Saturday, November 29, 2014

Foundation Problems In Winter

By Shawn Kyles
Cold weather can crack foundations, which can allow water to enter the structure. Water is a foundation’s biggest enemy. When it permeates a structure, it can cause more cracks and many other types of damage.

Foundations can crack in cold weather even if the temperature is above freezing. How cold does it have to be to cause foundation problems? Start checking for damage when temperatures drop below 40 degrees for three or more days.

Winter rains will also cause the soil to expand. The expansion underneath your foundation can propel a foundation upwards, which is called heave. If your home is built on soil that retains a lot of water, the damage soil expansion can cause to your home can be extensive.

If frost develops in the soil, it will increase its volume, which can also heave the foundation. When the frost thaws, a suction is created that draws in more water. Constant freezing and thawing creates uneven foundation pressure as well as foundation shifts.

What can you do to prevent foundation problems in winter? Start with an inspection of your floors, ceilings, walls, doors and windows.

Floors: One way to check for foundation issues is to walk through your house. If there is any bouncing, sagging, slopping or bowing, there’s a good chance you have a foundation construction problem. Gaps between the floor and wall is another bad indicator.

Ceilings & Walls: Look for cracks on interior and exterior wells, as well as cracks in ceilings. Also check your roof for buckled or missing shingles or tiles, and any other evidence of misalignment. If drywall tape has ripped, or is buckling or pulling away from the wall, have your home inspected by a professional foundation repair expert. Also check for cracks or damage on both sides of a foundation crawlspace. You will typically see vertical cracks in walls made of concrete. If the cracks are horizontal or have a stair-like appearance, the real problem may be your foundation and concrete foundation repair will be needed.

Doors and Windows: When a hole is cut into a wall, especially for a door or window, it becomes a weak point in the structure. Foundation movement will create gaps between door and window frames. You may also see wall cracks that come from the corners of the windows and doors. In addition to looking for any damage, you should also open and shut the doors and windows to see if they are aligned correctly.

If it starts raining, go outside and look around your home’s exterior walls. Any water accumulating in places around the building can lead to foundation problems. Have the drainage issue fixed immediately.

Do you have a sprinkler system? Sprinkler pipes and heads can crack during the winter. They will need to be checked on a regular basis, along with any other outside pipes and sources of water.

A foundation repair (Los Angeles) specialist or foundation contractors (Los Angeles) can check the interior and exterior of your home for any issues that could lead to foundation trouble. The foundation repair cost is minimal, as getting repairs done before the problems escalate will not only cost less, but also help preserve the value of your home

Author’s bio:
Shawn Kyles, expert in foundation repair & house bolting at Julian Construction ( in Los Angeles, has inspected over 15,000 structures for building & safety ( ). See their video:

Friday, November 28, 2014

Caring for Trees in Winter

By Nancy Penrose
Although trees go dormant in the winter, temperature changes can still cause tree stress. Even trees that are native to the region can become damaged from the cold, temperature variations and storms. Landscape and privacy trees can be particularly vulnerable if they are exposed and isolated.

During the winter, temperatures can fluctuate dramatically. Daylight hours, when the sun is out and generating heat, are much warmer than nighttime, when the cold air can freeze even big trees.

This fluctuation in temperature can rupture tree bark cells and cause cracking (also called frost cracking) between the outer bark and inner wood. In most cases, the tree will repair any damage that occurs. However, too much cracking can lead to permanent damage.

One way to prevent cracking, especially with younger trees, is to wrap the bark in a fabric blanket. The blanket will provide the insulation the tree needs from cold weather. The tree can also breathe through a fabric blanket, which will also let in light and moisture.

Any late growth on trees can also be damaged by the cold because the growth is not fully established. If ice crystals start forming, they can damage the cell walls of new growth, which can cause die off. One way to prevent this type of tree stress is to wait until the tree has become dormant before pruning and to use fertilizer with low amounts of nitrogen.

The best way to prevent branches from breaking during storms or from winter snow, is with good pruning during the fall. Using a wooden frame to blanket the tree can also prevent breakage.

Mulching can also prevent extreme temperature fluctuations and the loss of moisture. The mulch acts as an insulator for the soil around the tree as well as the tree’s roots. It also slows down water loss. The best time to mulch is after the ground freezes to prevent rodents from making the mulch their home.

Sometimes winter sun and wind can cause leaves to dry, especially broadleaf evergreens. Use an anti-desiccant to minimize moisture loss.

The bark of young trees may also need to be protected from rodents and other animals. During the winter, tree bark is a source of food for mice and rabbits. You can protect your tree bark with plastic tree guards, chicken wire and paint-on repellents.

Here are some other tips that can help your trees survive the winter:

-Keep trees well-pruned and watered during the fall
-Remove any irrigation bags before the ground starts freezing
-Gently remove any snow that accumulates on the branches
-Never break ice from branches. Instead, connect your garden hose to hot water faucet and rinse the ice away. Be careful not to scald the tree with the water.
-Inspect and prune your trees during their winter dormancy. It will be easier to see the tree’s branch structure and any potential problems. Pruning will also help prevent the spread of disease.

A tree arborist can give you more valuable advice on how to protect your trees during the winter. If you are planning on buying big trees, including maple trees, pine trees, spruce or cedar, make sure you consult a big tree transplanting and sales company as your first step. Professional tree nurserys will know what types of trees are best for your landscape needs.

Nancy Penrose is owner of Big Trees Inc. ( in Snohomish, WA, one of the largest Seattle tree nurseries (see inventory at, specializing in tree transplanting. See our video at

Large Scale Tree Landscaping Planned by Big Trees Inc.

Big Trees Inc. to Plant Large Estate with Trees for Shade, Shelter and Beauty

SEATTLE, WA: Big Trees Inc., ( a tree transplanting and tree nursery company located in the Seattle metropolitan area, has recently been hired to supply some 160 birch and cedar trees to a single large Seattle estate this autumn.

This large order of landscape trees, which comes from an equestrian estate on the East side of Seattle, will be supplied out of the extensive Big Trees Inc. nursery in Snohomish, WA, and the team of expert tree movers at Big Trees Inc. will handle all delivery and the tree installation Planned is a double line of Jacquemonti Birch trees flanking the lengthy winding driveway, as well as a defining perimeter of Cedar trees for the entire 80 acre estate.

This is far from the first such large scale project handled by Big Trees Inc., which has over 20 years of experience in tree sales and transplanting and routinely services locations from Mt. Vernon to Olympia, North Bend to Bainbridge Island, and everywhere in between.

“As time goes by, the trees planted now will become enormous assets to the estate,” says Nancy Penrose, owner of Big Trees, Inc. “They will provide shelter, shade and interest to this large equestrian focused environment. Big Trees is happy to participate in a beautiful project that will surely only grow in scale and value through the coming decades.”

Nancy Penrose is the owner of Big Trees Inc. (, located in Snohomish, WA, in the Seattle area. The company is one of the largest tree nurseries in the Seattle area with over 120,000 trees available in over 300 varieties. They not only can deliver young trees but also mature ones in a wide range of sizes. Some of the types available include spring flowering trees, deciduous, evergreen, and privacy trees. The company also does tree transplantation, including transport of large trees. Their blog can be seen at

Julian Construction Inc. Celebrates Their 13th Anniversary

Foundation Construction Company Reflects On Their Accomplishments Over The Last 13 Years

LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction Inc. ( celebrates their 13th anniversary this year in the foundation repair and foundation construction business. On this occasion they take a moment to look at their company objectives in these past years.

Throughout the last 13 years Julian Construction has had as its basic focus the repair and construction of home foundations. Julian De La Torre, founder of the company, began doing earthquake retrofitting in the days before the Northridge earthquake of 1994, and his goal is to ensure that L.A. area homeowners and commercial property owners are prepared in the event of future earthquake strikes. His partner, Shawn Kyles, has inspected over 16,500 structures over the course of his career.

Another of Julian’s objective is for their clients to not have to deal with a middle man, salesmen, or subcontractors. Their intention is that property owners can work directly with their company and thus can get the foundation services they need at an affordable price.

Julian stated: “It’s really great looking back at all of the people we have helped, making their homes more secure. That to me is our greatest accomplishment, doing professional work and helping people have the peace of mind that their homes are safer. I think the next 20 years will be even better and we’ll be able to help even more people have peace of mind knowing that their properties are as safe as possible.”

Julian Construction owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323 733-3377, by fax at 323 733-4477 or via their website, You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at You can see a video about Julian Construction at

Julian Construction Gives Tips on How to Strengthen Your Home Foundation

LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction, ( a foundation repair and construction company in Southern California, recently offered tips to the public on how to strengthen their home foundations. Partner Sean Kyles says that if certain precautions are taken, the home will be much more likely to withstand the next big earthquake.

Mr. Kyles stated: “There can be many reasons why your home’s foundation may need to be strengthened, including:

“* The foundation has shifted or moved due to earthquakes
“* Soil has eroded beneath or around the foundation, causing cracks, sloping or sinking
“* You want to add a second story to the existing structure, which will exceed the amount of weight the building and foundation can support
“* The foundation has decayed over time
“* There has been a change in how the structure is being used
“* The soil was poorly compacted when the home was built
“* Weak and poor quality materials were used when the home was built
“* A basement has been added to the structure
“* A new building has been constructed near the home with a deeper foundation
“* The foundation has settled due to poor soil conditions or a lowered water table”

Kyles then goes on to list house bolting, also called earthquake retrofitting, as an important action that many homes, especially older ones, will need. Other actions listed include underpinning, and bracing of cripple walls. The full article can be seen here:

Julian Construction owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323 733-3377, by fax at 323 733-4477 or via their website, You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at You can see a video about Julian Construction at

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Developmental Editor Speaks on Traditional Publishing and Changing Face of Literature

Editor Susan Mary Malone Speaks on the Constant Changes of the Literary Field

DALLAS, TX: Developmental editor and author Susan Mary Malone (, has commented in a series of recent articles, on changes currently rocking the literary field, some for good and some not so good. In her first article on the subject, she reviewed one of the less often regarded aspects of the publication process, the book writing itself. The article can be seen here:

In the article Malone states: “One of the issues new writers (and many seasoned ones as well, although they handle it differently) have with the Traditional folks is that this takes f o r e v e r. Yep, it does. At every single stage of the process, writers get to hurry-up-and-wait. Hurry up and produce exactly what that agent, editor, etc., requests, and then sit on their hands for months and wait on responses. It can drive a sane woman batty. I’m in the process of getting one of my great YA writers agented, and of course, as it’s nearly Thanksgiving, and publishing is about to go on holiday hiatus, it’ll most likely be January before the work gets read. Hey! That’s actually quick! But back to our point. What this enormous time lag did was to give writers all this glorious waiting time to actually focus on the book. To learn. While they banged their heads against publishing’s seemingly impenetrable wall, they wrote. Joined critique groups. Got bashed there. Went back and dove in again to make the story better. Worked with an editor. Wrote some more.”

Malone has dedicated years of work to editing books by experienced and new authors alike. She takes this experience and continues to examine this changing landscape of the publishing world in her continuing series of articles, which can be seen on her blog:

Malone stated: “The publishing world is changing. And while some welcome the changes, not everyone likes it! I think it’s important we know what those changes are and what does it mean for authors. How will these changes affect my chances of publication? What are the current avenues of publication? One thing is certain, though the medium of publication may change again in the years to come (oh it most definitely will!) the production of literature itself, writers sitting down and writing, will continue.”

Susan Mary Malone has worked as a freelance editor since 1993, with a BS in Political Science and minors in English and Journalism. Her client list includes NY Times Bestsellers, Essence Bestsellers and books featured in Publishers Weekly. She is also an award-winning author of fiction and non-fiction herself. She participates as a speaker in literary conferences such as the Harriett Austin Writer's Conference (at the University of Georgia), the Blue Ridge Writer's Conference, the SouthWest Writer's Conference, and the East Texas Writer’s Guild, among others. Her full biography and featured list of published authors can be viewed at

Friday, November 21, 2014

The Soaring Market for Frack Water Treatment

Published on Nov 12, 2014
OriginOil (OOil) – Breakthrough Water Cleanup Technology for Oil and Gas

A recent study forecasts that the market for water treatment and reuse of frack water will triple between now and 2020, taking the percentage of reuse to nearly 30% of all contaminated water by that time. In a time of dropping oil prices, the savings, which could total $1.40 per barrel of water treated, will provide a major motivation for operators.

More here:

OriginOil CEO, Riggs Eckelberry with Bob “Sully” Sullivan on the Big Biz Show:

Sully: Riggs, fracking is very controversial. You folks seem to have come up with a technology that is agnostic. Regardless of whether you are a believer in fracking or not, fracking is here to stay, and it is a big money industry is it not.

0:34 Riggs: Fracking is huge. 90% of all gas wells in America are being fracked today. Not only that, but the rest of the world is catching up. The Middle East, China, these places are taking off. Why because it’s a superior technology for the oil industry. The real question is about the water.

Sully: We’re basically talking about gray water, dirty water used in the fracking process.

Riggs: Correct. The oil industry uses a billion barrels per year, of which half is returned contaminated. That’s waste water. So that’s roughly 22 billion gallons of water.

Sully: Where does it go now?

1:32 Riggs: Back in these huge salt water disposal wells, old wells that got tapped out or big salt domes. And it’s going way down below and they’re making absolutely sure it doesn’t all come out, and that’s good. But it’s being wasted. People don’t realize that the oil industry is a water handling industry that happens to harvest oil. Because for every barrel of oil they get, they also get eight barrels of water.

2:09 Riggs: Now there’s a brand new research out from Bluefield Research; that just came out a few days ago, and sure enough it confirms what we know, which is that the oil industry is spending 66% of its water budget, which is almost 7 billion dollars a year in North America alone, on transport and disposal and only 2% on treatment. However, when they treat, they save $1.40 for every barrel of water. Multiply that by how many barrels of water they use, that’s a lot of savings. So they should start treating.

3:14 Riggs: And what I’m trying to tell you is that that’s all great but industry really is concerned about its costs at the end of the day. And what this research shows is that they can save a lot of money by treating instead of disposing. Which is why this research also predicts that the frack water treatment market will triple over the next six years. That’s huge blow up, absolutely.

Sully: Is there a dollar amount on that?

3:46 Riggs: Yes. Well, it’s relatively low, so it’s going to go from about $150 million dollars to about $600 million dollars over the six years because it’s a tiny piece of that $6 billion dollar number. But I love being in a market where you’re so small that each doubling represents huge growth for you and yet it’s only a small piece of it. So there’s a huge amount of slack to be made up. The industry I believe will be…in fact the numbers say it right here—reuse is going from 14% to 27% in this period. So 1 out of 3 barrels is going to be reused by 2020. That is an opportunity for us. Now why are we a key player in that respect? Well, we have this transformative technology which takes care of the heavy lifting up front. Getting the oil out and all the suspended solids that clog up the stuff—those nano filtration systems, the membranes, and so forth, that makes it so expensive. Because when your membranes are getting clogged up all the time and having to be replaced all the time, that is a huge expense. So our technology—Electro Water Separation—takes that first stage and removes that stuff so that you basically have clear water going into the final stages. And that’s such a revolution, that it makes it possible for reuse to happen.

5:26 Riggs: You know it comes back to our business model. Our business model is like Google/Android, right? Which you can license on phones everywhere. At the same time, Google makes a Nexus phone which is a showcase of what an Android phone should be like. So we have a similar model. We license out like crazy—and we just did a big deal in the Caribbean, for example. At the same time, we are selling machines. Our new licensee in Oman just bought a seven figure machine from us because they wanted to get up and running and not have to sit around and manufacture. So that’s our business model—is to rapidly license it out and get the technology out there.

High-Speed Frack Water Cleanup
Natural Renewable Green Algae Feed

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Handling Moisture is Important in Preventing Mold Growth Indoors

Building Cleaning Services Advises Companies, Building Owners and Landlords to Act Fast on Mold Growth

LOS ANGELES, CA: With a potential of rainy months ahead of us, Building Cleaning Services, (, a Los Angeles mold remediation and building cleaning company, raises awareness about rapidly addressing moisture indoors before mold growth occurs. However, it warns that should there be evidence of water damage or the smell of mold is present, it should be addressed quickly to prevent structural damage to the property. California law requires landlords to give written disclosure that mold is present in a building that either exceeds the permissible exposure limits allowed or poses a health threat.

The company has been working in the Los Angeles mold prevention and remediation field for over 15 years and works with companies, building and home owners, landlords and tenants to ensure a quick and effective remediation.
Common issues causing mold include:

• a roof, wall, or window leak that caused moisture to build up
• an interior plumbing leak
• deficient bathroom or kitchen ventilation
• failure to dry out carpets or other materials that may have been soaked by flooding, plumbing leaks or overflows, or fire clean-up
• Product defects, such as in wood decking, building structure

In August 2013, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California granted preliminary approval of a Settlement Agreement to resolve a nationwide class action lawsuit filed in California against a company with wood-alternative decking and railing that was susceptible to mold. The cost to the company under the settlement was capped at $8.25 million.

BCS specializes in environmental cleaning, water damage restoration, and mold remediation (removal). Our company comes highly recommended because we are renowned for providing reliable, honest help in all aspects of managing and eradicating mold in the safest possible way.
Its website provides invaluable information about mold prevention and risks, advising:

• Repairing plumbing leaks and leaks in the building structure as soon as possible.
• Looking for condensation and wet spots. Fix source(s) of moisture incursion problem(s) as soon as possible.
• Preventing moisture from condensing by increasing surface temperature or reducing the moisture level in the air (humidity).
• Keeping HVAC (air-conditioning) drip pans clean, flowing properly, and unobstructed.
• Performing regularly scheduled building / HVAC inspections and maintenance, including filter changes.
• Maintaining indoor relative humidity below 70% (25 – 60%, if possible).
• Venting moisture-generating appliances, such as dryers, to the outside where possible.
• Venting kitchens (cooking areas) and bathrooms according to local code requirements.
• Providing adequate drainage around buildings and sloping the ground away from building foundations. Follow all local building codes.

The message is clear: watch for the tell-tale signs and handle mold before it becomes a health risk to a building’s occupants and a potential financial risk to company and building owners/landlords.

Here are comments from just one of Building Cleaning Services’ clients: “The entire crew from Building Cleaning Services was professional and highly skilled. We were in a very tough situation with the black water intrusion and mold situation in our house, but they helped to get our home back to normal. I can sleep better at night knowing that a good job was done in our home. I would highly recommend these folks to anyone. We received several quotes and some were lower than BCS, but no other company demonstrated the same depth of knowledge and that gave us confidence that they knew what they were doing.”

Building Cleaning Services' other reviews on Yelp can be seen at

BCS provides water damage handling and mold removal services for the Greater Los Angeles area, and other areas of Southern California. Established in 1997, they have over a decade of experience as a company with fast service, high professionalism and work ethic. BCS is certified by the Institute of Inspection and Cleaning and Restoration and Environmental Testing & Technology. To learn more, visit, or call 818-953-7100 or e-mail

Mold Problems in the Workplace

Company Works with Businesses on Best Approach to Unsafe Mold Growth

LOS ANGELES, CA: Building Cleaning Services (BCS), ( a Los Angeles company that has been working in the mold remediation field for more than 15 years, and is licensed by the Contractors State License Board, works closely with business owners to ensure they protect themselves, employees and clients from exposure to toxic mold.

In 2013 the US Department of Labor updated its Guide to Mold in the Workplace, stating, “Concern about indoor exposure to mold has increased along with public awareness that exposure to mold can cause a variety of health effects and symptoms, including allergic reactions.” The bulletin is directed primarily at building managers, custodians, and others responsible for building maintenance.

BCS concurs with the report that mold growth can and should be avoided. According to the Dept. of Labor, “Molds gradually damage building materials and furnishings. If left unchecked, mold can eventually cause structural damage to a wood framed building, weakening floors and walls as it feeds on moist wooden structural members. If you suspect that mold has damaged building integrity, consult a structural engineer or other professional with the appropriate expertise. Since mold requires water to grow, it is important to prevent excessive moisture in buildings.”

Building Cleaning Services is urging that businesses, large or small, take fast action to correct any mold infestations. Specifically, the company seeks to raise awareness with business owners on utilizing the correct procedures to remedy the infestation.

The company’s standards are a cut above other mold companies according to many clients. Its expert staff take the time to thoroughly explain not only the problems and risks of mold but how quickly and effectively it can be fixed.
According to one who used BCS’s services: “From the crew to the back office, everyone was professional, on time, fair and friendly. They took care of our water intrusion issue and made a bad situation so much easier to handle. They actually care about their work and doing a good job. A rare find.”

Building Cleaning Services' other reviews on Yelp can be seen at

BCS provides water damage handling and mold removal services for the Greater Los Angeles area, and other areas of Southern California. Established in 1997, they have over a decade of experience as a company with fast service, high professionalism and work ethic. BCS is certified by the Institute of Inspection and Cleaning and Restoration and Environmental Testing & Technology. To learn more, visit, or call 818-953-7100 or e-mail

US Department of Labor paper:

Building Cleaning Company Announces Public Awareness Campaign on Mold Risks

LOS ANGELES, CA: Building Cleaning Services, ( a Los Angeles mold remediation and building cleaning company is urging the public to be keenly aware of and take fast action to handle water damage in a structure. The company has specific protocols for addressing water damage in a building, resulting in the area being dry and any mold infestation handled. Aside from being a well-respected company, its staffs are known for quelling clients’ concerns about mold risks and ensuring through its website that the public generally can easily access information to help them should they suspect toxic mold in their property.

BCS is certified by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) which warns: “Water damage can be deceptive. Water penetrates into structural cavities creating trapped pockets of saturation” and, undetected it will continue to cause damage.”

That damage can include mold which the IICRC states becomes a problem “when there's excessive humidity or moisture for an extended period of time. The problem can originate from sudden water releases, like a burst pipe or large spill that goes untreated, or from a chronic condition, such as a leaking roof or plumbing.”

With that, it recommends: “It's always best to have the mold evaluated and removed by a certified professional. Mold can grow almost anywhere in a home or business if conditions permit. If there is visible growth on painted wall surfaces, property owners should be concerned about what may be growing on the wall's opposite side. The environment inside the walls of a house often differs drastically from the outside and could create a perfect haven for mold. If the wall remains wet for a prolonged period, it's almost guaranteed that the mold growth on the back side will be worse than on the front. At that point, containing the work space and removing moldy materials, followed by cleaning of salvageable framing, are the best options.”

Building Cleaning Services specializes in water damage restoration and mold remediation. The company is recognized for its high standards and professionalism in dealing with such problems. It urges anyone in a building with suspected water damage or mold growth to contact and arrange for a professional inspection of the area.

Just one of Building Cleaning Services’ clients helped with their Los Angeles mold problem stated: “The entire crew from Building Cleaning Services was professional and highly skilled. We were in a very tough situation with the black water intrusion and mold situation in our house, but helped to get our home back to normal. I can sleep better at night knowing that a good job was done in our home. I would highly recommend these folks to anyone. We received several quotes and some were lower than BCS, but no other company demonstrated the same depth of knowledge and that gave us confidence that they knew what they were doing.”

Building Cleaning Services' other reviews on Yelp can be seen at

BCS provides water damage handling and mold removal services for the Greater Los Angeles area, and other areas of Southern California. Established in 1997, they have over a decade of experience as a company with fast service, high professionalism and work ethic. BCS is certified by the Institute of Inspection and Cleaning and Restoration and Environmental Testing & Technology. To learn more, visit, or call 818-953-7100 or e-mail

Tree Transplantation Company Opens New Maintenance Division

Business Hires Master Arborist to Oversee New Tree Maintenance Division of Company

SEATTLE, WA: Big Trees, Inc., ( a tree transplantation and tree nursery company in the Seattle area announced the establishment of their Tree Maintenance Division dedicated to the preservation of trees, overseen by Board Certified Master Arborist Jake Johnson. Mr. Johnson specializes in tree preservation and care with 15 years of experience in the field, thus making him an ideal choice for the position.

The new Tree Maintenance Division of Big Trees Inc. offers services in:
- New Plant Inspections
- Integrated Pest Management Program
- Deep Root Fertilization
- Disease & Insect Suppression
- Tree Risk Assessment
- Structural Pruning
- Fruit Tree Pruning, Spraying & Maintenance

Anyone wishing to receive regular tree care for their landscape or with a tree in need of emergency care is encouraged to contact Big Trees Inc. and ask for the Tree Maintenance Division.

Nancy Penrose, owner of Big Trees Inc., stated: “We’re very happy to present Tree Maintenance in our company. It is a natural extension of our activities, supplying trees to people all over Washington State. We always, when leaving a site, ensure the trees we have helped move to their new locations are fully set up with proper watering and care. Now we will be able to help many more people care for their trees and make this a greener, more beautiful place.”

Nancy Penrose is the owner of Big Trees Inc. (, located in Snohomish, WA, in the Seattle area. The company is one of the largest tree nurseries in the Seattle area with over 120,000 trees available in over 300 varieties. They not only can deliver young trees but also mature trees in a wide range of sizes. Some types of trees available include spring flowering, deciduous, evergreen, and privacy trees. The company also does tree transplanting including large trees. Their blog can be seen at A video about the company and fall color trees can be seen here

Sunday, November 2, 2014

How To Strengthen Your Home’s Foundation

By Shawn Kyles

There can be many reasons why your home’s foundation may need to be strengthened, including:

* The foundation has shifted or moved due to earthquakes
* Soil has eroded beneath or around the foundation, causing cracks, sloping or sinking
* You want to add a second story to the existing structure, which will exceed the amount of weight the building and foundation can support
* The foundation has decayed over time
* There has been a change in how the structure is being used
* The soil was poorly compacted when the home was built
* Weak and poor quality materials were used when the home was built
* A basement has been added to the structure
* A new building has been constructed near the home with a deeper foundation
* The foundation has settled due to poor soil conditions or a lowered water table

In Los Angeles, homes that were constructed before 1940 were not bolted to their foundations. During an earthquake, these structures can be easily shaken off their foundation. Many homes that were built after 1940 used weak materials on cripple walls. A cripple wall is the wall that surrounds the crawl space under a house and connects the home to the foundation.

If you live in an older home, bolting the house to your foundation is critical for earthquake preparedness. The bolts should be placed every 4 to 6 feet and more than one foot away from every joint. For homes that are built on a hill, make sure you also bolt the wood that is “stepping down” on the grade.

Underpinning can also increase the strength and stability of your foundation. The process involves either extending the foundation in depth or breadth so it rests on stronger soil or distributes its load across a broader area.

Using concrete foundation repair is one of the primary methods used for underpinning. Sections beneath or around the home are excavated and then filled by the concrete. The concrete is usually mixed with aggregates. Once the concrete is poured, it will typically take 2 days to set.

Other ways of underpinning involves the use of screw piles, brackets and beams. Sometimes the soil can be strengthened by adding grout.

The strength of cripple walls can be increased with plywood. How do you know if your cripple wall needs strengthening? If the exterior of your cripple wall is made of wood siding or stucco, it will need to be strengthened with plywood. The plywood should be nailed to the walls on every side of the house.

In addition to stabilizing a home and preventing future damage, strengthening a foundation will make the structure much safer to live in, as well as easier to insure and sell.

When a home is showing any signs of foundation settlement or damage, seek a local foundation inspection (Los Angeles area for example) from a licensed foundation repair Los Angeles professional. A local foundation expert can tell you what is causing the problem and how it should be corrected. This may include strengthening your home’s foundation to prevent any further damage and reduce the chances of your home sliding off the foundation or collapsing during an earthquake or even house leveling (Los Angeles).

Construction Expert Says Prepare for Next Big Quake

California Residents Should Be Ready for the Next Major Earthquake Says Expert

LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction, ( a construction and foundation construction and repair company in Southern California, recently announced to the public that they need to be better prepared for the next big earthquake in California. Shawn Kyles, Julian Construction’s structural inspection expert, is warning the general public that the next 6.7 or greater earthquake may hit California at any point in the next 30 years.

Homeowners are urged to take preparatory action against the coming quake.
Mr. Kyles stated: “If you are a Southern California homeowner, there are many things you can do for earthquake preparedness before the next big quake. Start by making sure furniture and other moveable items are properly secured. Stock up on supplies that may be needed following a quake and organize a disaster plan. You’ll also want to gather and keep important documents in a safe space. You will also want to make sure your home is in good repair and structurally sound. Start by contacting a foundation repair expert and requesting an inspection. A foundation professional will know where to look for damage and potential weaknesses that could put you and your family in danger during an earthquake.”

Mr. Kyles article on the subject contains further tips on earthquake preparedness, which can be seen here:

Julian De La Torre, founder and owner of Julian Construction, stated: “We definitely urge everyone to be ready for the next big earthquake. It is important you check on the general repairs of your home and you have the foundation inspected by a qualified expert. The foundation of a home can make the difference between structural collapse or remaining standing during an earthquake. These things are not a fun prospect to look at, and we do not know when and where to expect it. But we do know that we should be ready for it.”

Julian Construction owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323 733-3377, by fax at 323 733-4477 or via their website, You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at You can see a video about Julian Construction at

Foundation Inspection Key in All Construction and Repair Projects

Construction Expert Advises on Role of Inspection in All Major Home Improvement

LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction, ( a foundation repair and general construction company, is advising the public at large on the use of inspection in major home improvement projects. The company spoke on the necessity of arranging and performing a competent and professional inspection with a qualified specialist, both before undertaking work on a home as well as for home maintenance as an ordinary check on a home. Projects ranging from retaining wall construction, foundation retrofitting and foundation repair would all require an inspection, according to the company.

Shawn Kyles, Julian Construction’s resident inspection specialist, released an article on the subject. He stated: “A home foundation inspection by a qualified expert is not only an important part of foundation maintenance, it can prevent the need for expensive repairs or foundation replacement. You’ll also get peace of mind knowing that your foundation is in good shape. When you request an inspection, both the outside and inside of your home will be checked for evidence of foundation problems.”

Julian De La Torre, founder and owner of Julian Construction, stated: “The inspection is such an important part of the process. It ensures home safety is kept up by disclosing early the problems a homeowner may have before they become big. We’ve had a number of clients who were able to make small repairs which would later have developed into large and costly projects. At the same time, in our 20 years of business we have seen plenty of bad situations which could have been caught earlier.”

Julian Construction owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323 733-3377, by fax at 323 733-4477 or via their website You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at You can see a video about Julian Construction at

Susan Mary Malone’s Author Client Paul Abercrombie Published

Author’s First Novel Edited by Susan Mary Malone Now Published

DALLAS, TX: Susan Mary Malone, ( developmental book editor and award-winning author, has a new author client being published this week; Paul Abercrombie. Abercrombie’s new novel, Trouble Brewing, is now available in bookstores and online. Susan Mary Malone worked with the author as a developmental editor, helping to fix the important points of the story prior to publication. The book, the author’s first novel, is now published by the Dark Alley Press.

On working with Susan Mary Malone, the author stated: “How good a book editor is Susan? Let me put it this way: I'm hesitant to tell too many other writers how fantastic she is because I don't want to have to stand in line next time I have a manuscript that needs her help.”

Susan Mary Malone stated: “I’m so happy for Paul! This was a resounding achievement, a labor of love without a doubt! The new book is wonderful and he has now gotten it out into the wide world! It took a lot of time and effort to make it, from the initial writing to the manuscript editing I worked with him on, but make it he did. I certainly hope we see more from this author to follow up with this great debut work!”

Susan Mary Malone has worked as a freelance editor since 1993, with a BS in Political Science and minors in English and Journalism. Her client list includes NY Times Bestsellers, Essence Bestsellers and books featured in Publishers Weekly. She is also an award-winning author of fiction and non-fiction herself. She participates as a speaker in literary conferences such as the Harriett Austin Writer's Conference (at the University of Georgia), the Blue Ridge Writer's Conference, the SouthWest Writer's Conference, the East Texas Writer’s Guild, and the Lexicon Writers Conference, among others. Her full biography and featured list of published authors can be viewed at You can see a video about Susan Mary Malone at

The Unique Characteristics of Tree Bark

by Nancy Penrose

Bark is a type of tissue that grows over a tree’s wood. It has both an inner and outer layer. The inner layer is living tissue, and the outer layer is dead tissue.

Trees use bark for protection. It helps move nutrients throughout the tree, and stores tree wastes in its resin and dead cells
Just like flowers and leaves, tree bark has many unique qualities and characteristics, and can be used to help identify a tree’s species. There are more than a dozen terms used to describe bark, including smooth, peeling, cracked, scaly, ring and different types of cork. A tree’s trunk bark often looks different than the bark of it branches or stems.

Maple tree varieties have one of the largest variations in bark. The Rocky Mountain maple (Acer glabrum), also called the Douglas maple, is an ornamental tree native to the Pacific Northwest with a tight and smooth grayish bark. The bark of the vine maple (Acer circinatum) has a red hue, and big leaf maples (Acer macrophyllum) have grey or reddish brown bark that develops shallow groves and ridges when the tree matures.

The autumn blaze maple (Acer x freemanii 'Jeffsred'—a hybrid cross between a silver maple and a red maple tree) has reddish bark, while the bark of the Crimson Sentry Maple (Acer platanoides 'Crimson Sentry') is black and furrowed. The paperbark maple (Acer griseum) has a paper-like bark that peels.

Most pine trees have a thick, scaly bark. There are also some species of pines with thin bark that flakes. Pine bark extract, which is made from mature pine trees, is considered a strong antioxidant. The bark of the Zebrina Pine (Pinus wallichiana 'Zebrina') is a gray-brown that develops grooves and a plate appearance as the tree gets older. The western white pine (Pinus monticola) bark is dark. As the tree matures, the bark breaks up into small rectangles. The Jefferey pine (Pinus Jeffreyi) has flakey bark that looks like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. As the tree gets older, the color of the bark turns a red-brown.

The bark of the Japanese Plume Cedar trees (Cryptomeria japonica 'Elegans') are a red-brown color that peels vertically in long strips. The Zebrina cedar tree (Thuja plicata 'Zebrina'), a type of western red cedar, has fibrous reddish-brown bark. The excelsa cedar tree (Thuja plicata ‘Excelsa’), is known both for its scented wood and cracked-looking bark.

Dogwood tree bark has a scaly appearance and can be easily peeled from the tree. The Satomi Dogwood (Cornus kousa 'Miss Satomi') has gray peeling bark. On mature trees, the bark of the Chinensis dogwood (Cornus kousa var. chinensis) is a mottled tan and gray.

Tree bark has been used for spices, medicine, resin, latex and cork, and to make rope, canoes and cloth. It has also been made into shingles or other types of wall coverings.

If you are planning on purchasing a big tree for your landscape, learn more about tree bark from a big trees specialist. An expert in big trees can give you tips and advice on what type of tree to purchase for your environment.