Sunday, October 27, 2013

Building Safety Expert Speaks On House Leveling

Unstable Foundations Can Result From Lack Of Attention To According To Safety Expert

LOS ANGELES, CA: Julian Construction, Inc., (, a construction and foundation repair company in Southern California, recently made a statement to raise homeowner awareness on house or floor leveling. Building Safety Expert Shawn Kyles spoke on behalf of the company on the subject of when and how house leveling should be used to repair a home’s structural integrity.

Building Safety Inspections Expert, Mr. Shawn Kyles, stated that house leveling can correct uneven floors in a home. Uneven floors remaining present in a home cause foundation damage and other damage to the structure of a home. Applying the techniques in house leveling, a contractor can correct these problems before they get to more serious stages of development. The problem is common, according to Mr. Kyles, but fortunately most floors can be leveled and returned to their original position with no danger of long-term structural damage requiring foundation repairs if the problem is handled quickly. More serious circumstances may require foundation replacement.

Julina De La Torre, founder and owner of Julian Construction, stated: “While other aspects of foundation retrofitting and repair are a matter of scientific approach, house leveling is an art. Each job is unique in the difficulties presented, so the solution must equally fit the structure. This work can be completed in a structurally sound manner, making yours a safer home.”

Julian Construction owns its own company and is built on a “no middlemen” model – no salesmen, no subcontractors. When you work with Julian Construction you get the principals of the company and workers of Julian Construction under your home. The result is the highest quality work at affordable prices. They can be contacted by phone at 323 733-3377, by fax at 323 733-4477 or via their website, You can see tips and advice about home foundations on their blog, at

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