Sunday, November 23, 2014

Developmental Editor Speaks on Traditional Publishing and Changing Face of Literature

Editor Susan Mary Malone Speaks on the Constant Changes of the Literary Field

DALLAS, TX: Developmental editor and author Susan Mary Malone (, has commented in a series of recent articles, on changes currently rocking the literary field, some for good and some not so good. In her first article on the subject, she reviewed one of the less often regarded aspects of the publication process, the book writing itself. The article can be seen here:

In the article Malone states: “One of the issues new writers (and many seasoned ones as well, although they handle it differently) have with the Traditional folks is that this takes f o r e v e r. Yep, it does. At every single stage of the process, writers get to hurry-up-and-wait. Hurry up and produce exactly what that agent, editor, etc., requests, and then sit on their hands for months and wait on responses. It can drive a sane woman batty. I’m in the process of getting one of my great YA writers agented, and of course, as it’s nearly Thanksgiving, and publishing is about to go on holiday hiatus, it’ll most likely be January before the work gets read. Hey! That’s actually quick! But back to our point. What this enormous time lag did was to give writers all this glorious waiting time to actually focus on the book. To learn. While they banged their heads against publishing’s seemingly impenetrable wall, they wrote. Joined critique groups. Got bashed there. Went back and dove in again to make the story better. Worked with an editor. Wrote some more.”

Malone has dedicated years of work to editing books by experienced and new authors alike. She takes this experience and continues to examine this changing landscape of the publishing world in her continuing series of articles, which can be seen on her blog:

Malone stated: “The publishing world is changing. And while some welcome the changes, not everyone likes it! I think it’s important we know what those changes are and what does it mean for authors. How will these changes affect my chances of publication? What are the current avenues of publication? One thing is certain, though the medium of publication may change again in the years to come (oh it most definitely will!) the production of literature itself, writers sitting down and writing, will continue.”

Susan Mary Malone has worked as a freelance editor since 1993, with a BS in Political Science and minors in English and Journalism. Her client list includes NY Times Bestsellers, Essence Bestsellers and books featured in Publishers Weekly. She is also an award-winning author of fiction and non-fiction herself. She participates as a speaker in literary conferences such as the Harriett Austin Writer's Conference (at the University of Georgia), the Blue Ridge Writer's Conference, the SouthWest Writer's Conference, and the East Texas Writer’s Guild, among others. Her full biography and featured list of published authors can be viewed at

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