to know the facts to make educated decisions on when mold removal is and isn’t needed.

Building Cleaning Services has extensively researched mold. The company works with its clients to provide a better understanding of mold itself, its cause, and how it can be removed and prevented in the future. They also assist homeowners, property managers and building industry personnel in smoothly planning their way through the many potential problems that can arise with mold in Los Angeles. The company has made much of this information available to homeowners on their website. Several informative pages are:

According to the company’s experience in the field, one of the worst aspects of mold infestation is its health risks. Garrison Clarke, BCS Operations Manager, stated: “Health experts warn that molds may trigger asthma episodes in sensitive individuals with asthma. It may also induce other health issues. If mold is a problem in your home, office or school, you must clean it up and eliminate sources of moisture.”

The company has had great success in helping identify and removing mold damage for Los Angeles residents. As one client from Pasadena stated on, “The entire crew from Building Cleaning Services was professional and highly skilled. We were in a very tough situation with the black water intrusion and mold situation in our house, but Building Cleaning Services helped to get our home back to normal. I can sleep better at night knowing that a good job was done in our home. I would highly recommend these folks to anyone.”

Building Cleaning Services' other reviews on Yelp can be seen at

BCS provides water damage handling and mold removal services for the Greater Los Angeles area, and other areas of Southern California. Established in 1997, they have over a decade of experience as a company with fast service, high professionalism and work ethic. BCS is certified by the Institute of Inspection and Cleaning and Restoration and Environmental Testing & Technology. To learn more, visit, or call 818-953-7100 or e-mail

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Air Charter Company Gets Tax Exemption on Plane Purchase

Aero & Marine Tax Professionals Helps Company Obtain Tax Exemption on Purchase of Hawker 400A Jet

SACRAMENTO, CA: Aero & Marine Tax Professionals, (, a tax firm in northern California with specialized knowledge on aircraft and marine vessel sales tax exemption, recently assisted a southern California air charter company in obtaining a tax exemption on the purchase of a Hawker 400A jet. The jet sales tax exemption was obtained from the California Board of Equalization.

A representative from the charter company stated: “We started in 1997 with a brand new A36 Bonanza airplane that I purchased with the express intent of starting a charter company. I remember everyone's reaction was ‘You're doing what?’ I no longer have the original aircraft, but I remember picking up a cargo in Calexico, and thinking that I had the best job in world. It just grew from there. 

I had been receiving fliers from Aero & Marine Tax Professionals for years. When one of our new Beechjet owners bought his aircraft in 2003, and was asking about what he should do about sales tax, I responded that Aero & Marine had been around for a while. He came to them, and his experience was good. Based on his experience, when our situation came up, Aero & Marine were the guys we went to. And since then we’ve recommended them to others and plan to again.”

Tom Alston, founder of Aero & Marine Tax Professionals, stated “We have evolved a system that makes it as easy as possible for an aircraft purchaser to support a claim for an exemption with the California Board of Equalization. It's completely legal and we have handled close to 1,000 cases so far and have been successful on every one. But it's ideal to bring us in at the beginning of the sales cycle."

Aero & Marine Tax Professionals shows purchasers specifically how to avoid aircraft tax and vessel tax in California and to make certain the full value of their next aircraft, vehicle or vessel goes into their pocket--not the government's. They have successfully filed hundreds of tax returns with the California State Board of Equalization. Mr. Alston has also published many articles on sales and use tax. Their blog can be seen at

Improving Your Appearance with Tooth Whitening

by Dr. Michael Vold
Have you ever wondered what happened to the beautiful white teeth you had as a child? As we grow older, our tooth enamel starts to weaken and become more porous. Over time, the enamel becomes stained. This is especially true for smokers and people who drink coffee, tea and red wine. Highly colored foods can also cause staining, as well as soft drinks, sweets and excessive fluoride. Teeth can also become discolored from certain medications, such as tetracycline. Your teeth also darken with age – part of Mother Natures cruel design.

There are several ways you can avoid stains, such as drinking beverages with a straw. The straw will keep the liquid away from your teeth. Quickly swallowing foods or beverages that cause stains will minimize the problem as well. Brushing and flossing after eating is also an important factor in maintaining the original color of your teeth.

One way to restore your teeth’s natural whiteness is with dental Chicago tooth whitening. There are many over-the counter tooth whitening products such as gels and whitening strips that can be used at home. Most of these products will need to be applied on a regular basis to keep teeth looking white. The results from at-home kits can vary depending on the product. People who use at-home tooth whitening products are often at higher risk of gum irritation and burns from bleaching. Another common problem for kit users is overbleaching, which can increase the sensitivity of teeth and decrease tooth enamel.
Because dental office Chicago teeth whitening is conducted by a trained professional, the risk of gum and tooth damage is minimized, making it the best teeth whitening route to take. Many people prefer dentist whitening of the teeth because the entire procedure can be completed quickly, uniformly and generally will achieve better results.

Types of bleach include hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, which changes to hydrogen peroxide when applied. The in-office process uses products with stronger concentrations from the over-the-counter strips and gels. This insures optimal results within the shortest period of time.

Not all stains or discoloration can be eliminated with whitening for teeth. If you have yellow teeth, you are probably a good candidate for the procedure. Some of the discolorations caused by sensitivity to minerals in the water or medications may require special techniques that can only be delivered by the dental office.

Tooth whitening will not change the color of fillings from earlier dental procedures. If you have fillings on your front teeth, you may want to consider re-doing those restorations following tooth whitening.

There are many benefits to teeth whitening Chicago, including a more attractive smile, looking younger and creating a good first impression when meeting other people. The procedure can also increase a person’s self-esteem and result in better oral hygiene.

If you are considering whitening your teeth, a dentist Northbrook can give you expert advice on the procedure and discuss any concerns you have regarding the process. A dental office that offers teeth whitening can also advise you on which tooth whitening method is best for your teeth.

Northbrook Court Dental Offers Teeth Whitening

Northbrook, Illinois – Northbrook Court Dental Associates (, a Northbrook dental clinic, has announced that it now offers teeth whitening for patients who want a more attractive smile. The simple and inexpensive procedure eliminates tooth stains and restores teeth to their natural whiteness and even lighter.

“Tooth whitening can give a person a more beautiful smile and increase their self-confidence,” says Northbrook dentist Dr. Michael Vold, D.D.S. “It’s extremely safe and the results can dramatically change someone’s life.”

Teeth often change in color as we age. Tooth discoloration can be caused by many factors, including smoking, chewing tobacco, drinking coffee and tea, consuming soft drinks and sweets, and eating berries and other highly colored foods, including sauces. Excessive fluoride and medications such as tetracycline can also result in discolored teeth.

Professional whitening has become an increasingly popular remedy for tooth stains. Tooth whitening has now become a common cosmetic dental procedure.

Dental office tooth whitening minimizes the potential for gum and tooth damage often caused by at-home whitening products such as gels and strips. It also eliminates the possibility of over-bleaching, which can weaken teeth and damage tooth enamel. It also insures that the whitening is uniformly distributed over the tooth surface and whitening results are maximized. In addition to improving a person’s appearance, teeth whitening increases self-esteem. It has also been found that whitening teeth leads to better oral hygiene.
“Our tooth whitening service is extremely effective. For the majority of our patients, it is the preferred method of whitening their teeth,” says Vold, who adds that “teeth whitening can make a big difference in a person’s attitude and lifestyle.”

For more information on Northbrook Court Dental Associates' teeth whitening services, visit the Northbrook dentistry office's website at, or call the office today at 847-272-2900.


Dr. Michael Vold has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Wisconsin (1963), a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from Northwestern University Dental School (1967) and a Juris Doctor degree from DePaul University College of Law (1980). He served as a dentist in the U.S. Air Force and taught as an Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois, College of Dentistry. Dr. Vold is a member of the American Dental Association, The Chicago Dental Society and Illinois State Dental Society, as well as a recipient of numerous professional honors and awards.

Large Excelsa Cedars Trees Planted In Privacy Screening Project

Big Trees Inc. Completes Large Scale Privacy Screening Project In Kent Using Over 50 Trees

SEATTLE, WA: Big Trees Inc., (, a tree transplanting and tree nursery company, recently completed a large scale privacy screening trees project in Kent, Washington, as well as the planting of a Giant Sequoia. The company transplanted over 50 trees during the course of the project and ensured proper irrigation was implemented to ensure the trees' health in their new habitat. The project was completed in June.

Big Trees Inc. was contacted to provide privacy screening trees at the borders of a local estate in Kent, WA. The owners also requested the planting of a Giant Sequoia, over 18’ tall and requiring one of the company’s largest tree spade trucks. The Sequoia, though young now, will grow and eventually become a prominent landmark of the local skyline. Fifty 10-11 foot Excelsa Cedars were planted at the outskirts of the property for privacy screening between the property owner and adjacent property. A significant number of 7’-8’ Emerald Greens were also planted at the entrance of the property. Finally, all trees, after successful installation, were established with proper irrigation for the continued survival of all of the trees.

Nancy Penrose, owner of Big Trees Inc., stated: “The project went very well, the client was very happy with the installation and the addition to their estate. We had to use the Big John 90” Tree Spade, to move in that Giant Sequoia. We’re happy to do a project like this that will add beauty to a neighborhood and provide the privacy the homeowner was looking for. The trees are thriving and should continue to do so.”

Nancy Penrose is the owner of Big Trees Inc. (, located in Snohomish, WA, in the Seattle area. The company is one of the largest tree nurseries in the Seattle area with over 120,000 trees available in over 300 varieties. They not only can deliver young trees but also mature trees in a wide range of sizes. Some types of trees available include spring flowering, deciduous, evergreen, and privacy trees. The company also does tree transplanting including large trees. Their blog can be seen at