Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hope for Stem Cell Cures Without the Moral Issues Encourages Patients to Look Into Adult Cell Therapy, Despite Embryonic Stem Cells Controversy

Los Angeles – HopeCell (, a free informational guide on stem cell therapy, is helping patients to make sense of stem cell controversy and potentials by launching a webpage clarifying the different types of stem cells in simple terms.

The webpage ( starts out with the simpler definitions, and then goes on to explain such things as, “Where are stem cells found?”, “What are adult stem cells?” and “What are embryonic stem cells?”

“There are a lot of patients out there who could potentially benefit from the treatments available using autologous stem cells, meaning those which are taken from the patient's own body,” says Cass, a stem cell patient success and co-founder of “Sometimes they are told, as I was, that the recommended treatment is an organ transplant. It's sad that they may be discouraged from considering potentially life-saving treatments by hearing talk of 'moral problems and controversy’ that stem cells have generated. All this controversy centers on the harvesting of embryonic stem cells. Adult stem cell treatment, such as what I received, is where most major successes have been made.”

In an effort to dispel this confusion, the stem cell glossary on was created, making the technical terms on this subject both easy to read about and clearly distinguished one from another. Patients will learn about the controversial harvesting of embryonic stem cells, and about the treatments currently practiced using adult stem cells, which don't involve embryos in any way.

“I will never tell you a stem cell treatment will cure you, but I think it’s important to know there are new, safe choices out there that may assist in your well-being,” says Cass. “For me, when I was on dialysis, I needed hope. That is what my stem cell research did for me—it gave me hope that I might find a way to improve my health. Understanding stem cells potential and what they are being used for will help others find that same hope, too.”

To read more about the distinction between embryonic and adult stem cells, visit To view the stem cell glossary of terms, visit To contact Cass at HopeCell with any questions or to get suggestions for your further research, visit

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