Friday, August 23, 2013

Stem Cell Research and Therapy Website Provides Hope for Future Treatment

New Website Launched to Connect Patients and Inspire Hope of a Healthy Future Through Stem Cells

Los Angeles – HopeCell (, a connecting point and free informational guide for stem cell patients, has just been launched to help enlighten patients on the treatments available through different types of stem cell research. Beyond the treatments which are presently tried and proven (although not broadly known), ongoing research on stem cells is opening up still more vistas of possibility. HopeCell intends to inspire patients to continue to hope by enlightening them on the results attained in this field.

Stem cells are the basic building blocks of the human body. They have the special characteristic of being able to divide and renew themselves for very long periods. In fact, stem cells were what originally grew all of your organs and body tissues before you were born. provides pages of information about stem cell therapy to enlighten patients and encourage them to hope.

Cass, the co-founder of, was herself a stem cell patient. Following months of kidney dialysis, her doctors recommended that she consider getting a kidney transplant. Instead, she heard about an alternative treatment involving stem cells for kidney failure, and began to research it thoroughly. After many questions, she received the treatment in the course of a single day, and has been off dialysis ever since. “And from this success I decided to help others as I can,” says Cass.

“It is important to note that not everyone will necessarily get the results I did,” she adds. “I will never tell you a stem cell treatment will cure you, but I think it’s important to know there are new, safe choices out there that may assist in your well being. For me, when I was on dialysis, I needed hope. That is what my stem cell research, and then treatment, did for me—it gave me hope that I might find a way to improve my health.

“Thanks to the rapid advances in stem cell treatment, understanding what stem cells do, and from my own success with this treatment, I’m happy to say there is hope! The enormous amount of research and clinical trials conducted in the past, and those that continue today, are paying off in real-life applications being used to help patients around the world.”

To read the rest of Cass's story, visit To see a glossary of terms (stem cell definition and related words), visit To contact Cass at HopeCell, visit

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