Saturday, February 1, 2014

Helping Patients Learn About Stem Cells' Bright Future Launches Online Stem Cell Glossary to Help Patients Understand this Promising Field of Research

Los Angeles – HopeCell (, a free informational guide on stem cell therapy, has launched an online glossary to assist patients in their search for workable treatments and to help them understand the technical information of how stem cells work.

The glossary, on the web at, explains key definitions for the subject of stem cell therapy and clarifies such things as the different types of stem cells and where stem cells are found. Although not yet an exhaustive index of terminology, what sets this glossary apart is its use of simple language, without any assumption that the reader will have some form of medical training.

“When I first heard of stem cell treatment, I had a lot of research to do,” says Cass, a stem cell patient success and the co-founder of “I wanted to know all about stem cells, and there weren't too many resources that explained the subject clearly and simply, without requiring other research just to understand what I was reading.” As Cass was on frequent dialysis and had doctors' advising getting a kidney transplant, she had a high interest in finding an alternate solution. She soon found a provider of kidney stem cell therapy that suited her needs and successfully underwent the treatment.

“Having had such success with my treatment, I wanted to bring hope to other patients who are in the position I was in. That's why I co-founded This glossary represents an important step for patients looking for solutions—the step of gaining an understanding of what options are available, and how the potentials of stem cell treatment may apply to their situation.”

Besides the glossary, has two other pages specifically addressed to education of patients. One describes briefly the history of stem cell research and treatment. The other addresses a common confusion between embryonic stem cell research and adult stem cell therapy.

“I will never tell you a stem cell treatment will cure you, but I think it’s important to know there are new, safe choices out there that may assist in your well-being,” says Cass. “For me, when I was on dialysis, I needed hope. That is what my stem cell research did for me—it gave me hope that I might find a way to improve my health. Understanding stem cells potential and what they are being used for will help others find that same hope, too.”

To view the stem cell glossary of terms, visit To read Cass's story, visit To contact Cass at HopeCell with any questions or to get suggestions for your further research or treatment, visit

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